Established in 2001, PT Saka Multitrans Nusantara become a trusted transportation and logistics service provider company to date with the brand name of Saka Logistics. [read more]
Studio Statistika merupakan himpunan mahasiswa Departemen Statistika, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Brawijaya yang berorientasi Keorganisasian dan Keprofesian. [read more]
The Student's Engineering Challenge (SEC) is the biggest event held by the ITS Industrial Mechanical Engineering Department. The SEC was first held in 2018 (SEC 1. [read more]
Shark Animation has been established since 2019. The studio is located in Jakarta, Indonesia. Our focus is to deliver high-quality animated videos for clients. [read more]
Smeshub is an ecosystem business solution for MSMEs and youth generation that sustainable and ready to face the global competitiveness. We are TOP 30 ASEAN Startup Challenge and TOP 10.. [read more]
Leading Institute for Legal Education. [read more]
World's #1 Premium Calisthenics Personal Training with centralised workout programs that empowering calisthenics enthusiasts around Indonesia to become professional calisthenics coaches. [read more]
Perlu foto bagus untuk keperluan bisnis? Perlu perbaikan pada foto? Atau perlu materi website / landing page untuk iklan digital? Shaniba Creative Industry adalah one stop solution untuk Anda. [read more]
Sirkel. Me#MelangkahLebihBaikKami adalah partner terbaik bagi bisnis Anda untuk memenuhi kebutuhan operasional dibidang Contact Center & Direct Sales dengan agent yang terlatih serta.. [read more]
Kami adalah Cloud Kitchen Pertama dan Satu-satunya di Pekanbaru. . [read more]
Satu Ibu Satu Pohon is a social initiatives to prevent micronutrient stunting by distributing Moringa Oleifera trees to underprivileged mothers. Moringa Oleifera tree, supported by 1000+.. [read more]
Amira Tent (jasa sarana pesta), menyewakan bermacam jenis tenda dan perlengkapan pesta, untuk membantu perusahaan/perorangan yang ingin mengadakan event (Wedding, Launching, Grand Opening &.. [read more]
Startupku is a company, located at Bandung, West Java 40113. [read more]
Saving Next Generation Institute atau SNGI adalah platform gerakan edukasi kesehatan ibu dan anak sejak dalam kandungan hingga berusia 18 tahun. SNGI didirikan oleh Goris Mustaqim, Dompet Dhuafa.. [read more]
Sharingpedia is a company, located at Karawang Sakinah, West Java 41321. [read more]
Sharpen Training and Consulting is one of leading training providers in Indonesia and part of PT Kreatora Indonesia which was established in 2009. We aim for providing our clients with.. [read more]
Solvesia merupakan intermediary platform berbasis kompetisi yang bertujuan untuk membantu instansi pemerintah dan/atau badan usaha privat dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan dengan menghadirkan.. [read more]
SahamKu makes investment simple and efficient for the Investors for both global and local stocks. Each Investment opportunity are carefully curated by Sahamku's Team so that you can invest wisely. [read more]
Jasa Pindah Kantor , jasa Pindah Rumah, Jasa Server, Jasa Pindah Apartement , Jasa Pindah, Jasa Pindah Pabrik, Genset dan Mesin. [read more]
Layanan Kesehatan Checkup Covid-19 yang mengutamakan Kecepatan, Ketepatan dan Keakuratan hasil yang ditujukan untuk Perorangan, Kelompok atau Perusahaan dengan menggunakan Teknologi RT-PCR terbaru. [read more]
Sentra Kegiatan Islam atau yang kita kenal dengan SKI FT adalah lembaga dakwah yangbergerak diruang lingkup Fakultas Teknik. Didalam keorganisasian SKI kita belajar dan ditempa.. [read more]
Berasal dari kegelisahan mahasiswa psikologi, mengetahui bagaimana dinamika kehidupan yang terjadi di masyarakat. Tak jarang kami jumpai, mereka yang sedang dalam keadaan tidak baik baik saja,.. [read more]
professional registered company with more than 10 years experience in the construction industry. . [read more]
PT Satukelas Adhyapana Nusantara is here to help you grow your organization's workforce competencies. We provide a ready-to-use learning management system that comes with pre-existing.. [read more]
This is not an official page of SMA 1 Padang Panjang. [read more]
A non-profit organization that provides free educational material in technology. We have the vision to be a center of educational material cooperating with Indonesian Techies. [read more]
VisiSimposium sebagai Valuable Brand yang mampu memberdayakan setiap peran dalam industri kopi, untuk memberikan sumbangsih terhadap terciptanya Coffee Culture. [read more]
Consulting,Advisory, and Investment Management. [read more]
Shire Oak International is a developer and financier of large-scale renewable energy projects in developing countries and emerging economies. In Indonesia, our main focus is to develop solar.. [read more]
STIE Indonesia Jakarta is an accounting, located at Jalan Kayu Jati Raya, Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta. [read more]
SDGs Center the University of Lampung is a company, located at Jalan Prof Dr Sumantri Bojonegoro, Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35145. [read more]
soloco, soloco asli, soloco australia, soloco original, permen soloco, obat soloco, obat kuat soloco, jual soloco, harga soloco, agen soloco, distributor soloco, soloco murah, ciri soloco asli,.. [read more]
Established in 2020, Sadajiwa is a company that runs in the beauty and body care industry that offers natural body care products by keep upholding the values of environmental care and sustainability. [read more]
ScoutHR is an online recruitment platform that offers digitalized experience through online tests (such as psychology test, skill test, or even corporation test) to determine potential candidates. [read more]
We are a team of creative minded and passionate Social Media Marketer based in Bali,Indonesia. We have over 5 years experience working with business owners to gain more exposure to their brands. [read more]
SRE ITB is a student-led organization that aims to spark student's role and awareness in the field of new and renewable energy for the greater good of society. [read more]