Uplink. id is a platform where you can create your own website which allows entrepreneurs, influencers, content creators, brands, etc. inform all links to the audience with only single link. [read more]
UNIMAR AMNI Semarang adalah sebuah Perguruan Tinggi yang diselenggarakan oleh masyrakat yang mengembangkan studi di bidang maritim dan transpor. Awalnya bernama "AMNI" ( Akademi Maritim.. [read more]
The VISION of the UGM Academic Hospital is to become a hospital that carries out superior, world-class, independent, dignified, and dignified service, education and research services, education.. [read more]
UDF / Umardah Family Company is a Healthy Product and Alternative Energy Company for Human Universe Business Office at the edge of Science and Technology. [read more]
Universitas Islam Negeri Antasari Banjarmasin adalah sebuah perguruan tinggi islam negeri yang berkedudukan di Kota Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia. [read more]
Untuk Lulusan Baru & Early Career is a company, located at Bandung, West Java. [read more]
We helps doctors and medical practitioners keep track of health-related information for the patients. . [read more]
Upskill is a digital learning platform that focuses on the development of remote workers in Indonesia. As workers become more remote-based, Upskill aims to address the challenge of training.. [read more]
casual as usual. [read more]
UTOPIA FAMILY is a membership NFT that grants you early access to future UTOPIA FAMILY sets, private community chat and announcements, exclusive NFT videos, early access to partner NFT projects.. [read more]
Melayani Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Klinik dan Kesehatan Masyarakat Kabupaten Cianjur. [read more]
Holding Company Of Cindy Gift Shop & Yayang Accessories. [read more]
Unicocoa Winsan Glory is a supplier company of cocoa products and it's derivatives across the globe. We are providing high-quality product and outstanding services to our local-global.. [read more]
Universitas Swasta Full Online Pertama di Indonesia. [read more]
Lembaga kursus online Bahasa Asing (Resmi) via Zoom/Gmeet per level = 10x pertemuan + 1x ujian + Free Modul Materi & E-Sertifikat. . [read more]
UK INFITECH UNP singkatan dari Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Infinite Technology Universitas Negeri Padang yang berfokus membina mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Padang agar unggul dan profesional.. [read more]
We specialise in developing customised research and analysis about environmental issues, business opportunities, human well-being, and young generations. [read more]
A music student unit activity in UPN Veteran Jakarta. [read more]
KAP Hananta Budianto & Rekan is a leading public accounting firm based in Indonesia, member of Urbach Hacker Young International Limited,an international network of independent accounting.. [read more]
Founded in Japan 1952, ULVAC is now a global leading vacuum supplier, with its strong market presence in over 100 countries. ULVAC is an international corporation that designs, manufactures.. [read more]
A company that manufactures heating elements and units, which has been established since 1992 and has extensive marketing both in Indonesia and abroad. [read more]
UR. Growth merupakan sebuah platform yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi softskills maupun hardskills para pelajar, mahasiswa, dan jobseeker serta menumbuhkan minat untuk menempuh.. [read more]
The idea of ukmindonesia. id was conceived since 2014 but firstly launched in 14 September 2017, with a vision to ease the effort of MSMEs to access accurate information, practical.. [read more]
US is an intersection between ideas; between you and I, offline and online, individuality and community, work & life. We provide physical and digital spaces designed to accommodate your.. [read more]
UKM Penalaran Universitas Airlangga merupakan organisasi mahasiswa yang bergerak di bidang penalaran dan penulisan. UKM Penalaran berkomitmen untuk mencetak prestasi melalui karya dan.. [read more]
International undergraduate student summit on sustainable development goalsDepartemen Sosial Masyarakat BEM UI. [read more]
UENA is a hyperlocal online F&B aiming to solve daily food problem in Indonesia. Daily food is the largest segment but most underserved, with more than 98% of the players are independent / Mom & Pop. [read more]
UniteAid is an international nonprofit organization aiming to raise disability awareness, especially among youths, and to educate society through our platforms and programs, with the hope.. [read more]
UBD Global, are leaders in Concept and Interior Design & Architecture, FF&E and Turnkey Solutions. Formed in 2010, we have produced a successful number of Commercial project interiors.. [read more]
Universitas Trunojoyo adalah Perguruan Tinggi Negeri di Kabupaten Bangkalan, Jawa Timur. . [read more]
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Batusangkar merupakan Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Negeri (PTKIN) di Batusangkar, Kab. Tanah Datar. Telah berdiri sejak tahun 1997 diawali perubahan status.. [read more]
UNPAS is a company, located at 34 Jalan Lengkong, Bandung, West Java 40354. They can be contacted via phone at +62 811-2224-193 for more detailed information. [read more]
The British Embassy in Indonesia maintains and develops relations between the UK and Indonesia. The UK and Indonesia enjoy a close relationship, with many common interests and values. [read more]
Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa(UKM) Veteran Esport UPN Veteran Jawa Timur. Founded By Mas Zenna Achmad Muttaqin, since 2017 #VESBANGGA. [read more]
UIN Prof. K. H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto is a company, located at 40A Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani, Purwokerto, Central Java 53126. [read more]
Universitas Indonesia Maju is a company, located at South Jakarta, Jakarta. [read more]