POMO Creation Ltd. is a multi-artwork design company which organized at 2013. We provide different kind of artwork design. . [read more]
Our Lady's College, founded in 1953, is an aided girls school affiliated with the Daughters of Help of Christians. OLC is currently located at 3 Lung Fung Street in Kowloon East, Hong Kong. [read more]
專營各國名廠軚鈴,專業四輪定位服務 www. empireauto. hk 新蒲崗彩虹道224號永濟工業大廈地下 電話: 23232526 荃灣荃榮街寶業大廈地下 電話: 23230460 大圍成運路12-17號安豪工業大廈地下 電話:23232834. [read more]
Here at Clean Trolley, we share an ongoing passion for discovering goodies that are gentle on the skin, the body and the environment. This is the place for modern and eco-conscious shoppers who.. [read more]
無用之時 | 有心之物 Instagram: useless. studio. [read more]
ACM宗旨:本著基督徒身份及信仰,並承擔本港普及音樂文化的責任,以多元化現代基督教音樂來榮神益人。www. hkacm. org. [read more]
餐牌皇專門幫助餐廳 / 食肆訂造皮革餐牌套或餐桌用品, 自設工場, 少量訂造都可以, 有信心一定幫到你。另備現貨批發 / 零售, 種類多而齊備, 適合不同類型餐飲業。. [read more]
Yoshinoya 吉野家 is a restaurant, located at Shop 110, Lung Cheung Plaza, 136 Lung Cheung Rd, Wong Tai Sin. They can be contacted via phone at +85223222274 for more detailed information. [read more]
We're ASICS & Onitsuka Tiger lovers! 貨源自歐、日。保證正貨。即日交收。歡迎查詢 WhatsApp(852) 92405621. [read more]
O Convento Chi Lin é um grande complexo de templos budistas localizado em Diamond Hill, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Abrangendo um espaço de mais de 33. 000 metros quadrados, o complexo do templo inclui.. [read more]
Cityplus devotes adding positive value to the cities by designing and manufacturing a great variety of street furniture. . [read more]
Our products have always met the strict quality of the Japanese luxury goods market. The high standard gives us the opportunity to expand into HK market. [read more]
我們相信,品嚐歐洲的優質茶品不應該是上流階級的特權, 而是普羅大眾都負擔得起的奢華和享受。 我們希望與你分享品茶的樂趣:這是一種的生活態度. [read more]
位於新蒲崗康強街的得龍大飯店超過 40 年歷史,以懷舊古法菜式馳名,師傅堅持採用新鮮材料的製作,因此吸引不了新舊顧客幫襯。. [read more]
美國品牌 OCPC 於 2008 成立,品牌代表專業研發超頻技術,致力設計及生產高品質產品如記憶體 RAM,SSD,VGA顯示卡,電源火牛及其它電競產品如電競椅和周邊設備。設計和硏發團隊也在美國總部. [read more]
自由攝影人及攝影導師,承接各類攝影任務。. [read more]
香港地品牌大獎LocalBrandHK Follow Us!! www. instagram. com/nationalstrings. [read more]
提供天然及健康西餐和餐飲, 私房菜形式的小型Fine Dining餐廳, 可為顧客提供度身訂做的餐牌, 地方小但有特式的店子, 歡迎聚會包埸. . [read more]
本店專售環球優質時令水果,各國佳釀如紅酒、白酒、清酒、香檳及多款極具收藏價值的日本限量威士忌. [read more]
You can order your Zaini Chocolate Eggs with Disney 3D collectible figurine surprises here. We ship WorldWide. Payment by PAYPAL. [read more]
We work for stray cats. 只為浪浪出點綿力,幫得幾多得幾多。 探訪待領養喵喵請先預約。 請隨心捐獻支持合作社運作,也可於網上雜貨店選購義賣及寄賣貨品以作支持!. [read more]
Bridal Makeup Service. whatsapp: 66833824. [read more]
想甜嚐甜 Sweet Dreamer Dessert - 黃大仙店, located at 蒲崗村道73號, Wong Tai Sin. [read more]
Pearl high performance waterless auto care products that deliver the level of showroom shine and longevity. 歐洲納米免水洗車用品,環保、方便、簡單快捷;只需三個步驟,即可令愛驅𣊬間回復新車時的亮澤,為保養車身之最佳良伴。. [read more]
Silver, a subtle member of the precious metals family, is shiny and everlasting. True that silver is quite fragile to oxygen. It requires tender loving care attention to prolong its beauty. [read more]
真正的Detailing Service 有別於一般汽車美容公司的流水作業式做法 提供專業,客制化的detailing service 讓愛駒內外保持巔峰狀態 本店另有維修保養/車身噴油/代訂零件/驗車及保險服務,歡迎查詢. [read more]
Babybucks Studio 初生拍攝團隊,接受過專業訓練��, 十分了解初生BB既需要,整個拍攝過程爸爸�媽媽�都可以安座家中,嘆住咖啡���,全程交俾攝影師照顧,安撫BB,拍攝漂亮既相片��. [read more]
Chummy Education 自2011年起,為全港各區公私營教育機構提供多元化的興趣課程,課程對象由幼兒至中學生。我們盼望透過優質、創新及系統化的課程,為香港新一代學生帶來更優秀的教育。. [read more]
業鋒承接團章絲印、證件套設計印刷、文具禮品製作、環保袋製品. . [read more]
啟德花園. [read more]
從Yahoo Blog 到 Google Bloggel 再到Facebook 專頁 延續我的自家煮意 , 美味飲食 , 旅遊寫意人生 ^0^. [read more]
Retail, Event Planning, Make-up, Body / Face Paint,Face and Body Painting. [read more]
�全新親子樂園� 二千幾呎室內樂園 加 千五呎空中花園,仲有「5米x7米」巨型充氣彈床滑梯比你任玩� 室內有小型彈床,小型滑梯�室外又有巨型吹氣堡壘���� 快訂黎Book場啦��. [read more]
Fruit Market, also known as Yau Ma Tei Fruit Market and Yau Ma Tei Wholesale Fruit Market, is a wholesale fruit market in Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon, Hong Kong. [read more]
大和藥品株式會社高科研製造, 日本醫療級保健食品, 香港澳門有售。. [read more]
分享運動科學和醫療科技新資訊. [read more]