專營樓宇村屋買賣租賃、各類型土地轉讓、代辦申建丁屋及合作發展項目,歡迎查詢委託。. [read more]
樓宇租售、樓盤分享、地產資訊. [read more]
本公司專營 元朗、錦田、天水圍、屯門等西鐵沿線之 村屋、別墅 買賣租賃,20多年經驗,忠誠可靠. [read more]
專業測量, 物業估價! 專營: 村屋, 農地, 倉地, 工商舖, 海外物業. . [read more]
榮記地產自1986年起提供地產代理服務扎根元朗33年 專營元朗區《村屋 * 屋苑 * 商舖 * 洋樓 * 唐樓 》歡迎委託:安寧路舖24772266 鳳群街舖24433033. [read more]
元朗8090後上車筍盤 is a real estate agency, located at 香港元朗青山公路75號地下75A及75B鋪, Yuen Long. They can be contacted via phone at 85296380380 for more detailed information. [read more]
營業時間由 星期一至星期日 10AM. [read more]
映御 Twin Regency is a real estate agency, located at 德業街11號, Yuen Long. [read more]
萬豐物業 is a real estate agency, located at 元朗鳯攸東街9號好順意大廈B座地下17號鋪, 852 Yuen Long. They can be contacted via phone at 29802111 for more detailed information. [read more]
YOHO Midtown is a real estate agency, located at Yuen Long, New Territories, Yuen Long. They can be contacted via phone at 95865129 for more detailed information. [read more]
公司經營範圍#元朗#錦田#天水圍#大棠#屯門#洪水橋#錦上路#橫洲#沙田#西貢#大埔 牌照號碼 : C-063493. [read more]
Skyrivery Real Estate Agency is specializing in the properties of selling and leasing houses & warehouses in the region from Yuen Long to Sheung Shui. [read more]
本公司專營元朗住宅,商舖及各投資項目。. [read more]
隨著多項接通港九新界其他地區的高速公路及鐵路相繼落成,搬往元朗居住人口日益增加。除交通方便外, 區內設施一應俱全亦是於區內投資置業一大優勢。. [read more]
專營:天水圍 63735900 Mable Mau/劉小姐. [read more]
**你想搬屋 理想搬運** 電話: 8103 8000 本公司擁有多年搬運經驗。一向以「顧客為先」作為經營理念,忠誠可靠,服務態度誠懇有禮。. [read more]
專業代理村屋、丁地、洋樓、舖位、農地、倉地買賣租售,歡迎委託. 查詢. [read more]
專營元朗舖位商業 , YOHO TOWN , YOHO MIDTOWN , GRAND YOHO , 租務 買賣 ,歡迎查詢委託 電話:2478 1128 地產代理牌照號碼:E-150821-(C-000). [read more]
⭕️免費提供: ☑️物業估價(包括匯豐、中銀、渣打及恆生等) ☑️經絡按揭http://www. mreferral. com 1對1貼心服務 ☑️專業律師團隊法律查詢. [read more]
美聯物業-嘉湖銀座商場分行 is a real estate agency, located at 天秀路8天一商城1/F1112號舖, +852 Tin Shui Wai. They can be contacted via phone at 26010828 for more detailed information. [read more]
為各位投資者及上車客提供完善的市場資訊 二手荀盤 並提供一系列的售後服務 24小時查詢熱線:5648 7272/5726 2502 歡近合作、業主放盤、客人問盤 WHATSAPP荀盤群組:https://chat. whatsapp. com/F2IrkBXqxKV0hdN. [read more]
本公司專營:村屋,倉地,農地等土地租售. [read more]
據一手住宅銷售資訊網,新鴻基地產(00016)旗下元朗錦田北PARK YOHO Genova. [read more]
新地元朗著目新盤,GRAND YOHO 間隔實用寬敞,元朗地鐵站上蓋,鄰近商場 主打2房3房單位,適合換樓客,投資者 如有查詢,可致電 5407 7200. [read more]
YOHO Town is one of the private housing estates and shopping centres in Yuen Long, New Territories, Hong Kong, developed by Sun Hung Kai Properties. DescriptionYOHO Town is divided into 3 phases. [read more]