IMS is one of nation's leading IT Solution Company by providing solution especially in Multi Finance and Banking industry. All solutions are built on Web based and Mobile platform to supports.. [read more]
Arkanusa GroupPT. Arkanusa Ananta Jati. [read more]
Xiamen Jin Bang Da Industry CO. , LTD is a manufacturing industry that has long been engaged in the development and production of coal mill spare parts since 1998. [read more]
Companies engaged in online-based business training services. . [read more]
PT. MANDIRI MULIA JAYA (MMJ GROUP) is a foreign investment company in Indonesia that focuses on providing and exporting mining products,. [read more]
We are a fintech company based in Indonesia facilitating Ride hailing , Food delivery ,Logistic, E- commerce, Digital Payment and 23 different kind of services through mobile super app. [read more]
JawaraData was established as an IT company that offers data mapping and data services. One of our current flagship products is DataUMKM. com, a mapping directory application site for Micro,.. [read more]
Awan is an ecosystem that is integrated with technology to help grocery store that sells a variety of products. [read more]
Since the beginning of our operation in 2008, we have specialized in the fabrication and supply of structural steels for large-scale constrution projects in Indonesia. [read more]
Our primary focus is always to anticipate customer needs. With our horizontally aligned organization, account executives are empowered to work with representatives of every area of the.. [read more]
PT Yanson Property Sejahtera is a property development company, experienced in developing landed houses. As a consultant, we also help companies that experiencing problems in property development.. [read more]
Branding, Creative, and Advertising Partner. [read more]
Samudra Petrindo Asia (Sampet) is one of a new breed of regional shipping service companies. Efficient, adaptable and wholly committed to your needs, always providing service which exceeds.. [read more]
PT Thunder Labs Indonesia is a company, located at Indonesia. [read more]
Perusahaan yang bergerak di Distributor Food & Non Food. [read more]
Authorized Distributor of Shell Marine Lubricant in Indonesia. Our company is focused on providing solutions while maintaining excellent services for all of our partners. [read more]
Pembangunan di sektor transportasi dan infrastruktur dewasa ini adalah berkah sekaligus momentum yang tepat, baik dan penting bagi semua pelaku bisnis yang terkait untuk tetap meneguhkan keberadaanya. [read more]
This company in one of the leading suppliers of chemical materials - especially textile auxiliaries chemicals - in Indonesia. Although classifiable as a new company, having been established and.. [read more]
PT. Maze Karya Nusantara was founded in 2016 which focuses on Sales and Production for the needs of the Vape industry located in Jakarta, Indonesia. Our Vision is to become a Market Leader as.. [read more]
PT Indobamboo Lestari was founded in Kusamba, Bali, in 2012, as a manufacturer of high-quality, Strand-Woven Bamboo products, made only from the most sustainably sourced raw materials. [read more]
Since its establishment in 2005, PT. Geoteknik Utama Konstruksi has worked on Hundreds of Projects throughout IndonesiaPT. Geoteknik Utama KonstruksiSupplying materials in the form of.. [read more]
We Build Islamic Living in East Java. [read more]
Over 13 years of work experience, We've helped companies to build a hundreds of project. All of our team are good in English to support local projectsWe have 100+ PHP Developers with skill.. [read more]
Kami merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang agensi kreatif serta pemasaran. . [read more]
PT. Teknologi Server Indonesia (X-code Training)Perusahaan perseroan terbatas yang bergerak di bidang pembelajaran Cyber Security dalam bentuk training, bootcamp, seminar, workshop,.. [read more]
Sinergy is an independent national firm with a lot of experience in the field of engineering process improvement, management, and human resources development. [read more]
Politeknik Wilmar Bisnis Indonesia (WBI) adalah perguruan tinggi yang didirikan oleh salah satu pebisnis sukses Indonesia kelahiran Pematang Siantar, Martua Sitorus. [read more]
MERCUSUAR adalah bata ringan teknologi Jerman yang diproses dengan mesin berteknologi tinggi berstandarisasi Deutsche Industrie Norm (DIN) dan didukung oleh beberapa tenaga ahli lulusan Jerman.. [read more]
PT. Graha Survei Indonesia (GSI) telah melakukan lebih dari 900 Assessment & pengujian struktural pada bangunan, Jembatan, Jetty, Terowongan, Bendungan bertingkat & Fasilitas Industri. [read more]
PRAWALA is a company engaged in the agricultural sector. We are professional and reliable Indonesian suppliers with an effort to be at the forefront of producing the highest quality and.. [read more]
PT. ESCO Teknologi Integrasi is a company, located at Indonesia. [read more]
Perusahaan sekalius Lembaga Pelatihan dan Konsultan dibidang ISO, Laboratorium dan lainnya juga memiliki Laboratorium Kalibrasi Terakrditasi. [read more]
PT Kelola Aset Teknologi is a company, located at 29 Jalan Babakan Indah 16967. [read more]
Cutleries , Food Container, and HORECA Supplier. [read more]
iMARKS is a Company engaged in a reliable Marketing Consultantin handling business type B to B (Business to Business) and B to C(Business to Customer) / Retail, especially in the field of.. [read more]
Inter Pan Pasifik Futures merupakan bagian dari Inter Pan Group yang dikenal dengan berbagai aktivitas untuk bisnis seperti jasa keuangan, manufaktur dan perdagangan internasional sejak tahun 1989. [read more]