Kosanunnes | The Trusted Boarding House Agency around UNNES. [read more]
Kantor Akuntan Publik Adi Darmawan yang dipimpin oleh Adi Darmawan Ervanto telah secara resmi beroperasi pada tanggal 25 Mei 2018 berdasarkan keputusan Kementrian Keuangan Nomor 366/KM. [read more]
Rumah Belajar Kreatif Kaki Gunung Merapi (KAGEM) Yogyakarta is an non-profit organization that engaged in many field. Social, education, and empowerment of community economy. [read more]
Kico. [read more]
Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Defensia merupakan sebuah kelompok studi mahasiswa Ilmu Hubungan Internasional yang berada di bawah Laboratorium Pertahanan & Keamanan di jurusan Ilmu Hubungan.. [read more]
Promote Minangkabau Lifestyle to Public through theirs senses, by serving the customers with global prove Minangkabau Experience. We focus on Food and Beverages, Glorious Traditional.. [read more]
Organisasi non-profit untuk mahasiswa BINUS yang beragama konghucu. [read more]
Komisi Pemilihan Umum UNPAR is a company, located at Bandung, West Java 40142. [read more]
Katalis Kreatif Solusindo or we called KATALISME are growing creative agency & platform based on Serang. We can be your partner content production / marketing, or you can just enjoy our product. [read more]
Founded by Raditya Pratama. . startup in IT field, offering website creation and development services to support and simplify your needsalso, offering consulting services in the field of IT. [read more]
A part of Gerakan 1000 Startup Yogyakarta 2019 and currently is a participant of Innovative Academy Hub incubator. We are building a social ask-and-answer platform for college students of Indonesia. [read more]
KOPOLAND develops IT training curriculum and learning materials to achieve highest standard education. Students in this course will be given tailored program to acquire the necessary skills.. [read more]
Klinik Aborsi Legal merupakan Klinik Aborsi Jakarta yang memegang sertifikasi Legal dari Dinas Kesehatan di Indonesia untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik menggunakan teknologi tercanggih.. [read more]
Digital marketing and creative studio based in Bali. [read more]
"The Law Office of Irfan Disnizar Dan Rekan" (IDPLAW) - was established to run legal services professionally and be a solution to the need for legal assistance in business transactions and.. [read more]
Kitaumroh is an umrah marketplace app that makes it easier for people to find the best travel agent for easy, comfortable and safe umrah trips with a money back guarantee in the event of a.. [read more]
Beautifully crafted event spaces with cutting-edge technology and urban eclectic interiors located in the heart of Jakarta. There are 2 iconic spaces that are suitable for corporate gatherings,.. [read more]
Education, Standarization, Sertification and Distribution Human Resource to All Our Company Partner. . [read more]
Kitorang comprises of several communities and individuals who express their concern on socioeconomic inequalities and unequal access to education which persist in the Eastern part of.. [read more]
Was established in 2014. Based in D. I. Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Our vision are build product creative digital as web, mobile apps & multimedia. . [read more]
Indonesian 1st Custom Container Connoisseur. [read more]
Kasajastro Indo Energi is a company, located at 7 Jalan KH Abdullah Syafiie, South Jakarta, Jakarta 12860. [read more]
Ekspedisi MurahVisit Us http://www. kim-cargo. com/. [read more]
We are made Custom Watch (Case, not Movement) manually not using CNC, by solid material of Bronze, Duralium and Stainless Steel. For Reservations and Inquiries, please for (only) contact.. [read more]
Seragamku. co. id adalah website yang memberikan layanan jasa konveksi seragam kerja untuk industri Anda. Selain itu, kami juga menjual berbagai perlengkapan seragam kerja seperti, safety.. [read more]
Yayasan Kalakioma Peduli didirikan bukan untuk mencari keuntungan, tetapi meningkatkan partisipasi / kepedulian bagi sesama, memberi kontribusi bagi masyarakat setempat secara gotong-royong. [read more]
Founded by Hadi Tresno Wibowo, Flat Hull Ship consists of flat plate pieces, which form hydrodynamic hull. Every single plate is designed using mathematical equations to define the secants accurately. [read more]
KOMPASS (KOMunitas PAra Sales Sumenep) merupakan sebuah komunitas yang didirikan oleh Bapak Yudi Ananta (Founder). Awalnya komunitas ini berasal dari Group BBM yang memiliki tujuan mulia.. [read more]
Almost 10 years ago we had seen an opportunity to bring world class technical, yet proven solutions to Indonesia. To allow us do this we selected the very best global partners, whom excelled in.. [read more]
Biro Umroh dan Haji Resmi Kemenag, Biaya Terjangkau Banyak PIlihan. [read more]
Kunna adalah perusahaan rintisan yang bergerak di bidang akselerasi pertumbuhan UKM di Indonesia. Kami memberikan layanan konsultasi dan implementasi solusi bisnis dengan berbagai.. [read more]
Hello, we are Kawalan Studio, based on east borneo. We make design for icon, illustration, and digital product interface to help you to growth your business. [read more]
Kaen adalah industri lokal yang berfokus pada pembuatan tas wanita, pouch, atau dompet berbahan dasar berbagai macam jenis kain dengan design yang simple & chic untuk melengkapi style dan.. [read more]
KJPP Dino Suharianto Is a Services Office (KJPP) that serves property valuation and consulting services. Established by Dino Suharianto, a public appraiser who has obtained a license from.. [read more]
Kampusgw. com is a non-profit portal committed to encourage underprivileged students across the Indonesian archipelago gain access to higher educational services. [read more]