Kelas Belinda provide an end-to-end services for mentoring 101, private training for organization, committee, and communities, also partnership for speaker, moderator, and MC. [read more]
Kampuskoe. id adalah startup yang bergerak di bidang edutech yang dibangun sehaj Januari 2022. Sebagai startup edutech, kampuskoe memiliki misi untuk memajukan generasi muda Indonesia.. [read more]
KKA Yusi dan Rekan (as known as Biro Pusat Aktuaria) is built by our founder Mr. Haris Eko Santoso, FSAI to become most trusted actuarial consulting firm in Indonesia. [read more]
DARI KISAHKU UNTUK KISAHMU 💐"WUJUDKAN KISAH TERINDAHMU"Bersama #KisahKuWOrganizer 💍Terima Kasih Sudah Berbagi Kisah 🎎. [read more]
Kamagrista (Keluarga Mahasiswa Agribisnis Pertanian) berdiri pada 28 Juni 2010. Kamagrista adalah himpunan mahasiswa jurusan yang menaungi seluruh mahasiswa S1 Agribisnis di Fakultas Pertanian UNS. [read more]
Konsultan Perpajakan, Konsultasi Keuangan, Konsultan Pajak. [read more]
Professional architects & building consultants who helps you establish building construction with excellent design and function. . [read more]
Karang Taruna RW 13 adalah organisasi nirlaba yang bergerak di bidang sosial dan masyarakat. Kami telah berpengalaman mengadakan event-event di lingkungan Kebraon Indah Permai, Mulai dari.. [read more]
Kantor Konsultan Pajak, Pengacara Pajak dan Kantor Jasa Akuntan I Gede Arianta, SH. , SE. , MAK. , BKP. , CA. , ACPA. , Ak. memberikan jasa profesionalnya berdasarkan Izin Direktur Jenderal.. [read more]
The Overhead Doors apply to social wide field including distribution warehouses, fire stations and residences now. The Overhead Doors were introduced in Japan by KONGO INDUSTRIES CO. [read more]
KAMA GROUP is a creative company in Indonesia, KAMA wants to evoke 'beauty' and 'joy' into the form of creative output. Our company is based on human creativity relying on the senses and abilities.. [read more]
Outsourcing, production & quality control. We provide local craftmanship with the opportunity of telling stories through their masterpiece. . [read more]
Kliktimes. com lahir dan keinginan untuk maju bersama dan memberi inspirasi untuk bangsa. Menyajikan berita yang benar adalah benar, fakta adalah fakta. [read more]
Keona Studio is a luxury design service company, founded in 2019 by two creative and passionate French women, Marion B. and Maëva A. Inspired by the beauty of Bali and a natural talent for.. [read more]
Organisasi kemawasiswaan untuk mahasiswa NU di ITB. [read more]
KJPP SPR commenced its business as property and business consultancy. The consultant is well known for its professional valuation services, project monitoring, feasibility study, financial.. [read more]
Reinstallation, Rebuild, Repair and Services. [read more]
PT Karya Mineral Jaya (KMJ) is an independent company that is developing infrastructure in energy sector. Head-quartered in Jakarta, KMJ business spans from gas monetization in North.. [read more]
Klinik Eksekutif Jakarta merupakan klinik utama yang berlokasi didaerah pasar manggis-setiabudi jakarta. Memiliki berbagai layanan kesehatan mulai dari dokter umum, dokter spesialis anak,.. [read more]
Lembaga yang berfokus untuk mengembangkan kualitas pendidik di Indonesia. [read more]
Kelola In Cyber adalah sebuah rumah produksi media yang berfokus pada kegiatan digital marketing. [read more]
Kedhaton Bendoro is a culinary business that provides traditional and modern food and beverages, with a place that carries the concept of a food court. [read more]
PT Karya Bangsa Indonesia ( KBI ) berdiri pada tanggal 18 Januari 2014 berdasarkan Akte Notaris Riyesta Dewi Priyani, SH. , M. Hum. , M. Kn No. 03 yang telah mendapatkan Surat Keputusan Menteri.. [read more]
Kaendo Management is a hospitality management company based in Jakarta, Indonesia that provides consultant services for all F&B outlets. We offer few services to help the outlets grow by.. [read more]
Lembaga Penyelenggara Pemilihan Ketua Dan Wakil Ketua Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa dan Dewan Perwakilan Mahasiswa Universitas Syiah Kuala. [read more]
Kawan Bestari merupakan sebuah komunitas yang berperan sebagai teman yang saling mendukung sesama dalam berpengetahuan luas, berpendidikan baik, dan berbudi pekerti baik. [read more]
Kaminet is a Managed Service Company founded in 2022. Our main focus is to provider all-in network solutions to the people in need. Our mission is to give people the power to build community.. [read more]
KPMD adalah sebuah organisasi tingkat pelajar yang berperan sebagai wadah untuk mempersatukan seluruh pelajar muslim yang ada di Kota Depok agar menjadi generasi yang rabbani dengan pilar ukhuwah.. [read more]
a company that provides advice, guidelines, and a site map for locating, utilizing, and managing information technology assets and resources. Kanan Digital provide best practices.. [read more]
Warmers Greeting from Kala Hotel When Elegance meets Comfort 2-star Hotel in the Heart of the City Enjoy the moment when traveling, very strategically located only 8 (eight) minutes from the.. [read more]
KWR Global are two merged tax consulting firms, which were originally named KKP Redian and KKP Jonni Winata. In this case, in addition to handling tax services, KWR Global is also engaged in.. [read more]
Melayani:- Rawat Jalan- Rawat Inap- USG- KB- ANC. [read more]
Klinik Pratama PMI adalah Klinik Kesehatan tingkat pratama yang membuka berbagai jenis pelayanan kesehatan yang bermutu. Melayani :- Poli Umum (Dokter Umum)- Poli Gigi- Poli Kebidanan-.. [read more]
Katatinut is a writers room that focus on story development and script writing. The founder, Titien Wattimena, is a prominent Script Writer, Film Producer and Film Director in Indonesia, She.. [read more]
Creative agency focusing on creating out-of-the-box & impactful content for brands. [read more]