Lembaga Pers Mahasiswa Suaka merupakan Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa di kampus UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, yang bergerak di bidang media informasi. LPM Suaka berdiri sejak tahun 1986 dan hingga.. [read more]
Lamjaya Inovasi Komputindo merupakan perusahaan distributor Security System yang sekaligus memberikan solusi sistem keamanan dan manajemen terhadap bisnis. [read more]
Sebuah Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Pihak-3. Melalui lisensi yang diberikan oleh Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP), LSP PAR BI berkewenangan untuk melaksanakan Sertifikasi Kompetensi.. [read more]
Lokatan is a company, located at Denpasar, Bali 80117. [read more]
The application of biology in technology to improve human health and well-being. . [read more]
PT Learnting Solusi Negeri atau Learnting perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang konsultasi sumber daya manusia. [read more]
Boutique surf hotel offering surf and stay packages in Lombok, Indonesia. [read more]
Get your custom logo design. Hire a freelance logo designer expert services and get your logo project done and delivered remotely online. . [read more]
Jam tangan (Watch Wrist) tidak hanya sebagai alat penunjuk waktu, melampaui itu jam tangan memiliki peranan sebagai aksesoris fashion yang membantu pemakainya untuk mengekspresikan diri. [read more]
An Indonesian NLP startup. Present to improve your business. . [read more]
Legal di Nusantara (Lenus. ID) adalah platform yang bergerak di bidang jasa hukum yang bertujuan untuk mendukung dan memberikan kemudahan akses untuk seluruh pelaku usaha di seluruh Indonesia.. [read more]
Helps you to build your digital reputation, achieve your targets, expand reach, and increase traffic with Digital Marketing Strategy. [read more]
Lubelifoto adalah salah satu platform yang bergerak di bidang jasa fotografi olahraga. Sebuah platform yang menyediakan berbagai foto komersial untuk para pecinta olahraga, khususnya pesepedah.. [read more]
Life Tree Psychology is a company, located at 42 - 44 Jalan Melawai 9, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12160. [read more]
Lensinema is a company, located at Bandung, West Java. [read more]
Telah berdiri sejak 2007, Lembaga Pers Mahasiswa Sketsa Universitas Mulawarman berkomitmen dalam menghadirkan informasi terkini seputar kampus dan isu nasional yang berkembang di kalangan.. [read more]
an Indonesia fashion brand est. in 2017 that focuses on simple, chic and high quality bags for daily essentials. . [read more]
Lingkar Digital is a branding service company in indonesia. In a service company that provides graphic design services, website designer, social media planner and best online marketing solutions. [read more]
Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Manajemen Risiko (LSPMR) berdiri sejak tahun 2008 yang lalu. Bidang utama kegiatan LSPMR adalah melakukan Sertifikasi Kompetensi dalam bidang Manajemen Risiko, bagi.. [read more]
Lamna is bottle spray that can wash your vehicle quickly without using any more water! (Waterless). This product is very perfect to those who are very busy that didn't have time to wash your vehicle. [read more]
LSU Karsa Bhakti Persada adalah Lembaga Sertifikasi Usaha Pariwisata yang melaksanakan sertifikasi usaha pariwisata di seluruh Indonesia. www. lsukbp. [read more]
Informasi Lowongan Kerja Terbaru!. [read more]
Menyediakan Berbagai Informasi Lowongan Kerja di Seluruh Indonesia Raya. [read more]
Lapak Handmade is a company, located at Tangerang, Banten 15810. [read more]
We are a unisex brand based in Bali, Indonesia. We specialize in summer-wear apparel. Our factory has the capacity to sample development and production/wholesale. [read more]
Media Literasi Indonesia. [read more]
LAW FIRM 117 adalah Kantor Hukum yang menjunjung tinggi kualitas Layanan Hukum baik Perdata maupun Pidana guna membela kepentingan Klien atas persoalan hukum yang dihadapi dengan berpegang teguh.. [read more]
Seksi Mahasiswa Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia Universitas Padjadjaran. [read more]
Telling stories of farmers and processors through design, visualized on packaging design and publicized on social media platforms and events. Summa Coffee Company is based in Medan, Indonesia. [read more]
LegalKantor adalah salah satu pelopor LawTech / LegalTech di Indonesia yang berfokus khusus pada Corporate Legal dan/atau Personal Legal Documentation untuk para Self-Employee. [read more]
Publication media that share free competition or event information. We have a vision to encourage the competitive spirit of the Indonesian society on studying and making achievements wherever.. [read more]
Our ServicesProperty Sales- Connect Potential Buyer with their Dream HouseProperty Digital Marketing Consultant- Create Digital Presence for Property Company and/or Residence Project- Optimize.. [read more]
Lean With Me is a company, located at West Jakarta, Jakarta. [read more]
Linc Terminal (or also known as PT Taruna Bina Sarana) is a member of the well-known logistics company Linc Group. Established since 2006, its main business activity is as a provider of.. [read more]
Lanusa Bali Property is a company, located at Denpasar, Bali. [read more]