Our brand idea: #Train with Intelligence 特設 Holofit LED 智能訓練系統及全港獨家 AfaScan 身體分析系統,打破運動沉悶的固有模式,同時紀錄每次運動數據,讓你更易達成健康目標。. [read more]
International Wing Chun Organization HQ is a gym, located at 135號 荔枝角 道, Sham Shui Po. [read more]
致力發展創新及高質素非創傷性復康器材。通過消費產品、健身器材以致專業醫療器材產品,為有需要人士提供合適和優質的產品。 https://store. inversion. com. hk. [read more]
Here you will find clothing buttons and sewing buttons for dressmaking, tailoring, quilting, knitting, scrapbooking and papercrafts. . [read more]
*提供私人教練單對單課程* 以不推銷、賣口裨、無須合約,真心誠意為學員達致理想目標 ,私穩度極高 ! 地址:荔枝角香港工業中心A座(荔枝角地鐵站C出口行約兩分鐘) 另設有租場服務. [read more]
香港荔枝角香港工業中心B 座 Block B, Hong Kong Industrial Centre, Lai Chi Kok. [read more]
保安道室內運動場 is a gym, located at 保安道325至329號保安道市政大廈2至3樓, Cheung Sha Wan. [read more]
Spiritual and Fitness Center, aspires to help individuals establish and maintain an equilibrium between physical, mental and spirituality. . [read more]
Sun Fitness 位於荔枝角永康街79號創匯國際中心 18樓E室(荔枝角地鐵站B1出口行約2分鐘到達)以functional training及interval training為主,幫助學員達到修身效果,還會提供group training及私人訓練. [read more]
Whatsapp 55963268 (非營業時間歡迎私訊本中心Facebook) 基於人手問題不設臨時參觀,如想參觀本中心,請先預約以便安排。 舊網頁因技術問題未能刪除,有關課程收費資訊以本專頁之答覆為準。. [read more]
Open 24 hours/7 days per week, access to over 4,000 gyms worldwide with one membership. . [read more]
Nutrition Depot - HK 營養倉庫 is a gym, located at 荔枝角長沙灣道883號億利工業中心11樓1107室, Lai Chi Kok. They can be contacted via phone at 63309662 for more detailed information. [read more]
GigaFit Studio <塑身健體訓練班> 每個細節悉心指導,帶你感受訓練樂趣,引發運動正能量!www. gigafit. hk. [read more]
Smart Supplement 聰明健身 is a gym, located at 九龍荔枝角長沙灣道883號億利工業中心11樓1107室, Lai Chi Kok. They can be contacted via phone at +85227916186 for more detailed information. [read more]
FITLAB is a gym, located at 7C, 7/F, Lai Chi Kok. They can be contacted via phone at +85223319559 for more detailed information. . [read more]
劉全安師傅師承葉問弟子「講手王」黃淳樑,習武三十餘年,積極參與國際交流和香港社區武術活動,弘揚詠春武術並開班授徒,期能將詠春武學傳承下去。. [read more]
九龍長沙灣道883號 億利工業大廈10樓5室. [read more]
透過不同的運動,教練悉心指導,課堂歡樂氣氛,會員相處融洽,令你享受真正運動樂趣。. [read more]
美孚站(Mei.. [read more]
茘枝角公園體育館 is a stadium, located at 九龍茘枝角茘灣道一號, Lai Chi Kok. They can be contacted via phone at 27452796 for more detailed information. . [read more]