I loved my stay at Arya!!! An oasis away from the Main Street. It was unexpected as I had originally stayed next door at Ojek Homestay (wouldn't recommend. [read more]
Tempatnya meski tak sesiap hotel, resort ini punya keistimewaan karena letaknya di atass bangettt. Makanan di restorannya juga enak. Viewnya bagus,. . [read more]
Homestay yg murah dan nyaman dimanjakan dengan pemandangan laut yg indah. Cheap homestay with beach view. [read more]
The management and the staff are tirelessly helpful and accommodating. They helped me with recommendations and setting up tours. The grounds are beautifully landscaped and well kept. [read more]
Cocok buat tinggal sejuk damai tenang. [read more]
Kavling yg nyaman untuk tempat tinggal. [read more]
Menyenangkan dan pelayanan yg ramah. . . . menarik ditengah2 kota. [read more]
PT. Karya Perdana Utama is a lodging, located at Jl. Lambung Mangkurat No. 36, Kertak Baru Ulu, Banjarmasin Tengah, Kota Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan 70114. [read more]
Karna sangat strategis Alhamdulillah, dekat dengan banyak rumah sakit, pusat perbelanjaan, taman, kantor, kuliner, dan masjid,, jalannya juga lebar, rapi, ada taman untuk jalan-jalan. [read more]
Rumah Nyaman AcieSwam OLcell is a lodging, located at Rumah Nyaman AcieSwam oLcell, Tunjungseto, Sempor, Kabupaten Kebumen, Jawa Tengah 54421. They can be contacted via phone at +62 877-3796-7039.. [read more]
Penginapan murah , dekat persimpangan masuk ke arah pasar sepinggan, pas nya di toko Yan. [read more]
Hotel Patapan Indah is a lodging, located at Desa Patapan, Kec. Beber, Patapan, Beber, Cirebon, Jawa Barat 45172. They can be contacted via phone at +62 853-2199-5020 for more detailed information. [read more]
A public cottage for rent your families. Friendly services and moderate prices. Tempatnya bagus. . Masya Allah. . . Pantai bersahabat buat anak. anak. [read more]
Nyaman, fasilitasnya ok untuk kumpul-kumpul keluarga besar bisa untuk 10 s/d 20 orang, fasilitas karaoke, ruang dapur sangat mewah, ada ruang terbuka yang luas untuk bermain anak-anak pun.. [read more]
Mount Batur Volcano Trekking Guide is a campground, located at Gang Cengana Sari 6 No 27, Jl. Pakisaji, Sumerta Kelod, Denpasar Tim. , Kota Denpasar, Bali 80235. [read more]
4 stars for the nice view near my room(near the beach) and the athmosphere here. . the quietness too. . love being here with no wifi and tv( we spend the whole day play on the beach,on.. [read more]
Fasilitasnya baik,dekat dengan fasilitas olah raga futsal dan sangat dekat dengan akses jalan raya. . . [read more]
Homesatay ceria. 2 kamar tidur. [read more]
Power Generation Services for Inspection, Testing, Analyzing, Repairing, to improvement quality and life extend of the Power Generation Machinery. . . [read more]
Cukup nyaman, asri dan sejuk. . . Fasilitasi udah cukup lengkap, Wi-Fi gratis, air panas dan AC yg utama harga sangat terjangkau. . . Suasana kamar baru direnovasi jd udah kelihatan baru semua. [read more]
Bisa per kamar maupun 1 rumah cocok untuk keluarga berlibur. Suasana desa halaman kebun 60 are. [read more]
Tempat kost yang sangat nyaman. Fasilitas yg sangat komplit. Tempatnya bersih, tenang. Enak buat belajar dan istirahat. Dekat sekali dg kampus Undip cuma 5 menit naik motor, banyak rumah.. [read more]
Hele goede locatie en de gastheer en gastvrouw zijn uitmuntend!!!. Heel gast vrij en het beste ontbijt van heel bali. . Hier wonen hele lieve en gastvrije Nederlanders!. [read more]
Really nice hostel. The place is very very clean. The stuff is also very nice and helpful with great tips. As the private room is almost the same price as a dorm bed we moved. [read more]
The best part is when you get the cottage, with its surrounding environment, you'll have one-of-a-kind type of stay. While the other rooms is just an average one, or pretty decent regarding.. [read more]
Cosy little place with a lot of comfort. Airco, wifi, swimming pool, restaurant, etc. Beautiful garden and a possibilty to go down the steps to a little stream. [read more]
murah cocok untuk keluarga. tempat yg sngat menarikbuntuk di kunjungi. [read more]
Penginapannya tenang & asri, sangat cocok untuk bermalam & terletak di dalam area kampus IPB Dramaga. Biaya penginapan cukup terjangkau, kurang dr 300rb untuk kamar dgn fasilitas AC & kmr mandi.. [read more]
Wisma Puri Pajajaran is a lodging, located at Baranangsiang, East Bogor, Bogor City, West Java 16143. They can be contacted via phone at +62 251 321814 for more detailed information. [read more]
Family-friendly. . nice price. . pay 2 for 3 days. . . Value for money!! Good!!. Very recommended. . . clean, the rooms are spacious with 2 big size beds. [read more]
Karna di sini tempat saya menetap sementara di parepare. [read more]
kami pernah pakai untuk pelatihan menulis, sikon "Omah Wangi" (tenang dan sejuk), membuat para peserta pelatihan dapat berkonsentrasi dengan baik dan pada akhirnya menghasilkan karya tulis yang bagus. [read more]
A very cozy hotel. Ellegant, modern classic building. . with luxurious interiors. The lobby is grandious and very impressive. Many seats for the guest to wait. [read more]
tempatnya nyaman fasilitas lengkap,parkiran luas bisa buat parkir mobil. Kosan yang nyaman,bersih dan yang paling perkiraannya luas dan keamanan 24 jam. [read more]
A good getaway place, with a really fresh air and great view from high grounds. They have vilas and homestay, so it's a really good place to have a vacation, either with friends or family. [read more]