LBH BULAN BINTANG didirikan untuk menjawab secara tuntas dinamika permasalahan hukum yang terjadi ditengah-tengah kepentingan yang menuntut perlindungan hukum dengan semakin kompleksnya.. [read more]
Lamansua Coffee. is a coffee roaster and retailer headquartered in Garut, West Java, Indonesia. In 2020, a majority stake in the company was acquired by Karina Leismanesya, Abram Lembono,.. [read more]
L. A. Academy adalah lembaga pusat pelatihan di bidang kewirausahaan, teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, serta bahasa. Dan saat ini termasuk salah satu lembaga penyelenggara sertifikasi TOEFL.. [read more]
1. LST hadir untuk memperkuat peran masyarakat dalam menghadapi berbagai tantangan di lingkungan sekitar. 2. Organisasi LST menawarkan berbagai program pemberdayaan untuk membantu masyarakat.. [read more]
Virtual Assistant to help business owners or entrepreneurs having their business life more easier. My Services are :1. Administration2. Data Entry3. Data Analytics4. [read more]
Loundry Sugma is a company, located at Surabaya, East Java. [read more]
PT Langgeng Trans Raya Express merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang jasa ekspedisi pengiriman barang murah tujuan seluruh indonesia yang berbagai layanan dan jalur transportasi. [read more]
LKP Sinar Nusantara Semarang adalah lembaga pendidikan non-formal, mempunyai dua program pelatihan yaitu otomotif sepeda motor dan stir mobil. Secara legalitas LKP Sinar Nusantara telah.. [read more]
Lingkaran Quantum Indonesia is a social foundation with the vision of creating a decent life for the development of children and youth, supported by a prosperous and dignified family and.. [read more]
Welcome to LOV ANGELS, the ultimate destination for luxury living. Our mission is to enrich the lives of our members through meaningful experiences and unparalleled access to the world of luxury. [read more]
Langing Academy merupakan sub dari langing. ai (https://langing. ai/) yang berfokus pada layanan peningkatan skills di bidang AI, DA, DS, NLP, dan CV melalui layanan pendidikan, konsultasi,.. [read more]
Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi Wilayah X (Sumbar,Riau,Jambi & Kepri). [read more]
Lucy adalah perusahaan teknologi yang menyediakan layanan kasir kepada restoran-restoran lokal. Di Lucy, kenyamanan dan user-friendliness adalah prioritas utama kami. [read more]
Lumintu Restaurant is a company, located at West Sumatra. [read more]
Langkatoday. com adalah media berita dan edukasi khususnya terkait masyarakat Kabupaten Langkat dan umumnya secara Nasional dan Global. [read more]
Advocats & Legal Consultant. [read more]
LoveSick Coffee is a company, located at Bekasi, West Java. [read more]
L. O. S is a digital media agency that specialises in live ecommerce across social and ecommerce platforms. We help brands leverage the latest technology to drive real-time sales and provide.. [read more]
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Gunadarma University. [read more]
Lubira Group is a software development and IT consulting company founded in 2019. Our company serves IT and non-IT organizations, helping to achieve various goals and objectives with.. [read more]
LOMMA Skincare adalah UMKM asal Lampung yang mengeluarkan produk skincare terbaru dengan total 5 produk yaitu Facial Wash, Toner, Serum, Day, dan Night Cream yang telah teregistrasi BPOM RI. [read more]
Laundry Dananta is a company, located at Ngawi, East Java. [read more]
Les Privat SEC ' Smart Effective Course' is a company, located at Jombang, East Java. [read more]
LOKER SOLORAYA UPDATE | Loker Solo | Loker Sukoharjo | Loker Karanganyar | Loker Karanganyar | Loker Boyolali | Loker Klaten | Loker Wonogiri. [read more]
Kota Bontang sebagai Kota Jasa dan Industri, dengan jumlah penduduk sekitar 170 ribu jiwa diapit tiga perusahaan Berskala Internasional, PT. Pupuk kaltim, PT Badak NGL dan PT. [read more]
LSP (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi) Elektroteknika adalah lembaga pelaksana uji kompetensi dan sertifikasi kompetensi yang telah mendapatkan lisensi dari Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi. [read more]
Lily Jung's is a company, located at Cilegon, Banten 42416. [read more]
LPPM ITB is an important department within ITB that focuses on promoting and supporting research activities, as well as community service initiatives. [read more]
We're IT Company who provide a system to make the store management easier. Our service used over 100+ teams and store in Indonesia. With Laporand's digital product, everyday transactions.. [read more]
PT Lotus Andalan Sekuritas (previously known as Lautandhana) is a securities company which provides a range of financial services, including Equity Debt Capital Market brokerage, Online.. [read more]
Sertifikasi Profesi Bidang:- Room Attendant- Barista- Front Office- FnB Product- FnB Service. [read more]
Adalah salah satu laboratorium dalam Teknik Industri UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur, dimana kami berfokus pada Gambar Teknik, Proses Manufaktur, Perancangan Sistem Kerja & Ergonomi, dan Sistem.. [read more]
Lentera Fajar merupakan sebuah alternatif pilihan pendidikan bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus yang menganut IEP (Individual Educational Program). . [read more]
Lab Akselerasi is a company, located at Mojokerto, East Java. [read more]
LNS as a company in the distribution of lubricants. Based on long experience, we have been trusted by many partners to provide all lubricant needs in factories and automotive. [read more]
Lumen Desc. [read more]