
Encouraging the heart; Transforming the mind and soul.

Tags : #ReligiousCenter, #PresbyterianChurch, #ReligiousOrganization

Location :
titanyen, Cabaret


What Is The Name?
Barnabas is one of the great figures of the early church, described in the Book of Acts. Three things are mentioned of him by Luke and the Apostle Paul: he was a good man, he was full of the Holy Spirit, and he was full of faith. A glowing recommendation indeed! But, greatest of all, everyone knows him as “The Son of Encouragement.” God gave him a gift. Through his character and his abilities to bring encouragement and hope to those new Churches and believers who were being persecuted for their faith.

GO Barnabas Camps are just such a place; bringing encouragement and hope to the youth of Haiti, who have so little of each. The next generation holds the key to radical changes in the lives of the Haitian people. When the “heart” is truly given to Jesus Christ, all the burdens that have so plagued this country begin to reverse themselves