Ice Tea is a cafe, located at Jl. KH Ahmad Dahlan, Baru, Tenggarong, Kabupaten Kutai Timur, Kalimantan Timur 75516. They can be contacted via phone at +62 821-1171-7511 for more detailed information. [read more]
Warkop Sentral is a cafe, located at Jl. Langin No. 4, Kramat Dalam, Kota Sigli, Kabupaten Pidie, Aceh 24112. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-7732-4357 for more detailed information. [read more]
Base Camp Kopdar Satria fu 150 bone club is a cafe, located at Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani, Watampone, Tanete Riattang, Kabupaten Bone, Sulawesi Selatan 92712. [read more]
Super looooove this place especially on Saturday night. They have live music and traditional dance. A bit hard to find though since the sign before the road is quite small and unclear during night. [read more]
Enak citarasa kopi joss buat yang pengen melekan,nggone adem. [read more]
Was here with my boyfriend for having a dinner. There are smoking room and non-smoking room. Non-smoking room is not that big, but well furnitured and cozy. [read more]
ZAZAK HOUSE & MINI CAFE (Permanently Closed) is a cafe, located at Jumbleng, Sojomerto, Kendal, Kabupaten Kendal, Jawa Tengah 51356. They can be contacted via phone at +62 838-3881-0630 for.. [read more]
good place to hang out always have intriguing movie screening many plenty books collection cozy place well parking lot hopefully open soon. Good long black. [read more]
Mantappppp, enak buat nyantai. Tersedia makanan dan minuman halal yg murah meriah dan free wifi juga. [read more]
Waroenk Pandawa is a cafe, located at Jl. Raya Suyitman, Ambulu, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68172. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-3238-4134 for more detailed information. [read more]
"A" Snack And Cake is a cafe, located at Semayap, North Laut Island, Baru City Regency, South Kalimantan 72113. They can be contacted via phone at +62 813-4854-8669 for more detailed information. [read more]
Asiiik untuk nongkrong malam. [read more]
POINT CAFE&Net is a cafe, located at Gg. I, Jombatan, Kec. Jombang, Kabupaten Jombang, Jawa Timur 61419. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-3711-2171 for more detailed information. [read more]
Pa'de Coffe is a cafe, located at Bonto Matene, Mandai, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi 90552. They can be contacted via phone at +62 822-9394-5357 for more detailed information. [read more]
Cafe "YASHINTA" Grafika is a cafe, located at Jl. Desa Karangrejo, Karangrejo, Wonosalam, Kabupaten Demak, Jawa Tengah 59571. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-2744-405 for more.. [read more]
The food is delicious. [read more]
Tempat yang cocok untuk menikmati kopi pada pagi hari. Menu andalan warung kopi ini adalah Kopi Susu Among. Ngopi among sanggau jozz tenan. Rekomendasi untuk menikmati kopi dipagi hari di.. [read more]
Nyaman bget,menunya enak lain dari yang lain murah. Banyak warkop di sini. . . [read more]
Motown coffee adalah tempat ngopi berkonsep classic dan bernuansa seni, saat berada di Motown sambil menikmati kopi terasa seperti tahun 60-80 an karena banyak sekali properti antik menghiasi.. [read more]
Pujasera Cafe is a cafe, located at Jl. Patimura No. 58-A, Bendogerit, Sananwetan, Kota Blitar, Jawa Timur 66133. They can be contacted via phone at +62 342 804025 for more detailed information. [read more]
Warkop kamula muda + Wi-Fi area juga service sepeda motor/tambal ban 24jam. Komunitas pegeblug,nglumpuk asyik boat santai n fuull wifi+untuk sangu lumuh☕☕☕☕☕. [read more]
Kedai Sate Usus Setan is a cafe, located at Gg. no. 21, Jl. kh. Agus Salim, Blindungan, Taman Krocok, Kabupaten Bondowoso, Jawa Timur 68212. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-3613-6188.. [read more]
Tempat santai para mekanik. [read more]
Lumayan rame kalo malam. [read more]
Sedekah Warkop is a cafe, located at JL Jend A Yani, Anawai, Kendari, Kota Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara 93117. They can be contacted via phone at +62 401 3194275 for more detailed information. [read more]
Sekarang tiap selasa ada home band. Asik. Lagu pop hits. Makanan enak. Sekarang sudah cepat penyajiannya. Good place for sit, drink n talks. Nice place for suburban town. [read more]
Selling 41 (as of now) different coffee beans across Indonesia with manual brewing process. They are able to get the best taste out of every bean. Perfect for coffee lovers. [read more]
Warunge Bek. Yana is a cafe, located at desa kec. kab. , Began, Glagah, Kabupaten Lamongan, Jawa Timur 62292. [read more]
Cafe T'boi is a cafe, located at Jalan KH. Mansyur, Delta Pawan, Tengah, Delta Pawan, Kabupaten Ketapang, Kalimantan Barat 78811. [read more]
Tempatvenak buat nongkrong. [read more]
Lokasi enak banget buat nongkrong, tapi parkir agak sedikit susah, tapi aman sudah di sediakan tukang parkir. buat yang baru bisa nyetir, ati", parkir nya di tanjakan depan ruko. [read more]
machine : la marzocco linea pb grinder : nuova simonelli mythos one, mahlkonih ek43 coffee : morph brew method : espresso, v60. best coffee in palembang, good. [read more]
tempatnya para pecinta kopi. Asik buat ngopi bareng. [read more]
Suasana tempatnya cozy, enak buat nongkrong ama temen2. Ada lesehannya juga. Kopinya just so-so tapi lumayan buat di daerah sekitar warujayeng lah. . . [read more]
Saya sudah pernah bermain PS 3 di Blessed. [read more]
Night Catter Rapie is a cafe, located at Jl. Bali No. 272, Karangtengah, Sananwetan, Kota Blitar, Jawa Timur 66137. They can be contacted via phone at +62 857-5510-1445 for more detailed information. [read more]