Very well kept park in the heart of Bakony mountain range. It houses some very old plants (for example a 400 years old birch) and some monuments. There is a museum and a tranquil lake complete with wild geese too.
Zirc arboretum is a wonderfull place. If you want to relax a bit then I offer to you because the place is quiet and nice etc. So i recommend for you.
A very nice arboretum in Zirc. It hosts a wide variety of species, ideal for a walk or just to get relaxed.
If you love walk then this is a good place. Could be quite boring as nothing much to see. But very peaceful.
Csalódás volt a kert, a patak szinte teljesen ki volt száradva, így a vízlépcsőt sem láttuk, és a növényekből is láttunk már izgalmasabbakat. Talán tavasszal nagyobb élmény lehet, amikor több növény virágzik.
Overally a quiet, nice place to wander around.
Bakony szíve angol kert,csodás Bakonyi botanikus paradicsom,büfé idegen vezetés,programok.
Beautifull and quiet.
A beautiful place to spend time with family.