
Snack bar
Pomfree bar
Soft ice cream
Fast food

Tags : #PizzaPlace, #FastFoodRestaurant

Location :
Šetalište Stjepana Radića bb, 21223 Okrug Gornji


On our great place to be bar you can enjoy variaty of drinks, coffee, food, sweets and soft ice cream. We are proudly to be part of world famous fast food chain Surf'n'Fries.

Surf'n'Fries came into existence in order to offer to the world the best potatoes ever. Beside the fries, we have designed a variety of special sauces so that you can experience that extra special something when enjoying our fries. Our packaging, in which we serve the fries, has been designed so that you can eat the fries while walking through urban areas or on summer beaches. Surf'n'Fries is based on an honest relationship with the buyer and promotes the idea of “free living” and “free decision-making” regarding food.
It is our goal that you enjoy the tastes offered by Surf'n'Fries as well as the experience of choosing, ordering and consuming our specialties.