ABYAKTA | Landscape Design, Build & Masterplan | is a company, located at 6 Jalan Dewi Kunthi II, Bogor, West Java 16152, Indonesia. Visit their website www.abyaktabhumi.com, Instagram, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
ABYAKTA, a landscape company, was found in 2019 in Bogor city. Our management and experts are composed of professionals in in the area of landscape design, landscape planning and landscape construction.Each of our products is driven by environmental values. And our team are always motivated to put the environmental value ahead in our design and construction works. As much as we can, we encourage our self to balance the use of a site for human interest without damaging the environment itself. We believe that a proper design will generate a well-built landscape. And well-buit landscape is good for our business, isn't it?Our team has the proven expertise from handling large scale project like Master Planning for National Park to small scale project like Residential Garden.Legally, we are under PT. Abyakta Bhumi Arya.
Tags : #EnvironmentalServices
Location :
6 Jalan Dewi Kunthi II, Bogor, West Java 16152
Added by
Jopie, at 01 January 2020