Kuliah Kerja Nyata - Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat "Membangun Mandaika 2022". Tema: Pengembangan Potensi Pariwisata Melalui Peningkatan Kualitas Homestay di Desa Kuta dan Mertak.. [read more]
Kelompok Mahasiswa Peduli Lingkungan (KMPL) adalah biro yang bergerak di bidang lingkungan di Departemen Biologi Universitas Diponegoro. KMPL didirikan pada 22 April 2006 bertepatan dengan Hari Bumi. [read more]
Credit unions offer many of the same financial services as banks but often use different terminology. Typical services include share accounts (savings accounts), share draft accounts.. [read more]
Dikaris adalah komunitas non-profit yang hadir untuk membantu mahasiswa yang sedang dalam proses menyelesaikan Tugas Akhir dan ingin mempublikasikannya dalam bentuk publikasi ilmiah. [read more]
A company that service and inspecting inflatable liferaft, refilling and service fire extinguisher. . [read more]
Kelompok Informasi Masyarakat (KIM) Kertajaya adalah Lembaga Komunikasi Sosial yang keberadaanya diatur oleh kebijakan pemerintah dengan regulasi Peraturan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika RI.. [read more]
Digital Service meliputi jasa pemasaran, periklanan dan pelayanan konsumen. Pemilik, pengembang bisnis menangah ke atas bisa memakain jasa kinikami. [read more]
Kubikasi menghubungkan bisnis pemilik barang kepada market lebih cepat, tepat, dan transparant. . [read more]
Kenikmatan Duniawi adalah sebuah merek dagang yang mengutamakan kualitas dan nilai-nilai altruisme dalam setiap prosesnya. Kami selalu berusaha untuk memberikan produk istimewa dengan proses.. [read more]
KAP Linas is a trusted and professional independent public accountant. Our company has been registered with the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia. [read more]
Kanal Material is Indonesia's one-stop procurement solution for construction materials. From foundation to finish, we provide all types of building materials from trusted brands, with an emphasis.. [read more]
Kami bergerak di bidang jasa pelayanan penyelengara acara terpusat di wedding organizer dan wedding planer. [read more]
Indonesia Local Brand, focusing on Handmade Jewelry. Made from good quality bead and clay. KOMMA, comes from German means Comma in English. Comma is punctuation that used when you want to.. [read more]
Providing luxury yacht and shipping services across Indonesia. . [read more]
Saling Terkait dan Tumbuh Bersama Koperasi Maju. [read more]
BUMDes Panggung Lestari memfokuskan usahanya pada bidang jasa terkait lingkungan khususnya pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga dengan nama "KUPAS" yang merupakan singkatan Kelompok Usaha.. [read more]
Public Accounting Firm DIAN UTAMI was formed in 2022 based on Decree of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia No. 326/KM. 1/2022 As a determination of DIAN UTAMI Public.. [read more]
Rumah Makan Vegetarian yang menyajikan makanan sehat tanpa Daging, tanpa Bawang, tanpa MSG, dan HALAL yang tertetak di Kota Semarang. Mengajak masyarakat untuk menerapkan pola makan sehat, pola.. [read more]
Media online pelayanan KOMUNITAS ONESIMUS. [read more]
KoalaFacade crafts web, boilerplate and package in the laravel ecosystem. . [read more]
#KejarMimpi is a social movement initiated by CIMB Niaga, which has a vision to form a positive Indonesian young generation in implementing life values through good self-development and.. [read more]
We are here to provide your daily calorie information, discuss food calories that are going viral and provide recipe recommendations with ingredients that are easy to find around. [read more]
What We're All About:Founded in 2020 by two siblings with a creative imagination and a passion for baking, Kukkī no Kī is born with its two iconic Short-necked Giraffe mascot, Juju and Jack. [read more]
Menjadi Restoran Yang Unggul Dengan Makanan Yang Bermutu Dengan Pelayanan Legendaris. [read more]
Knal provides a high-return marketing channel in the form of the most comprehensive text marketing and analytics solution for innovative brands in Indonesia. [read more]
Komisi Pemilihan Umum Mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum Universitas Lambung Mangkurat adalah sebuah lembaga ad hoc yang bertugas untuk menyelenggarakan Pemilihan Umum di Fakultas Hukum Universitas.. [read more]
we are a consulting company that is ready to provide excellent service solutions. [read more]
Kalara Borneo is a brand that processes natural products from Kalimantan's non-timber forests into quality products. collaborate directly with local communities, especially indigenous peoples.. [read more]
Kaju Farm is a social entrepreneurship movement focusing on hydroponic-based vegetable cultivation with the urban farming method in the middle of Makassar city. [read more]
keranjangbudaya. id is a company, located at South Sulawesi 92111. [read more]
Kost Putri Saffna is very close to many destination in city of Yogyakarta. It has facilities such as a swimming pool, super fast wifi which is placed for 7 different points, and also mini.. [read more]
As a travel agent, we have been creating memorable trips for domestic and international travelers. since the year of 1976. Kapasan Oriental Express is a proud IATA member and offers a.. [read more]
Technology Solutions. [read more]
Kastrat De Geneeskunde didirikan secara resmi pada tanggal 12 Mei 2006 melalui Surat Keputusan Presiden BEM FK UNS Nomor: 45/A1. 04/V/BEM/FK/2006. Pada awal dibentuknya, Kastrat De Geneeskunde.. [read more]
perusahaan bergerak dibidang kontraktor umum dan supplier yang memberikan jasa pelaksanaan kontruksi bangunan. . [read more]
Japanese Cuisine that open investors, it's an good business for auto pilot. [read more]