Lembaga kursus dan pelatihan bahasa serta penempatan kerja di luar negeri. . [read more]
Halo Sobat!!Lantailima_service menyediakan pelayanan jasa packing, jasa bersih dan jasa survey kos. Mengintergrasikan kebutuhan untuk solusi yang simple dan efeisien buat kamu para generasi muda. [read more]
Laksana Group adalah perusahaan holding company yang didalamnya terdapat beberapa unit bisnis diantaranya lembaga keuangan (koperasi simpan pinjaman & pegadaian), distributor mesin foto.. [read more]
Lomba Cepat Tepat Ilmu Pangan merupakan acara tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan Institut Pertanian Bogor. [read more]
Lembaga Kajian Kurikulum dan kebijakan pendidikan (LK3P) Universitas Indonesia adalah sebuah inisiatif yang lahir dari sejumlah pemikir, praktisi, dan pemerhati dunia pendidikan lintas universitas. [read more]
Linguagenic. id adalah sebuah kursus daring yang bertujuan memudahkan semua orang dalam belajar bahasa dan budaya asing. Berawal pada tahun 2020, saat itu kami masih dengan nama Fix My English.. [read more]
Open Everyday, From 11. 30am - 2. 30pm and open again from 6pm - 10pm. Serves you a very authentic French Cuisine. Located in Kesawan, Medan Barat (Bistronomix first floor). [read more]
Lallo is a Digital Technology Platform on Tourism Transportation, provides an integrated system for boat transportation booking. This platform organizes locals' marine transportation focusing.. [read more]
Companies operating in the sector providing integrated animal health services as well as supporting vetmed tools and materials. . [read more]
PhotographyAnything you want, we can discuss it first. [read more]
PT Latko Sinergi Indonesia which founded based on the awareness of high potential of natural resources around us, and the desire of willingness to contribute for the welfare of our local farmers. [read more]
Language Development Center (LDC) FT UNTIRTA merupakan lembaga TOEFL yang berada dibawah naungan oleh Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. [read more]
LYNX is a creatively driven and award-winning production house based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Established in 2005, we pride ourselves on being trusted specialists with years of professional.. [read more]
Language Learning Center (LLC) is a foreign language course institute located at Jl. Soekarno Pomalingo, Gorontalo Regency, Province of Gorontalo. Since founded in 2019, LLC has developed at least.. [read more]
Founded in March 2021. LCART, the Ladies Cart is a clothing company who believe that every women can dress confidently in any colours and shapes of course with affordable prices. [read more]
LoquVoice merupakan suatu sarana media orang muda yang akan membahas berbagai peristiwa yang ada di sekitar anak muda, namun dikemas dengan sebaik dan seakurat mungkin. [read more]
An interior architecture practiced. Collating your very own stories in a form of space, texture and layers. We tailormade every of your personal needs meticulously, and making sure the best out.. [read more]
"Loafyou delivers artisanal loaf and cake from daily consumption to cater to prestige events. The promise is to deliver a unique and healthy experience for your daily diet and guarantee the best.. [read more]
Lavenir Studio is engaged in Interior Design, Furniture, Architectural, and Contracting since 2020. We are centered on Quality and Detail on every client's wishes. [read more]
Louder and Louder is a national-level webinar and competition in the field of public speaking. This activity was organized by the BEM Sekolah Vokasi IPB with the theme "Dare to Speak, Dare.. [read more]
Lembaga Pers Mahasiswa Institut UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta | #BacaTulisLawan | Menyuarakan Kebebasan, Keadilan & Kejujuran. . [read more]
Sejatinya, Good Governance dapat diwujudkanapabila Pemerintah, Swasta, dan Masyarakatdapat berkolaborasi dan bersinergi secaraoptimal. Namun, fakta di lapangan dengan jelasmenunjukan.. [read more]
Laboratory of Soil Mechanic and Geology is on of laboratory where the place in Department of Civil Engineering, University of Brawijaya. Laboratory of Soil Mechanic and Geology is the.. [read more]
Fashion retail based in Bandung. [read more]
Visi dan MisiPenetapan Visi BLU LPMUKP tentunya menjadi hal yang sangat penting sebagai bagian dari strategi capaian tujuan BLU LPMUKP. Hal ini dikarenakan, Visi dapat memberikan arahan dan.. [read more]
Wedding OrganizerKami tahu bagaimana sakralnya ritual pernikahan. Kami tahu bagaimana tata rias menjadi salah satu kebutuhan pengantin. Itulah kenapa tata rias Lisandra telah ada sejak lama. [read more]
Ladyjek is a ride-hailing app that caters to women drivers and women passengers. [read more]
The Electrical Energy Conversion and Power System Laboratory is a research center for power engineering students at Diponegoro University. The research developed in this laboratory is related to.. [read more]
Sejak tahun 1991 Prof. Loekito dan tim telah membimbing ribuan pelajar mulai dari pemilihan kampus yang teoat hingga keberangkatan keluar negeri. Sehingga, Loekito Education Group telah memiliki.. [read more]
Organisasi KeagamaanLembaga Kajian Kerohanian Islam Departemen Matematika ITSMenjalin Ukhuwah dalam DakwahBuletin :. yumpu. com/id/lkkimatematikaitsInstagram: lkkimatematikaitsLine.. [read more]
LAB. in Studio is a studio that provides design visualization services, such as making 3D animation, 3D Architecture, 3D rendering, video editing, photo editing, logo design, CV design and all.. [read more]
Linimasa Esa Inspirasa atau disingkat menjadi Lineas adalah platform penerbitan dan pengembangan kreativitas personal, terutama kreator atau pegiat konten. [read more]
Lembaga Studi Kebijakan Publik (LSKP) or Institute of Public Policy Studies is a NGO based in Makassar and established since 2004. We work for advocating responsive governance by enhancing.. [read more]
Bertumbuh dan Berkarya Bersama. [read more]
Sosmed Jobseeker untuk berdiskusi dan berbagai informasi Lowongan Kerja dan Tips Masuk Dunia Kerja. . [read more]