For photo seekers,this place landscape is difficult to capture with right angel. You'll be wet and slip and sometimes you must climb on slippery grounds so you can capture a right angel. When i was there, i can't explore much coz i didn't wanna get wet and i wearing a wrong shoes. But the nature was great. There's a little lake that still virgin welcomes you with beautiful reflections on the water.
clear and fresh water
I love this place, clear water and beautiful nature.
asik untuk bersantai melepas lelah dari aktivitas sehari2
air yang sejuk dan jernih membuat hati kita tenang 😁
Belum maksimal dalam pengembangan wisata ini...
Bagus areanya
Airnya Jernih walau belum tertata rapi
Adem dan natural banget. Tinggal pertahankan kebersihan dan keamanan sehingga tetap disukai untuk dikunjungi.
Bagus lokasinya, untuk pengelola supaya diperhatikan tata ruang dan nuansa nya lebih menarik lagi
Objek wisata alam di pusat ibukota kabupaten minahasa tenggara
Airnya sangat jernih. Sayang sarana untuk MCK masih sangat minim.
Mantap! Natural Swimming Pool...
Sunggu bagus tuk di kunjungi
The cool crystal clear water springs out of a cave where you can actually get in & chill at.
Great place to cure a hangover :D
Please do not litter!
It takes everyone to keep a place like this clean & enjoyable as it is.