Ga tau. . . kenal aja kaga' ๐๐. [read more]
Qulia Rahmi is a clothing store, located at JL. Pajak Ikan Lama, Panton labu, Pasar Lor, Meunasah Asan Ab, Lhoksukon, Kabupaten Aceh Utara, Aceh 24372. [read more]
Sedikit di ralat. . makam tengku di kandang tepatnya di jalan tengku di kandang dusun kandang gampong pande kecamatan kutaraja kota banda aceh. [read more]
Sulthan Tours. PT is a travel agency, located at Jl. T. Panglima Polem No. 30, Laksana, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415. They can be contacted via phone at +62 651 21111 for more.. [read more]
ุญููุฉ ุงูู ุดุฑู. [read more]
Warung ini menyediakan mie Aceh dengan berbagai variasi. Rasanya mantap, terasa kick di lidah. Mie udang, mie kepiting, disajikan dengan baik. Variasi minuman tak terlalu istimewa. [read more]
A3 Coffi is a cafe, located at Medang Ara, Karang Baru, Aceh Tamiang Regency, Aceh 24476. They can be contacted via phone at +62 853-5945-5587 for more detailed information. [read more]
m. a studio is a cafe, located at Dusun Inpres Desa Bundar, Kecamatan Karang Baru, Jalan Ir. H. Juanda, Medang Ara, Karang Baru, Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang, Aceh 24476. [read more]
Pante Pirak Swalayan (Permanently Closed) is a store, located at JL. Mata IE, Mata Ie, Montasik, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Aceh 23373. They can be contacted via phone at +62 651 49604 for more.. [read more]
Lembaga Pendidikan Akademi Pengembangan Wira Usaha Sabang is a school, located at Jl. Chik Ditiro No. 5, Ie Meulee, Sukajaya, Kota Sabang, Aceh 23511. [read more]
PT. KURNIA PUTRA MANDIRI SUSOH (Permanently Closed) is a car dealer, located at Jl. Letkol BB Djalal, Desa Padang Baru - Kecamatan Susoh, Alue Rambot, Susoh, Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya, Aceh 23765. [read more]
Rumah Makan Nixas is a restaurant, located at Jl. Teuku Nyak Arief No. 37, Peurada, Syiah Kuala, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415. They can be contacted via phone at +62 811-776-210 for more.. [read more]
Video wedding or cinematic, clip and profile company. Digitall studio editing, pembuatan video clip Foto digital Rekaman dll. [read more]
Ramen Akira is a restaurant, located at Seutui, Baiturrahman, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23116. They can be contacted via phone at +62 853-7161-3455 for more detailed information. [read more]
Mantaappp, poskow perlombaan MTQ cabang tartil, tahfiz. [read more]
Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional (BTPN) KCP MUR Ulee Glee is a bank, located at JL. Medan - Banda Aceh, Bandar Dua, Mns Mesjid, Muara Dua, Kota Lhokseumawe, Aceh 24355. [read more]
Usaha Jasa Indah is a shoe store, located at JL Medan-Banda Aceh, Geudong, Samudra, Aceh Utara, Terminal Geudong, Blang Peuria, Samudera, Kabupaten Aceh Utara, Aceh. [read more]
Ummiyah, located at Gampoeng Alue Bi Pusong, No. 10 Ap, Jangka, Pulo Iboih, Jangka, Kabupaten Bireuen, Aceh 24261. They can be contacted via phone at +62 823-6921-9661 for more detailed information. [read more]
Rauhancell is an electronics store, located at Lam Bheu, Darul Imarah, Aceh Besar Regency, Aceh 23233. [read more]
Mala Pulsa is a store, located at JL. Medan, Gampong Keude, Darul Aman, Buket Kulam, Banda Aceh, Kabupaten Aceh Timur, Aceh 24455. They can be contacted via phone at +62 853-7066-1808 for.. [read more]
ATM BANK ACEH RSIA is an atm, located at GEDUNG RSIA, Meuraxa, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23116. They can be contacted via phone at +62 651 8016255 for more detailed information. [read more]
The Rehabilition And Reconstruction Of Simeulue Island, located at JL. Tengku Diujung, Suka Karya, Simeulue Tim. , Kabupaten Simeulue, Aceh 24782. They can be contacted via phone at +62 650 21407.. [read more]
Waroeng Soto Essy is a restaurant, located at Hakim Bale Bujang, Lut Tawar, Central Aceh, Aceh 24519. [read more]
SMA Negeri 1 Padang Tiji is a school, located at Jl. Banda Aceh, Gampong Baro, Pidie, Kabupaten Pidie, Aceh 24164. They can be contacted via phone at +62 653 7828047 for more detailed information. [read more]
PDAM Tirta Meulaboh is a convenience store, located at Jl. Purnama No. 1, Suak Raya, Johan Pahlawan, Kabupaten Aceh Barat, Aceh 23617. They can be contacted via phone at +62 655 7551414 for.. [read more]
CV Karya Nyata is a convenience store, located at JL. Medan Banda, Mns Mesjid, Muara Dua, Kota Lhokseumawe, Aceh 24351. They can be contacted via phone at +62 645 42425 for more detailed information. [read more]
Amirruddin, located at JL. Medan - Banda Aceh, Geurugok, Gandapura, Kota Bireun, Kota Juang, Kabupaten Bireuen, Aceh 24261. They can be contacted via phone at +62 813-7726-3993 for more.. [read more]
Sabang kota 0KM di ujung barat indonesia. Saya dari jawa barat, punya pamily di komplek AL dewi sartika. . Pelayanan yang cepat dan tidak berbelit. . . [read more]
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri Tanjung Tualang is a school, located at JL. Tengku Nyak Banda, Desa Tanjung Tualang, Paya Gajah, Peureulak Bar. , Kabupaten Aceh Timur, Aceh 24454. [read more]
AALC bukan hanya tempat belajar bahasa inggris saja melainkan tempat berkumpulnya para remaja yang memiliki jiwa wira usaha yang tinggi. . . Selain itu AALC juga merupakan sekretariat daripada.. [read more]
Kantor SD Negeri 1 Banda Sakti is a school, located at JL. Diponegoro, No. 1, Bandar Sakti, Kp. Jawa Baru, Banda Sakti, Kota Lhokseumawe, Aceh. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-6966-830.. [read more]
Depo Blangpidie PT. Alamjaya Wirasentosa. [read more]
Adem banget mushala nya. . Bersih, rapi dan terawat. Khutbah jumat tanpa unsur politik. TOP. . [read more]
WARNET NAFISA NET is an electronics store, located at Jl. Teuku Umar, Lae Oram, Simpang Kiri, Kota Subulussalam, Aceh 24784. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-9768-8584 for more.. [read more]
Zola Ponsel is a store, located at Gampong Teungoh, Langsa Kota, Langsa City, Aceh 24375. They can be contacted via phone at +62 813-6069-6937 for more detailed information. [read more]