Utama Karya Techindo is a company, located at South Sumatra 31711. [read more]
UNDIKMA is a company, located at Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara. [read more]
Undangan & Souvenir Murah Palangka Raya is a company, located at Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan. [read more]
UD brantas is a company, located at Banyuwangi Sub-District, East Java. [read more]
ucup organizer is a company, located at East Java 61363. [read more]
Unrealstock is a company, located at Cirebon, West Java. [read more]
UPIK Mini Soccer is a company, located at Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. [read more]
Ubud Botany Interactive is a company, located at Bali 80571. They can be contacted via phone at +62(856) 371-9259 for more detailed information. . [read more]
unigha is a company, located at Aceh. [read more]
utama poles is a company, located at South Tangerang, Banten. [read more]
UD. Karya Usaha Motors is a company, located at Nganjuk, East Java. [read more]
Ubud. Fitness is a company, located at Bali 80571. [read more]
Universal Super Blocks is a company, located at Cilegon, Banten. [read more]
Umairah Laundry is a company, located at Palopo, South Sulawesi. [read more]
Ufodrum is a company, located at Bali. [read more]
Undangan-UID is a company, located at Batang, Central Java. [read more]
UKM-F SPEC UNILA, is one of the student activity units in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lampung. SPEC focuses on internal and external campus activities,.. [read more]
U2 Play is All in One Platform in Esports, Based in Indonesia. . [read more]
Ubud scooter rental is a company, located at Bali 80571. [read more]
The Urban and Regional Development Institute (URDI) is an independent not-for-profit research organization establised in 1995. URDI's vision is to promote a sustainable urban dan regional.. [read more]
Sanggar Minat merupakan Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) Universitas Negeri Malang yang bergerak dibidang seni rupa, desain, dan kerajinan yang didirikan pada 1 Mei 1994. [read more]
Universitas Halu Oleo, disingkat UHO, adalah perguruan tinggi negeri di Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia, yang berdiri tahun 1964 sebagai perguruan tinggi swasta filial dari.. [read more]
Universitas Ciputra Online adalah inovasi baru dari Universitas Ciputra yang merupakan kampus terakreditasi Unggul, untuk menjadi Pusat Perguruan Tinggi jarak jauh bergelar yang menghasilkan.. [read more]
UD. Berkah Jaya Abadi is a company, located at Mojokerto, East Java. [read more]
Uangsehat. id adalah proyek sosial saya untuk membantu banyak orang di luar sana untuk memahami manfaat menggunakan asuransi dari sisi fungsi maupun pengetahuan mengenai instrumen-instrumen.. [read more]
Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi (UMKO) adalah perguruan tinggi penggabungan STKIP dan STIH Muhammadiyah Kotabumi. Izin penggabungan menjadi Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi (UMKO) ditandai.. [read more]
UKMF Inspire FE UNY merupakan sebuah organisasi di tingkat fakultas yang mewadahi minat bakat mahasiswa fakultas ekonomi dibidang entrepreneurship. Instagram : @inspire_feunyEmail.. [read more]
Formed in late November 2022, the Hyperloop Team of Universitas Indonesia was first initiated by several mechanical engineering students. Committed to fostering hyperloop research and development.. [read more]
Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati (Unswagati) is a perguruan tinggi company based out of West Java, Indonesia. . [read more]
Lembaga mahasiswa tingkat universitas yang bergerak di bidang penulisan dan penelitian ilmiah serta menjadi wadah diskusi ilmiah atau non-ilmiah untuk mahasiswa Universitas Andalas. [read more]
UMKM yang bergerak di bidang F&B. . [read more]
Universal Palm is a registered Indonesian company engaged in plantations in Sumatra and ready to support your sustainable business across the globe with our finest quality of palm and.. [read more]
About Our CompanyUniOceanica specializes in the export of frozen seafood. We are located in Makassar South Sulawesi, an area in Indonesia abundant in marine products with a wide variety of.. [read more]
We are a group of student who passionate about robotics and conduct research at University of Jember. We have five research team working on various robots. [read more]
Bagi kami kebersamaan adalah suatu hal yang sangat berharga. Kebersamaan yang kuat akan menciptakan dunia yang damai, aman, dan nyaman. Kami ingin berkontribusi dalam mendukung.. [read more]
UKOS FEB UNAND adalah UKMF di bidang olahraga dan seni untuk membangun para Jiwa Atlet dan Seni mahasiswa di fakultas ekonomi dan bisnis Universitas Andalas. [read more]