Develop A Basis Before Delivering Result。 我們就像史萊姆一樣創意多變,提供與別不同的市場推廣服務。服務包括:企業形象建立、企業經營及行銷策略擬定與諮詢、媒體公關規劃及執行、行銷公關、. [read more]
Jolly Academy 作樂學院 香港唯一專注為機構活動搞手,提供一站式活動安排解決方案。 超過300個優質玩樂工作坊直送香港任何地方。. [read more]
東華三院 健康理財家庭輔導中心 - 理財教育 及 生涯規劃 服務 舉辦不同形式的理財教育及生涯規劃活動 對象:中學、大專、大學學生、教師及家長. [read more]
瑞安中心(Shui.. [read more]
「緊繫.同行」精神健康計劃,旨在關注青少年情緒健康及提升大眾精神健康 的意識,透過多元化活動,為有需要的青少年作出及早預防與介入,同時支援家長 及教職同工,攜手促進青少年身. [read more]
專為你既手機扮靚既地方. [read more]
青少年創業營商體驗計劃—創意年宵營商體驗日 is a store, located at 灣仔軒尼詩道修頓中心傍 修頓球場, Wan Chai. They can be contacted via phone at 25542097 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Wedding Planning Services. [read more]
MetroSix is an online retailer for computers, mobile phones, tablets and accessories from popular brands. Based in HK, MetroSix also ships worldwide. . [read more]
利東行有限公司 C-001873-A000 地址:香港灣仔堅彌地街1A景星樓地下G舖 電話: 25292575 傳真:28651121. [read more]
香港・オフショア・中国の法人設立・会計・税務・資産保全・海外進出支援. [read more]
Welcome to the Chung Shun Property Agency website. . [read more]
天恩物業-專營銅鑼灣 ● 灣仔 之租售 如閣下有任何物業買賣或出租之問題,歡迎賜電本公司咨詢。本公司之資深物業顧問均樂意為閣下解答。. [read more]
Yoka Sara International is an International Architecture Consultant Firm which is based in Hongkong and has its main design studio in Bali, Indonesia. [read more]
教授各類樂器/聲樂/樂理及專業演出, 導師均持八級或以上器學證書, 專業導師畢業於本地或海外大學並主修音樂. [read more]
Eclipse is dedicated to providing the very best in dining, drinking and entertainment in Asia. . [read more]
Yau Shing Hong International Company Limited. [read more]
經常帶客中港兩地跑,假如電話打唔通可以加WhatsApp直接咨詢. [read more]
韓食家 is a restaurant, located at Shop A, G/F, Pinnacle Building, 9 Ship Street, Wan Chai 灣仔船街9號頂旺大廈地下A鋪, Wan Chai. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2520-6308 for more detailed information. [read more]
灣仔專業按摩店 ﹣ 消疲勞,養療修身 Zenjoy - the place for your relaxation & fitness. [read more]
Platinum Archit. Ltd. aims at providing an ideal interior design environment to raise the standard of living and business efficiency for our customer. [read more]
Professional. [read more]
!. [read more]
香港中醫藥管理委員會 註册中醫師 香港大學中醫學(臨床婦科學)深造證書 香港大學中醫學 (腫瘤學) 深造證書 香港大學中醫學 (内科) 碩士 香港大學中醫學 (全科) 學士 香港大學 (臨床皮膚病學). [read more]
Modus Vivendi specializes in hand crafted home and lifestyle products sourced from the globe. . [read more]
Urban K-Food on Ship Street, Wan Chai serving high quality, modern Korean street-style fare paired with Korean beer and creative soju cocktails!. [read more]
At Torque Consultants we procure and deliver tax free cars, commercial vehicles and motorbikes worldwide, to trade and individuals. [read more]
Wan Chai W Square The Spaghetti House is a restaurant, located at 1/F, W Square, 314 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai 灣仔軒尼詩道314號W Square1樓, Wan Chai. They can be contacted via phone.. [read more]
A complete, unparalleled dining journey generated from our warmest and tailored services, comprehensive wine list to unbeatably good taste of Italian and French cuisines, now we proudly give you.. [read more]
富聲魚翅海鮮酒家 is a restaurant, located at 灣仔駱克道353號三湘大廈三樓, Wan Chai. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2893 0881 for more detailed information. . [read more]
鳳城小食 is a restaurant, located at 灣仔交加街18號地下, N/A Wan Chai. They can be contacted via phone at +85228652968 for more detailed information. . [read more]
透過體質評估及個人目標期望,提供各式各樣的體適能及健體計劃 體格優化包括:器械健身,TRX,拳擊及針對FAT BURN訓練 歡迎以 Facebook及whatap查詢課程資料. [read more]
歡迎訂購蛋糕。 係日本學左5年甜品。品質唔會輸比日本人。^_^已經搵到地方開cafe. [read more]
Our mission is to improve of the sanitation, equipment, and general conditions of maternity wards throughout Asia. . [read more]
The Malaysian Association of Hong Kong was established more than 25 years ago by a group of Malaysian professionals residing in Hong Kong. [read more]
利嘉閣海外物業,專營英國丶澳洲丶日本丶中國丶泰國及馬來西亞物業買賣,為客戶帶來優質並具潛力的項目。同時,我們亦提供海外各國移民顧問服務。. [read more]