UKM Investasi dan Pajak merupakan organisasi mahasiswa/i KALBIS Institute yang memberikan pelatihan dan pengetahuan di bidang investasi dan pajak. . [read more]
In everything that we do, we believe in collaboration. We believe in the power of our people that would open an endless opportunities. Thus, we are motivated to make the best products from our.. [read more]
Union Coconut is a company, located at 19 Jalan TB Simatupang, Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 12560. [read more]
Media Informasi, Ruang Diskusi, Wadah Beraksi dan #TemanMimpiMu. [read more]
Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama (UNISNU) Jepara adalah bagian integral dari sistem pendidikan nasional, sehingga menjadi keniscayaan untuk hadir dalam perubahan-perubahan paradigma, konsep,.. [read more]
Kami merupakan sebuah platform untuk belajar online hal seputar personal development, dimana kami membuat belajar menjadi menyenangkan bersama para HEROES dari komunitas Unbelievable!. [read more]
Unit Pelaksana Teknis Bahasa dibawah naungan Universitas Bangka Belitung (UBB) yang berkomitmen untuk menjadi pusat pelayanan dan pengembangan bahasa yang unggul dan profesional dalam.. [read more]
Alamat: Jl. Angkrek Situ No. 19, Situ, Kec. Sumedang Utara, Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa Barat 45323. [read more]
Universitas Islam Negeri Prof. K. H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto, sebelumnya adalah Institu Agama Islam Negeri Purwokerto. [read more]
Platform Edukasi yang bergerak di industri Desain Produk Digital khususnya UI/UX. Semakin berkembangnya dunia digital, maka peluang & kesempatan yang cukup besar untuk talenta-talenta baru.. [read more]
Urban Plastic is a brand by PT. Urban Plastik Indonesia. We are an Indonesia Plastic Manufacturer and Exporter that was founded in 1977, with goals to manufacture high-quality plastics at.. [read more]
Udayana Moot Court Community adalah Komunitas Peradilan Semu di Fakultas Hukum Universitas Udayana yang bergerak pada bidang praktik hukum guna mengembangkan sumber daya mahasiswa Fakultas.. [read more]
VISIONTo became a world-class university in 2025MISSIONS1. Develop world-class education and research;2. Producing works with the status of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR);3. [read more]
UMN Documentation is an organization from Universitas Multimedia Nusantara within the field of broadcasting and multimedia under the management of broadcasting lab UMN. [read more]
Muhammadiyah telah terbukti dalam menyelenggarakan pendidikan mulai dari tingkat dasar hingga perguruan tinggi. Jaringan pendidikan Muhammadiyah tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. [read more]
PENDIDIKAN. [read more]
We aim to cater the best products and services in the Food and Beverage Industry for a wide variety of industry. Umara Mitra Kulina specializes in the field of contract catering such as.. [read more]
Teman tumbuh bersama untuk memfasilitasi pengasahan skill siswa/i SMA se Indonesia | Bersatu dalam Ourskill, Bersaing dalam presasti. [read more]
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Mas Said (UIN RMS) Surakarta, yang dahulu bernama Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Surakarta kemudian berubah alih status menjadi Institut Agama Islam.. [read more]
UI ArtX 2022 #BeyondFreedomofExpressionNarahubung : Dalim (+62895364300343 I LINE : daliminbchrm). [read more]
UKRIDA is a company, located at 4 Jalan Tanjung Duren Raya, Bekasi, Jawa Barat 11470. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-8096-1970 for more detailed information. [read more]
Uplink. id is a platform where you can create your own website which allows entrepreneurs, influencers, content creators, brands, etc. inform all links to the audience with only single link. [read more]
UNIMAR AMNI Semarang adalah sebuah Perguruan Tinggi yang diselenggarakan oleh masyrakat yang mengembangkan studi di bidang maritim dan transpor. Awalnya bernama "AMNI" ( Akademi Maritim.. [read more]
UDF / Umardah Family Company is a Healthy Product and Alternative Energy Company for Human Universe Business Office at the edge of Science and Technology. [read more]
Universitas Islam Negeri Antasari Banjarmasin adalah sebuah perguruan tinggi islam negeri yang berkedudukan di Kota Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia. [read more]
Untuk Lulusan Baru & Early Career is a company, located at Bandung, West Java. [read more]
Upskill is a digital learning platform that focuses on the development of remote workers in Indonesia. As workers become more remote-based, Upskill aims to address the challenge of training.. [read more]
casual as usual. [read more]
UTOPIA FAMILY is a membership NFT that grants you early access to future UTOPIA FAMILY sets, private community chat and announcements, exclusive NFT videos, early access to partner NFT projects.. [read more]
Holding Company Of Cindy Gift Shop & Yayang Accessories. [read more]
Unicocoa Winsan Glory is a supplier company of cocoa products and it's derivatives across the globe. We are providing high-quality product and outstanding services to our local-global.. [read more]
Universitas Swasta Full Online Pertama di Indonesia. [read more]
Lembaga kursus online Bahasa Asing (Resmi) via Zoom/Gmeet per level = 10x pertemuan + 1x ujian + Free Modul Materi & E-Sertifikat. . [read more]
UK INFITECH UNP singkatan dari Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Infinite Technology Universitas Negeri Padang yang berfokus membina mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Padang agar unggul dan profesional.. [read more]
We specialise in developing customised research and analysis about environmental issues, business opportunities, human well-being, and young generations. [read more]
A music student unit activity in UPN Veteran Jakarta. [read more]