Maiundangan merupakan platform teknologi yang melayani semua orang yang ingin membuat undangan digital. . [read more]
French crêpes crafted by Tremel family hailing from Bretagne, France, the region where crêpes are from. We are available in two malls location:📍Plaza Indonesia📍Pondok Indah Mall 2. [read more]
Solutions to various agricultural problems in Indonesia by concentrating on several strategic areas in agriculture: cultivation, marketing, agricultural human resource development, and.. [read more]
Food Ingredients trading company available supply for local and international market. various product from sausage casing, onion powder, seasoning, lactose, soy lecithin, fibrisol, food colour, etc. [read more]
Edelweis Sembalun Village, located at Sembalun Village/Sub District, Lombok District, West Nusa Tenggara 83656. [read more]
Kantor Desa Sihulambu, located at Aek Bilah Village/Sub District, Tapanuli District, Sumatera Utara 22758. [read more]
Kantor Lurah Pangkalan Tujuh, located at Tempuling Village/Sub District, Indragiri District, Riau 29261. [read more]
Kami adalah sebuah organisasi media online yang bergerak di bidang penyediaan edukasi, literasi, serta informasi terkait ekonomi syariah, keuangan syariah, industri halal, serta fikih.. [read more]
Komunitas Terbesar Grup Facebook Warga Kota Semarang. [read more]
Kantor Desa Kedokanbunder, located at Jalan Raya Kedokanagung, Kedokan Bunder Village/Sub District, Indramayu District, Jawa Barat 45283. [read more]
Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa pembuatan packaging box/ kardus kemasan. Kami melayani pembuatan berbagai kebutuhan dan keperluan untuk packing dan karton box industri dengan berbagai.. [read more]
Madfest (Malang Art and Design Festival) is an annual art exhibition held by Visual Communication Design Student from University of Brawijaya. Madfest aims to accommodate and facilitate the.. [read more]
Media Online Lokal Medan Yang Fokus pada Pemberitaan Olahraga. . [read more]
Microsoft User Group Indonesia (MUGI) Purwokerto is an IT community that focuses on Microsoft tehcnology. . [read more]
Meonproperty. online merupakan media online yang menyediakan informasi mengenai produk/jasa di Indonesia sebagai referensi para UKM & UMKM. [read more]
Help transform people's mindset through science-based mindfulness practice to a more joyful life. [read more]
Mitra Pulsa All-OperatorWilayah Kalimantan Tengah. [read more]
A-family firm that for main power Indonesia' people on coding world's. [read more]
menjadibisa. id is a company, located at Bekasi, West Java 17124. They can be contacted via phone at +6292666888000 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Manungsa consulting merupakan perusahaan konsultan manajemen yang berbadan usaha dengan nama CV. Manunggaling Rasa Nusantara dengan akta notaris nomor AHU-0051582-AH. [read more]
Kantor Desa Massangkae, located at Kajuara Village/Sub District, Bone District, Sulawesi Selatan 92776. [read more]
Kantor Kepala Desa Inelika, located at Jalan Desa Wololika-Bajawa, Bajawa Utara Village/Sub District, Ngada District, Nusa Tenggara Timur 86413. [read more]
SPBU 54-62304, located at Jalan Raya Tuban Bulu, Bancar Village/Sub District, Tuban District, East Java 62354. [read more]
Madrasah Quran Syamsul Ulum atau disingkat MQSU merupakan lembaga Quran yang memiliki peran dalam pelaksanaan program yang menunjang pendidikan Quran bagi civitas akademika dan masyarakat.. [read more]
We are F&B Online Shop. We are selling Indonesian's Traditional Food from West Sumatra like Rendang, Dendeng Garing and Dendeng Batokok. . [read more]
One stop organic destination in Jakarta. Established in 2015 by two best friends who are passionate about Mother Earth, sustainability and healthy lifestyle. [read more]
Mahir provides communication and media consultations that are integrated with digital technology as well as one-stop services ranging from research, assistance, implementation to monitoring. [read more]
Education-Based FoundationKindergarten to Upper Secondary SchoolEstablished: 1970 (TK), 1994 (MID), 1995 (MTs), 2002 (SMA). [read more]
A group of art makers based in Kelapa Gading, Jakarta – Indonesia, who love to get the taste of your beautiful moments and transform them into everlasting memories. [read more]
MOJU Design Studio provides architectural design services that will enhance the human experience and envision the focal element of every single space. [read more]
You might wonder if Moeka is just another Jakarta-based visual branding agency. Nope, we are glad to let you know that we're not. Moeka believes in better workplace environment, so we adapt.. [read more]
Mendoan Istana adalah sensasi tempe goreng citarasa Indonesia, dibuat dari tempe khusus dengan kedelai pilihan, diolah secara higienis menggunakan bahan berkualitas dan NON MSG. [read more]
MIPDEVP adalah perusahaan teknologi informasi yang mempunyai sebuah tujuan untuk memberikan ilmu secara gratis melalui berbagai platform sosial media. [read more]
MPK SMAN 1 Puri is the Student Representative Council of SMAN 1 Puri Mojokerto. [read more]
Our aim to provide advanced solutions for urban mobility and emerging transport services by using big data and artificial intelligence. Our expertise is not limited only to transportation sectors.. [read more]
Media Institute - Pelatihan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) / HSE Training is a company, located at Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 10110. [read more]