用心為您度身定做各式甜點, 散水餅, 婚宴糖果, 酥餅, 芝士餅, 鮮果塔, 慕斯蛋糕, 甚至寵物食品等. . . 貴客可自行選擇餅底, 餡料, 甜度, 味道, 鮮果. . . 價格因材料而定,歡迎任何查詢!. [read more]
環保節能科技. [read more]
魔手日式和風料理 Masyu's Japanese Restaurant is a restaurant, located at SHOP 3 ,G/F , YICK FAI BUILDING, 20 SAI CHING STREET, 000 Yuen Long Town. They can be contacted via phone at.. [read more]
Hair Salon. [read more]
Let's Work Hard and Play Hard together! 齊齊溫書齊齊玩!. [read more]
服務項目Service project: 不銹鋼stainless 鎳合金nickel 鋁合金aluminum 鈦合金titanium 哈氏合金hastelloy TIG氬弧焊接 MIG氣體保護焊接 等各項專業精密焊接 skc. welding. neko@outlook. com. [read more]
牛皇 ~ 冷凍食材專門店. [read more]
作為Doctors Beck & Stone Veterinary Clinic的一員,我們緊遵把病人放在第一位、推進亞洲獸醫學領域這兩個大前提。. [read more]
Yuen Long Head Office : Shop 8, G/F, Chun Chu House 1 Castle Peak Road Yuen Long, N. T. Hong Kong. [read more]
賽馬會毅智書院 位於香港新界元朗天水圍新市鎮天頌苑,靠近輕鐵翠湖站,是一所全日制津貼文法男女中文中學。歷史賽馬會毅智書院於1999年開校。由前教育統籌局撥款興建的毅智閱覽室於2006年正式落成啟用,服務區內居民,前財政司司長唐英年曾到訪。校舍在晚間開辦毅智持續教育書院。歷任校長譚華漢 (09/1999 至 08/2010)雷志康 (09/2010 至 現在 )辦學團體賽馬會毅智書院由毅智教育學會創辦。2009年12月1日,萬鈞教育機構有限公司統一接掌該校之毅智教育學會及其它聯校之辦學團體。此有限公司是慈善機構,豁免繳稅。校訓勤學、服務、領導辦學宗旨實踐『人人可教』的辦學理念,以學生為本,提供全人教育,培養學生學習共通能力,發揮學生潛能。加強學生兩文三語學習及電腦科技應用。課外活動和比賽制服團隊本校共有四個制服團隊,分別為:童軍(新界第1081旅)、女童軍(新界第324女童軍隊)、聖約翰救傷隊 及 交通安全隊。 四隊於公開比賽皆獲得優異成績。<>>- 2014年比賽獲得全港15名步操比賽<>>- 連續四年獲得『優秀隊伍獎』及『隊伍優秀女童軍隊』- 獲得『制服團隊盾』(2009-10、2014-15)<<>>-<<>>-戲劇比賽賽馬會毅智書院、教育局合辦「全港小學普通話戲劇小品比賽」,比賽邀請香港各小學參加,旨在提升學生的普通話溝通能力。2009年舉辦第五屆比賽。聯校伯裘書院(Pak Kau College)匯知中學(QualiEd College)外部連結賽馬會毅智書院毅智閱覽室賽馬會毅智書院的辦學團體:毅智教育學會賽馬會毅智書院:聯校資料賽馬會毅智書院(中學概覽)賽馬會毅智書院(教育局:學校搜尋). [read more]
專營日本NiBK 650度陶瓷高溫迫力皮,另有850度更高級數CCM碳陶瓷迫力皮. 另有4-8 pot 鮑魚套裝. [read more]
本公司提供服務包括:室內設計,傢俬設計訂造,裝修工程,戶外木,玻璃屋,組合屋,天台防水等等. . . 免費上門度尺報價,歡迎來電或親臨查詢報價 公司地址: 元朗教育路128號地下 電話:29802116. [read more]
🎼💃一個屬於天水圍信義會外展隊年青人既藝術平台🎧🎤. [read more]
隨著多項接通港九新界其他地區的高速公路及鐵路相繼落成,搬往元朗居住人口日益增加。除交通方便外, 區內設施一應俱全亦是於區內投資置業一大優勢。. [read more]
專營:天水圍 63735900 Mable Mau/劉小姐. [read more]
Man Fong Café 萬芳冰室 is a restaurant, located at Shop 10, G/F, Chee King Garden, 35-55 Kin Tak St, Yuen Long. They can be contacted via phone at +85228702777 for more detailed information. [read more]
花田讚岐手打烏冬 is a restaurant, located at Flat G, G/F, Tse King Hse, 51-61 Kau Yuk Rd, Yuen Long. They can be contacted via phone at +85234884099 for more detailed information. [read more]
Calf Bone King 小肥牛 is a restaurant, located at 1/F, Shun Fat House, 54-66 Kau Yuk Rd, Yuen Long. They can be contacted via phone at +85224700891 for more detailed information. [read more]
Bliss Pub is a bar, located at 元朗鳳琴街17,18號鋪偉發大廈地下, 852 Yuen Long. They can be contacted via phone at 28878799 for more detailed information. . [read more]
JC Room is a restaurant, located at Shop 44, G/ F, Ho Shun King Building, 3 Fung Yau Street South, Yuen Long, Yuen Long. They can be contacted via phone at +85223855168 for more detailed information. [read more]
金莎冰室 is a restaurant, located at Shop 7, G/F, Block 1, Ho Shun King Building, 3 Fung Yau Street South, Yuen Long, Yuen Long. They can be contacted via phone at +85224768823 for more.. [read more]
Korean Forest 韓松園 is a restaurant, located at Shop 6, G/F, Ho Shun Lee Shopping Centre, 9 Fung Yau St S, Yuen Long. They can be contacted via phone at +85224439603 for more detailed information. [read more]
Tao Square 稻坊 is a restaurant, located at Shop 1, Basement, Riva Shopping Arcade, 1 Ying Ho Rd, Yuen Long. They can be contacted via phone at +85283008152 for more detailed information. [read more]
海天小館 is a restaurant, located at 元朗又新街56號置富中心2樓, Yuen Long. They can be contacted via phone at 26615668 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Pink Pig"平平豬"創立於2000年,一直以來專售日系服飾。我既任務是令到美美們著得時尚、舒適、自信,將美美們既優點有內涵地展現出來! 歡迎查詢及"讚好"後可留言或加whatapps0852-92292157. [read more]
老廣靚湯 is a restaurant, located at Shop 57-58, G/F, Ho Shun Tai Building Block A, 10 Sai Ching Street, Yuen Long, Yuen Long. They can be contacted via phone at 2478 4800 for more detailed information. [read more]
焰 代表了延綿不絕的爐火,更代表了遠赴日本學藝的Albert對拉麵的熱情同夢想!!. [read more]
本酒家於二零零八年更榮獲由'亞洲華爾街日報'所頒發'亞洲十大食府'之美譽,亦是香港唯一一間中菜食府獲此榮銜,更顯本酒家之出品及服務質素深受各方讚賞。. [read more]
嘉湖鄉村俱樂部, located at 香港新界元朗天水圍天龍路2號地下, Tin Shui Wai. They can be contacted via phone at 24461616 for more detailed information. . [read more]
A new Spanish private kitchen concept. [read more]
椰林閣 Yeh Lam Kwok is a restaurant, located at 天水圍天耀商場地下, Tin Shui Wai. They can be contacted via phone at +85224506511 for more detailed information. . [read more]
T - Beauty 小茶 已搬遷至元朗朗屏村 ^_^ 歡迎查詢 !!. [read more]
CPDA 由註冊心理學家、兒科醫生、幼稚園校監、言語治療師、物理治療師、註冊社工、資深的幼兒工作者等組成,致力推動 "Learning is FUN!" 的理念,透過Playgroup、學前班等課程讓孩子愛上學習。. [read more]
採用法國專業護膚產品. [read more]
按摩 穴位香薰瘦身. [read more]
元朗專業足療按摩,電話:24733395,微信-665209680,WHATSAPP-66520980. [read more]