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4 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    27 March 2018


    Syarat sahnya kontrak dapat dikaji berdasarkan hukum kontrak yang terdapat didalam KUH Perdata dan hukum kontrak yang ada di Amerika.

    4 Syarat Syahnya Perjanjian/Kontrak Menurut Pasal 1320 KUH Perdata

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  • Anynomous
    20 October 2017


    Warisan adalah perkara yang penting bagi kehidupan Anda. Tidak hanya untuk diri pribadi, melainkan juga untuk anak cucu Anda kelak. Meskipun penting, seringkali perihal warisan ini menimbulkan berbagai permasalahan. Tidak heran, banyak juga orang yang putus tali persaudaraannya karena hak warisan. Permasalahan utamanya biasanya karena perbedaan pendapat mengenai kesetaraan dan keadilan.

    Meskipun aturan dan perhitungannya cukup rumit. Anda perlu ...

    Continue ReadingVarious heirs in Indonesia

    Legacy is an important matter for your life. Not only for personal self, but also for your grandchildren someday. Although it's important, it's often about this legacy to cause a variety of problems. No wonder, a lot of people broke up the rope of their brothers because of legacy rights. The main issue is usually due to the difference of opinion regarding equality and justice.

    Although the rules and calculations are quite complicated. You need to think about it from now on and don't try to put this. Worrying about this legacy is a big deal that appears in the future. For that, you need to learn the law of the heir in Indonesia. You're being sued to understand and understand. So, when the division is divided, it will reach a consensus and no strife and talk behind.

    Understanding of the heir

    According to Indonesian law experts, Prof. Dr. Wirjono Prodjodikoro (1976), the law of the heir is defined as the law that governs about the position of someone's wealth after the heir of the world, and the ways of moving wealth to others or heirs.

    Despite the understanding of the legal law is not listed in the book of civil law kuh civil law, but the layout of the law's legal setting is governed by kuh civil. And according to the instructions of president number 1, the law is the law that governs the transfer of rights to the legacy of the legacy, then determines whoever is entitled to the heir and how much is the part of each.

    The elements of the heir

    Speaking of the law of the heir is not regardless of a few elements bound. As for these elements as follows:

    The heir is the one who passed away or the one who gave the legacy called heir. Usually the heir is to bestow both his wealth or his obligations or debt to others or heirs.
    - heir.
    The heir is a man who received a legacy called as an heir legally given to receive wealth and obligations or debts left by the heir.
    - Legacy Treasure.
    The inheritance of the legacy is all that is given to the heir.

    Waris law in Indonesia

    Indonesia is a multicultural country. There are many rules that can not be able to mess with the culture. Same for the law. In Indonesia, there is no legal law applicable nationwide. The law of the heir in Indonesia is the law of the heir, the law of Islam, and the law of civil heir. Each of the heirs has different rules. As for the following explanation:

    1. Legal heir
    Indonesia is a country of islands consisting of various tribes, religions, and different customs one with another. It affects the laws that apply in every group of society known as the legal law.

    According to ter har, a law expert in his book called beginselen en stelsel van het adatrecht (1950), the law of the customary heir is the rules of law that set the forwarding and transition from the century to the good century of intangible wealth and intangible wealth of the generation on The following generation.

    The law of the custom itself is not written, it is only the norm and the customs that must obey certain people in a region and only apply in the area with certain sanctions for those who break it.

    Therefore, the law of the heir is much influenced by the social structure or kinship. In Indonesia the law of the heir knows some kind of inheritance system. Anything?

    The System of descendants: this system is distinguished into three kinds of system systems that are based on the lineage of the father, the system system based on mother's lineage, and the bilateral system is the system based on the line of

    The Individual System: based on this system, every heir gets or has a legacy of inheritance according to its respective parts. In General this system is applied to a society that follows bilateral social systems such as java and Batak.

    The Collective System: heir receives inheritance as a union that is not divided or its ownership and each heir only has the right to use or get results from the treasure. For example is a relic in a certain society.

    The System System: in the mayorat system, the inheritance of the inheritance is moved as a union that is not divided by the rights of mastery bestowed upon certain children. For example to the eldest son who was in charge of the family leader replacing father's position or mother as head of the family, as in Bali society and lampung heritage of inheritance bestowed upon the oldest son and in Sumatra South to the eldest daughter

    2. Islamic heir

    The Islamic law of Islam applies to the Indonesian community of Islam and is set in article 171-214 Indonesian law compilation, namely Islamic law written in 229 article. In the law of Islamic heir to the principles of kewarisan individual bilateral, not collective nor mayorat. Thus the heir can come from the father or mother.

    According to the law of Islamic heir there are three conditions so that inheritance is specified so that it may give a person or heir to receive a legacy:

    The one who passed away (the heir) has passed away. So that if there is a share or treasure of the family in the legacy of the heir is still alive, it is not included in the legacy category but called grant. The one who inherited (the heir) is alive at the time of the one who passed away. The one who bequeathed and inherited has a relationship of offspring or kinship, either the lines of the line straight up like father or grandpa and the bond straight down like a child, grandson, and uncle.

    3. Civil Heir law

    The law of civil heir or which is often called the law of the western heir applies to the society of nonmuslim, including the citizens of Indonesia's descendants, both Chinese and Europe whose terms are set in the book of civil law.

    The Civil Heir follows an individual system where every heir gets or has a legacy of inheritance according to their respective parts. In the law of civil heir there are two ways to pass:

    Leave it by law or leave without a testament called as AB-Instentato, while his heir is called AB-Instaat. There are 4 beneficiaries on the law: groups I made up of the husband and children and his offspring; the factions made up of the parents and the brothers and his descendants; the faction was made up of grandpa, grandma and on top; And the iv group consists of a family in a further sideways line, including the brothers of the heir iii and his offspring.

    He said, " O my people! Notary.

    The terms of the creation of this will apply to those who are 18 years old or more and are married even though not 18 years old. The heirs of the heir are all those who are appointed by the heir.

    Fair Heritage Division

    From The description above, you need to know the needs that can include your big family. It's complicated, especially when you count it. However, you need a high patience. If it's trouble, consult the nearest person. You can also use expert power to help. It would certainly help you to make a better reckoning. Thus, the purpose of equality and division fair can be fulfilled.

    Pay attention to the oldest man's will. If you feel the need to uphold justice and equality, don't hesitate to negotiate. Thus will appear a consensus that becomes a mutual reference. Communication helps people to understand each other. Thus the bond of the family will remain awake and harmonious. At least you've tried your best. Good intentions will surely have good results anyway.Translated

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  • Anynomous
    19 October 2017


    Tanah merupakan faktor produksi alam yang sangat penting dalam upaya pemenuhan berbagai kebutuhan. Jumlah tanah yang terbatas jika dihadapkan dengan jumlah manusia yang kian bertambah dan kebutuhan yang sifatnya tak terbatas, dapat menimbulkan berbagai permasalahan. Untuk itu diperlukan jaminan kepastian hukum yang mampu memberikan solusi bagi para pihak yang berkepentingan.

    Sampai saat ini, masih banyak masyarakat yang mengeluhkan suli...

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  • Anynomous
    19 October 2017


    Pembagian waris menurut Islam ketika orang tua meninggal dunia dan memiliki dua orang anak, dengan ahli waris satu perempuan dan yang satunya laki-laki, maka bagian laki-laki adalah dua kali bagian perempuan, sesuai dengan Q.S. An-Nisa’ ayat 11: “Allah mensyari'atkan bagimu tentang (pembagian pusaka untuk) anak-anakmu. Yaitu: bagian seorang anak lelaki sama dengan bagian dua orang anak perempuan...”. Berdasarkan ayat ini bahwa anak laki-laki mendapatkan 2/3 ...dan anak perempuan mendapatkan 1/3 dari harta warisan.

    Apabila seseorang tidak menjalankan perintah Allah, maka dia telah berbuat dosa, sebagaimana firman Allah SWT Q.S. An-Nisa’ ayat 13: “(Hukum-hukum waris tersebut) itu adalah ketentuan-ketentuan dari Allah. Barang siapa taat kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya, niscaya Allah memasukkannya ke dalam syurga yang mengalir didalamnya sungai-sungai, sedang mereka kekal di dalamnya; dan itulah kemenangan yang besar”.

    Pembagian harta waris secara Islam itu wajib, namun harta warisan itu hak, dan hak itu harus diminta dan boleh untuk tidak diminta atau tidak diambil. Jika terjadi sengketa maka bisa menempuh jalur hukum Islam lewat pengadilan agama, dan tidak boleh menggunakan cara yang tidak dianjurkan oleh Islam.

    Namun dalam beberapa kasus ada ahli waris yang terlebih dahulu menempuh jalur pengadilan negeri. Allah mengecam hal ini dalam Q.S. Al-Baqarah ayat 188: “Dan janganlah sebagian kamu memakan harta sebagian yang lain di antara kamu dengan jalan yang bathil dan (janganlah) kamu membawa (urusan) harta itu kepada hakim (pengadilan), supaya kamu dapat memakan sebagian daripada harta benda orang lain itu dengan (jalan berbuat) dosa, padahal kamu mengetahui”.

    Orang yang serakahlah dan ingin menguasai hak orang lainlah yang berdosa. Mudah-mudahan Allah SWT membuka hatinya untuk kembali ke jalan yang benar. Sebagai muslim yang baik, kejahatan dan permusuhan jangan dibalas dengan hal yang sama.

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