Tempatnya nyaman, bagus, villanya unik dan minimalis hanya saja kurang tempat sampah di kamar mandi, juga ada penginapan berupa tenda, udaranya sejuk cenderung dingin, pemandangannya dekat.. [read more]
Pemandangannya bagus. Lokasi sudah ada MCKnya jadi kalau camping g usah repot2. . You'll find 4 clean toilets here! Best I've ever seen in my history of camping grounds!!. [read more]
A very nice place that is closer to nature, perfect for bringing children to experience in the green. The facilities are well built (eg. Toilets, shades, resting place). [read more]
bagi para pecinta pesona alam yang menakjubkan, jangan sampe kelewat dengan tempat yang satu ini guys, yg tempat yang asri dan sejuk dengan nuansa yg damai berada di daerah bukit pelangi.. [read more]
Tempat berkemah di Megamendung, Bogor yang nyaman. Untuk mencapai perkemahan ini bisa memarkir mobil di Vila Madani, kemudian ada mobil shuttle yang akan mengantar sampai ke perkemahan. [read more]
Desa dibawah kaliurang. [read more]
Balenta Sembalun Outdoor is a campground, located at Jalan raya Sembalun Lawang RT. 45, Sembalun Lawang, Sembalun, Nusa Tenggara Bar. 83666. They can be contacted via phone at +62 878-6345-8734.. [read more]
Good for creat ur soft skill. [read more]
Di manjakan oleh udara yang sejuk, pemandangan yang luar biasa indah. . . beraneka ragam tumbuhan dan taman taman. . . sangat di anjurkan untuk di kunjungi bersama keluarga. [read more]
sesuai untuk perkemahan. [read more]
Bagus tempatnya, tapi sayang toiletnya tidak, tolong di buat di sekitar perkemahan. [read more]
Vstay99 Home-Cheng Ria Melaka is a campground, located at B-3-5, Tingkat 3 Blok B,, Taman Cheng Ria, 75260 Melaka, Malaysia. They can be contacted via phone at +60 12-704 6577 for more.. [read more]
Suasana perbukitan yang cocok untuk bermain anak2 di outdoor, acara botram keluarga, dan perkemahan keluarga juga menjadi alternatif wisata di hari libur. [read more]
Adakah dulu th 1988 siswa alumni sma 1 abian semal yg pernah ikut JUMPA BAKTI GEMBIRA (JUMBARA) PMR di bumi perkemahan ini ?. Tempatnya indah,sejuk deini kita berbagi cerita dan saya.. [read more]
there for the hot bath. was crowded during my visit. and the water is off so we cant take a shower after. has a place that sells exchange clothes if you somehow dont have one. [read more]
Daerahnya masih dingin. Bagus. . . Buat pendidikan anak muda. . Koramil cibadak kodim kab sukabumi terima kasi. [read more]
Bentuk rumah yang unik. [read more]
This family is great! You get some cultural inside information about Bali. There are also great surf lessons available. It is also possible to get out for a fishing trip and grill them at night.. [read more]
tempat rekreasi yang begitu mengesankan. ada dino park, museum musik. juga ada miniatur istana negara. ada banyak patung lilin orang-orang populer didunia. [read more]
Tempat ini memiliki udara yang segar dan sejuk. Bersih dan terawat. Mudah dijangkau. Kita bisa menginap disini dengan menggunakan tenda. Seru tentunya. [read more]
Yuk Belanja ke warung tetangga,lebih dekat, lebih praktis,harga ga kalah sama mini market modern. . Bangkitkan ekonomi rakyat. . Kawasan nya memiliki udara yg masih segar dan masyarakat sekitar ramah. [read more]
Nice place for hiking and camping. River, wooden bridge, waterfall, camping ground in the middle pines jungle and eagle sanctuary. But it's no easy to find public transportation. [read more]
A good urban resort to hang out with friends or family but elderly are not recommended. Got a lot of facilities or activities to play and have good scenery and view at there. [read more]
It's a clean, quite and affordable place for group camps. Facilities includes halls, basketball court, ping pong tables etc. Accommodation is reasonable for the price. [read more]
An End to End Escape Gateway Starting by a nice pick up from the airport, a comprehensive driver with awesome skill who will let you ask for any stop along the way just to enjoy the scenery till.. [read more]
C Aventure is a campground, located at Gg. H. Muchtar 3 No. 24, Kreo, Larangan, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15158. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-8634-4449 for more detailed information. [read more]
The place is really cold and cool, the cottage side offers a beautiful view of Lake Batur, there is a swimming pool which is also provided free of charge for visiting guests. [read more]
Sidompak Camping Ground, Taman Simalem Resort is a campground, located at Km 9, Jalan Raya, Merek, Kodon-Kodon, Merek, Sidikalang, Sumatera Utara 22173. [read more]
Camping Ground Desa Wisata Pucak Tinggan is a campground, located at Jl. Raya Pura Pucak Mangu, Pelaga, Petang, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80353. They can be contacted via phone at +62 838-4661-4571.. [read more]
Bumi Perkemahan Pramuka KRESEK is a campground, located at Pasir Ampo, Kresek, Tangerang, Banten 15620. [read more]
Camping ground dekat rsj. Tempatnya lumayan luas tpi kurang menantang klau di pke tempat ngospek😂. Tempat mengasikan utk berkemah/ kemping. [read more]
Bumi Perkemahan yang rekomen. Tempatnya dingin dan sejuk karena tidak jauh dari gunung Merapi. Dulu pernah KKN disini. MCKnya memadai. . Tempatnya sejuk dan luas, nyaman. [read more]
Lovely campsite with a lot of facilities included, but the caretaker is easily triggered. Ensure that the campsite is clean at all times!. Good campsite. [read more]
Uthe Barbers is a campground, located at Kp. Kawung Luwuk, Cijeruk, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16740. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-1020-9890 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ciwangun Outbound Marketing is a campground, located at Cihanjuang Rahayu, Parongpong, West Bandung Regency, West Java 40559. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-2286-2255 for more.. [read more]
camp disini aj. . rekom bgt. Bumi perkemahan yang sangat luas dengan fasilitas pendukung yang lengkap. Clean, not expensive, good traditional breakfast, dinner. [read more]