SMAN 17 Bandung, is one of the State Senior High Schools in Bandung City, West Java Province, Indonesia. Started as a filial of SMAN 7 Bandung in 1982 by Drs. [read more]
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Research | Expedition | Conservation. [read more]
Kelahiran SMAN 1 Mataram ditandai dengan Surat Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI. No. 4132/B/II, tanggal 16 Agustus 1957. Keputusan ini menyatakan bahwa SMA Mataram berdiri tanggal.. [read more]
We are Jakarta's hub for all things #systems #innovationWe are currently a Candidate Si Hub. Join our community group at: https://bit. ly/sijakartahub. [read more]
Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Bandung is a company, located at Bandung, West Java. [read more]
Sinarnegeri. id merupakan Non-Governmental Organization dibuat oleh mahasiswa asal Sumedang. Mempunyai tujuan untuk berkolaborasi, berkontribusi, dan bergerak dengan memberi sinar semangat.. [read more]
Southgate Residensial Apartment adalah kawasan yang akan menjadi iconic super block di area CBD TB. Simatupang. terintegrasi langsung dengan MALL AEON Tanjung barat, Commuter Line, dan Office Tower. [read more]
SAN Chapter Makassar adalah sebuah komunitas volunteer yang memilik tujuan untuk mengedukasi, menginspirasi, dan memotivasi anak-anak khususnya di Kota Makassar dan sekitarnya. [read more]
SMA Negeri 1 Rembang is a company, located at Rembang, Central Java. [read more]
Visi SMK Katolik St. Mikael Surakarta:Menjadi pusat pendidikan kejuruan unggul untuk membentuk pribadi yang kompeten, berhati nurani, peduli dan berkomitmen. [read more]
Sae Kreatif Nusantara is a company, located at 24 Jalan Kopo Permai, Bandung, West Java 40352. [read more]
VisiUNGGUL DALAM IMTAQ DAN IPTEK, KOMPETITIF DALAM PRESTASI GLOBAL, DAN BERWAWASAN KEARIFAN LOKALMisiMenyiapkan generasi unggul yang memiliki potensi dibidang IMTAQ dan IPTEKMembentuk sumber.. [read more]
PT. KAMPI CIPTA SOLUSI with brand SPICES RHIZOME committed to supply high quality types of rhizome. Serving nationwide wholesale customers for over 10 years. [read more]
Connecting People Through Coffee. We are coffee enthusiasts that love High-Quality and Sustainable Indonesian Coffee. We perceive coffee as a way to connect people in the morning or even in.. [read more]
SmartOne dengan Tagline "Change The Game" adalah perusahaan 'Makloon' , jasa cetak sublimasi dan DTF (Digital Transfer Film) yang didirikan pada 2019 karena keprihatinan akan kondisi.. [read more]
Since 2000, we have been committed to cultivate and deliver Indonesian seafood products, with the best quality and service to our loyal customers. Maintaining the product quality has always been.. [read more]
Salus Cultura: Jurnal Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan is open access and peer-reviewed journal with registered e-ISSN 2807-5447 and p-ISSN 2807-5560 published by the Coordinating Ministry.. [read more]
Stainless steel kitchen aura is a company, located at Tangerang, Banten. [read more]
Here at SPACE OF INFINTY we take you to a journey of knowledge that is interested in the field of space and space technology by exciting scientific articles and space news trying to reach.. [read more]
Serujar Indonesia is a youth-led organization focusing on education, especially in non-academic education, aims to provide knowledge about the world of education and support the improvement.. [read more]
CERMAT. [read more]
Sulthan Corporation is a holding company that houses several companies under it and is engaged in various business fields including furniture exports, beauty manufacture, oil and gas, property.. [read more]
Premium Taste From Special Ingredients. [read more]
Satwabersama hadir atas dasar kepedulian menyuarakan isu ketidakadilan yang kerap dialami oleh hewan, khususnya bagi anjing dan kucing di Indonesia. #TemanSatwa. [read more]
Software as a Service that helps companies to manage CSR and sustainability functions more effectively, efficiently and integratedly. -Powered by Olahkarsa. [read more]
Our purpose is to create a better world with applied latest technology. . [read more]
Sekolah Dasar Yamastho is a company, located at Surabaya, East Java. [read more]
Stih Dharma Andigha Di dirikan tahun 2003 oleh seorang Purnawirawan TNI yang bernama ANDI MUHAMMAD GHALIB SH,MH (lahir di Kaju, Tunreng Tellue, Sibulue, Bone, Sulawesi Selatan, 3 Juni 1946.. [read more]
Skydrive Inverter Indonesia is a company, located at Sidoarjo, East Java. [read more]
Sinar Baja Mandiri banjar is a company, located at South Kalimantan. [read more]
System 021 adalah situs berita siber tepercaya dengan beragam informasi siber terkini dari seluruh dunia. Di System 021, anda akan menemukan berbagai literasi siber terbaru saat ini yang.. [read more]
Sekolah Menegah Kejuruan Negeri 2 Kebumen merupakan salah satu Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Kelompok Teknologi dan Rekayasa. [read more]
SPBE PT. DAGIS KARYA GASINDO is a company, located at West Kalimantan. [read more]
Snap Careers is a company, located at Green Lake City, Tangerang, Banten 15147. [read more]
Cultivating Sustainable Business. . [read more]