Yang paling terkenal dendeng baladonya yang nendang😘. Ayam gorengnya makyus. [read more]
Tingkatkan lagi pelayanan dan keramahan, harga lumayan mahal tapi sesuai dengan rasa dan kualitasnya. Saya kerja d bred boy cake shop. [read more]
LKP Victory English Cuarse, located at JL. Rantau, Kuala Simpang, Desa Bukit Tempurung, Kota Kuala Simpang, Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang, Aceh 24456. They can be contacted via phone at +62.. [read more]
EVA KALORI, located at Jl. Manek Roo No. 10, Ujong Baroh, Johan Pahlawan, Kabupaten Aceh Barat, Aceh 23612. They can be contacted via phone at +62 655 7010169 for more detailed information. [read more]
Sekolah Menengah yang berada di Kecamatan Samalanga Kab. Bireuen, Aceh, 24264, Indonesia. [read more]
Nuraini Ibrahim is a store, located at Gampoeng Tanoh Anoe Tgk Yusuf Milhi, Jangka, 24261, Jangka Keutapang, Jangka, Kabupaten Bireuen, Aceh 24261. They can be contacted via phone at.. [read more]
lorong lhok bangka is a lodging, located at Jl. Utama Gampong Rukoh, Rukoh, Syiah Kuala, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415. [read more]
Acehshop is a store, located at Jl. Rukoh Utama, Rukoh, Syiah Kuala, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-2451-6796 for more detailed information. [read more]
Warkop Cahaya Hidup is a restaurant, located at Jalan Utama Rukoh, Lorong Banna No. 2, Desa Rukoh, Rukoh, Syiah Kuala, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415. They can be contacted via phone at.. [read more]
Selalu banyak pilihan kue, makanan. Katanya kopinya enak. Dan selalu rame, siang malam pagi. . [read more]
Dhania is a clothing store, located at Jl. Gudang Baru No. 20, Lhokseumawe, Banda Sakti, Aceh Utara, Aceh 24351. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-6361-1527 for more detailed information. [read more]
Mengajarkan kami untuk menghambakan diri Hanya kepada Allah swt. . [read more]
Ka Londriy is a laundry, located at JL. Iskandar Muda, Puege Jorong, Blang Oi, Meuraxa, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23116. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-7628-1641 for more detailed information. [read more]
Granada Keramik is a home goods store, located at JL. Iskandar Muda, Puege Jorong, Blang Oi, Meuraxa, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23116. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-7728-4932 for.. [read more]
Sejati Wisatama is a travel agency, located at JL. T. P Polem, No. 1, Laksana, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh. They can be contacted via phone at +62 651 22581 for more detailed information. [read more]
Polem Coffee is a restaurant, located at Jl. Kenari, Uteun Bayi, Banda Sakti, Kota Lhokseumawe, Aceh. They can be contacted via phone at +62 853-5926-9647 for more detailed information. [read more]
Bakso bang Feri is a restaurant, located at Jl. Kenari, Uteun Bayi, Banda Sakti, Kota Lhokseumawe, Aceh. [read more]
PP. Ma'had Darul Falah is a school, located at Gampong MNS Pulo BL Asan, Syamtalira Aron, Atu Gogop, Kute Panang, Kabupaten Aceh Tengah, Aceh 24571. They can be contacted via phone at.. [read more]
di kafe ini ada jual kue kacang sabang. . merk nya lupa. yang pasti oleh2 khas dari sabang. . . [read more]
Fida Teknik Pratama, located at Jl. Teuku Iskandar No. 60, Meunasah Manyang, Krueng Barona Jaya, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Aceh 23127. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-6993-484 for.. [read more]
Swit Mami Toko is a store, located at Jl. Jati No. 3, Kota Bireun, Kota Juang, Kabupaten Bireuen, Aceh 24261. They can be contacted via phone at +62 813-7721-7111 for more detailed information. [read more]
SMP N 3 Meulaboh, located at JL. SM Raja Meulaboh, Aceh Barat, Drien Rampak, Johan Pahlawan, Kabupaten Aceh Barat, Aceh 23611. They can be contacted via phone at +62 655 7552277 for more.. [read more]
Dr. Samsul Rizal is a doctor, located at JL. Meulaboh-Calang, Simpang Tugu, Kabong, Krueng Sabee, Kabupaten Aceh Jaya, Aceh 23653. They can be contacted via phone at +62 821-6114-1360 for.. [read more]
Good view but must be clean from trash. Yes i love sabang, because that is my village. . . Good place to prove that you've been here 😃. [read more]
Bermakna dalam membentuk karakter insan muda yang bermartabat dunia akhirat. [read more]
Warkop Bg Lud is a cafe, located at Jl. Keude Dua, Keude Dua, Darul Ihsan, Kabupaten Aceh Timur, Aceh 24454. [read more]
PRO SPORTS is a store, located at JL Kol. Husen Yusuf, Kota Bireun, Kota Juang, Kabupaten Bireuen, Aceh 24261. They can be contacted via phone at +62 813-6083-8305 for more detailed information. [read more]
Feb Cafe is a cafe, located at Jl. Merdeka Timur, Cunda, Uteun Kot, Lhokseumawe, Kota Lhokseumawe, Aceh 24355. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-7738-9934 for more detailed information. [read more]
RH Boutique is a clothing store, located at Gampong Mutia, Langsa Kota, Langsa City, Aceh 24375. They can be contacted via phone at +62 822-7222-7600 for more detailed information. [read more]
Sentral Musik, located at JL. Sentral, Blangpidie, Aceh Barat Daya, Panton Raya, Blang Pidie, Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya, Aceh 23763. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-7709-9364 for.. [read more]
Baruna Jaya Mobil is a car dealer, located at Sukadamai, Lueng Bata, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23127. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-6900-088 for more detailed information. [read more]
RSIA AMALIA (Permanently Closed) is a doctor, located at Blang Keude, Ganda Pura, Bireuen Regency, Aceh 24184. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-2511-7126 for more detailed information. [read more]
Jasa Budi Dua Toko is a store, located at Jl. Tgk. Glee Iniem No. 199, Lam Klat, Darussalam, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Aceh 23373. They can be contacted via phone at +62 813-6962-1187 for more.. [read more]
Haji Doni is a convenience store, located at JL. Utama, No. 13, Pulo Ara, Kota Juang, Pulo Ara Geudong Teungoh, Kota Juang, Kabupaten Bireuen, Aceh 24261. [read more]
Dua Mitra Sejati. CV, located at Jl. Cut Nyak Dhien No. 37, Kuta Timu, Sukakarya, Kota Sabang, Aceh 24411. They can be contacted via phone at +62 652 22471 for more detailed information. [read more]
Oil is a car repair, located at JL. Sigli - Jabalgofur, Garot, Labui, Pidie, Kabupaten Pidie, Aceh 24164. They can be contacted via phone at +62 866-267-691 for more detailed information. [read more]