醫健醫務中心, located at Shop 7, G/F, Kai Tak Garden Plaza, Tai Shing Street, Wong Tai Sin. They can be contacted via phone at 23898323 for more detailed information. [read more]
貓貓產品專門店 亦會搜羅平靚正飾物 直接inbox落單(截圖) O 順豐到付 O 當面交收地點: 。東鐵沿線 。部分時間可在香港仔、太古、鰂魚涌、北角、上環、太子. [read more]
黃大仙鳳凰村雙鳳街37B地舖 代聘海外菲律賓、印尼女傭 代辨女傭保險、驗身及機票. [read more]
Yankov Wong Production is a Hong Kong based production house, specialized in Photo, video and music production. . [read more]
嘉諾撒小學創辦於一九六八年,秉承嘉諾撒仁愛女修會的辦學使命,以基督「愛人如己」的精神,致力全人教育。我們深信「每一個學生」皆為可造之材,並各具特質和潛能,藉「心靈的陶育」,均能建立健全的人格和正確的價值觀,懂得關愛他人,特別是貧困者;並能肩負起社會責任,服務社群。. [read more]
Hair soda希望帶給各位有一個時尚設計的造型!您們一起快來創造一個理想的髪型吧!⋯ 指定hair stylist 電話或What's App預約 Level:64434884. [read more]
[Digital] [Innovation] [Craft] [Photography]. [read more]
The only authorized reseller of Mateki flutes in Hong Kong. . [read more]
Korea Style Studio,Studio影樓出租. 提供多個韓式主題的場景,私人化妝間, 基本攝影器材,專人為場境設置,適合商業或私人租用拍攝。 歡迎攝影師和化妝師合作。. [read more]
Potter Fun is a studio where people find their interest and fun in creating ceramics. . [read more]
港島區 星期五 8-10pm 灣仔 軒尼詩道225號駱克道市政大廈10樓 九龍區 星期三 8-10pm 黃大仙 竹園體育館 星期日 8-10pm 深水埗 福榮街13號2樓 新界區 星期日 12-2pm 馬安山恆安村恆安體育館. [read more]
聖母醫院(Our Lady of.. [read more]
Studio影樓出租. 提供多個懷舊主題的場景,私人化妝間, 基本攝影器材,專人為場境設置,適合商業或私人租用拍攝。 歡迎攝影師和化妝師合作。. [read more]
回味車仔麵, located at 32-34 Hong Keung St, San Po Kong. They can be contacted via phone at +85265799639 for more detailed information. . [read more]
El Iglesia de San Agustín de Paoay es iglesia parroquial católica en el municipio de Paoay en la provincia de Ilocos del Norte en las Filipinas. Terminada en 1710, la iglesia es famosa por.. [read more]
Art Team Design Limited, 於2009年成立,專門為餐飲業,住宅及辦公室提供專業室內設計及裝修工程服務。客戶包括翠華集團,椰林閣集團, 名苑酒家,名日本拉麵達人陳方藤先生的Kintaro Gourmet Group等。. [read more]
新蒲崗赤山風味料理. [read more]
Design - to us, is a language. It is a way of conveying ideas to people and it makes everyone closer, like conversation. It can exist everywhere in life. [read more]
我地應該點選擇護膚品呢? 有冇諗過我們每日用緊既護膚品 當中有啲化學成份根本唔應該存在? 將有害的化學成份塗在皮膚上 等於讓皮膚在吸毒. . . . [read more]
Korean Fashion | Tarot | Life Sharing � 「喜歡簡單舒適的衣著,舒服自在的生活態度。」 80後女生. 辭去正職. 把興趣發展為職業 喜歡簡約風 / 給人舒適自在的感覺 塔羅 / 解決煩惱及改善將來. [read more]
http://www. cheersshop. com. hk. [read more]
一刻館 A Quarter Tel: 92755034 新蒲崗, 寧遠街9號, 越秀廣場1樓105號舖 Unit 105, 1/F Yue Xiu Plaza, 9 Ning Yuen Street, San Po Kong. [read more]
把喜愛與大家分享. [read more]
We are advertising production company mainly for signage making, venue and exhibition setup, inkjet printing and acrylic display rack and etc. . [read more]
a video production house bases in Hong Kong provides advanced methods and high quality video production service in creating added value to clients. . [read more]
Our Service included: 教授- Teach ●古典鋼琴- Classical Piano ●流行鋼琴- Modern Piano ●樂理- Theory ●編曲- Arrangement ●伴奏- Accompaniment ●絕對音感訓練- Perfect Pitch. [read more]
Domino House. [read more]
七八十年代鑽石山可算是香港最具規模木屋區,在那個年代物資沒有現時豐富,傢俱電器從不輕易掉棄,能修理的修理,能改造的改造。在家附近有一垃圾站更是兒時尋寶好地方,最開心當然是找到能賣給收買佬的爛銅爛鐵,賣得幾豪子再到附近土多買雪條,雪條食完雪條棒用來造橡根鎗,記得試過在士多前在收集雪條棒,哪時手拿著一支AK47(由大量雪條棒組合)真的型到地裂! 相比現時被浪費的物資實在太多,由用卡板木改造傢俱開始,一直都有成立集棄場念頭,如果把一些還可以使用物資改造一下,以另一個形態出現,應該是一件很好玩的事。. [read more]
22 Days Advent Calendar is a newly launched product. It aims to bring you happiness and excitement in the upcoming 22 Days. . [read more]
eHobby Asia is specialized in airsoft and tactical gear. We feature brand including 5. 11 Tactical, LALO Tactical, TRU-SPEC, High Speed Gear. . . etc. [read more]
Twinkle Baby 致力為爸爸媽媽們搜尋「平、靚、正」嘅玩具或日用品比心肝寶貝! Come On~~ Let's Crazy Shopping Together !!. [read more]
dreamoffish is a Hong Kong based production company that has assembled a pool of experienced and outstanding creative and technical professionals. [read more]
專業化妝師 Professional Makeup & Hair Stylings 承接各類化妝髮型服務, 新娘、姐妹、奶奶、宴會、fashion makeup、攝影. . . 歡迎查詢 fb inbox Tel/Whatsapp: 67338793 E-mail: sandyyu0711@gmail. [read more]
Airbare 空搜網 屬於香港人的機票格價平台! #旅行就是任性 即刻CLICK入https://www. airbare. com. hk 訂機票出發啦!. [read more]
Steve "Spike" Schechter - based in Hong Kong, specializing in Concert, Event, Conference, Portraits and Head Shots. Also co-owner of PASM Workshop studio. [read more]
由資深大師父精心烹調四川菜,風味燒烤~供顧客品嚐~ 本館有各大啤酒汽水,Hoegarden,日本清酒等,讓客人邊食邊飲~. [read more]