JLS adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang percetakan yang berfokus terhadap jasa finishing percetakan seperti laminating doft, glossy serta UV varnish. [read more]
An online bakery shop located in Palembang, Indonesia, with speciality in cookies. . [read more]
Career Days Trisakti School of Management is a company, located at 20 Jalan Kyai Tapa, Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 11450. [read more]
CV ERDATAMEDIA Bergerak dibidang penyedia jasa pembuatan dan pengembangan perangkat lunak (Software), meliputi Website, Mobile Apps, Enterprise dan sejenisnya. [read more]
COZY adalah startup untuk membantu menyediakan semua layanan yang dibutuhkan pada satu platform, pada awal layanan kami menyediakan layanan antara pemilik restoran, dan siapa pun dapat menjadi.. [read more]
CV. Karya Cipta Agung is a company, located at Bandung, West Java. [read more]
The Legal Distributor that provides Indonesia's Agriculture Products for your needs. . [read more]
Provide Indonesian Spices & Crops. Distributing to local market & Export. Special fresh & good of spices & Crops. Location in Denpasar - Bali- Indonesia. [read more]
Abizard Niaga Utama Company is the holding company of Cocoverse Indonesia, Was established in 2015 we are a company that focuses on the production of agricultural products, one of which is a.. [read more]
From a simple oil change or a filter change to a part replacement of a component, total and partial revision you will find qualified technical assistance. [read more]
Promotes the power and beauty of the cinema to people through social media. . [read more]
CV universal palm Indonesia is a company engaged in export and import for local coconut products, areca nut, and food ingredients for Indonesian agricultural products. [read more]
Steps to adjust the culture and strengthen identity. [read more]
Website Penggantian kaca mobil di seluruh Indonesia. [read more]
EzParenting is a startup with a goal of accompanying parents' journey in optimizing their child development from 0-5 first years of life through education and practical solutions. [read more]
This company is established in Jakarta, Indonesia on September 6th, 2020. We run in Food and Beverage Industry and specialized in Fried Rice. Cerita Nasi Goreng (Fried Rice Story) is not only a.. [read more]
An Authorized Distributor and General Supplier for machine spareparts that related to Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Air flow, Gas Measurement, Gear Motors, Air and Fuel Filter. [read more]
Creavpital is a Graphic Design Studio that has been working since 2014 based in Depok. Cravpital focuses on serving services in the field of Graphic Design / Visual Communication Design with.. [read more]
Informasi Seputar Karir Lulusan Baru dan Mahasiswa Teknik Mesin Seluruh Indonesia (Aktif di Instagram @cdcmesin. up). [read more]
We offer solutions to your problems with application products. We specialize in website development, API development, and ready-to-use website products. [read more]
CUBE Prasetiya Mulya is a company, located at 1 Jalan Bsd Raya Utama, Banten 15859. [read more]
Curiosity Engineering is a dynamic startup aimed at providing best in customer service to the engineering industry. We were founded by engineers for the benefit of engineering customers. [read more]
CV Sehatherbs Berkah Indonesia is a company, located at 12 Komplek Kedung Badak Baru 16164. [read more]
Mandra Guna Indonesia in the field of exporter services with fresh fishery commodities. Noisea was formed in 2021 by prioritizing trust in consumers, in the slogan or tagline "Fresh & Original".. [read more]
CV. Berlian Jaya is a company, located at East Java 65191. [read more]
Pusat alat tulis/ peralatan kantor terbesar yang juga menyediakan jasa percetakan full warna dan fotocopy super besar. [read more]
Let's talk and think for a second. About gender, women, poetry, and words of life. . [read more]
CV Sabatini merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang keagenan dan distributor untuk berbagai jenis peralatan di industri pabrik kelapa sawit, terutama peralatan-peralatan yang ada di.. [read more]
Childise adalah platform social crowdfunding untuk pendampingan anak yatim piatu dan dhuafa. [read more]
We are not a big factory, not a big company either, we are just a Home Industry who produces hand made Cold Pressed, Hot Pressed Coconut Oil and Traditional Herbs. [read more]
Crabus Indonesia is a sister company of PT. Forte Sukses Suola and Agung Sanjaya that has been producing outsole for more than 20 years. We enjoy watching children walk and play comfortably.. [read more]
C. V. Agrotani Nusantara is a company, located at 40 Jalan Sebatang Kuis, Medan, North Sumatra 20154. [read more]
Your property consultant, contractor and developer. . [read more]
A Startup News Portal Media that provides information on the world of work and provides a collaborative ecosystem for workers and professionals by carrying out young and millenials concepts.. [read more]
CAI is a company that solves hydration needs problems by providing a solution in an innovative and creative way. Fully automated self-service drinking water refill machine. [read more]
We are an Indonesian leading manufacturer and exporter of charcoal briquette & wood-based charcoal made from 100% coconut or wood which is suitable for barbeque or shisha/hookah. [read more]