paper packaging includes all kinds of booklets, brochures, outer packaging boxes, folded gift boxes, rigid gift boxes, hangtags, food packaging, paper bags, and YO binding books. [read more]
A. AB. B Group Ltd. They can be contacted via phone at +85239565644 for more detailed information. . [read more]
本公司有最專業的團隊,提供每位客戶最貼心的高品質服務,讓每一位客戶時時擁有潔淨舒適的環境。 服務範圍: 主要是寫字樓和工業大廈. [read more]
生活百貨、美容護理用品、家庭電器、零食/食品. [read more]
香港普樂藥業有限公司位於香港科學園,營運一間面積約1,700平方英呎且符合ISO-8 100,000級要求的無塵車間。為大眾提供安全可靠、方便衛生的耳掛式一次性口罩。. [read more]
Pointed International Limited, located at 37 Shan Mei Street, Sha Tin. They can be contacted via phone at +85228825445 for more detailed information. . [read more]
CW Chu College is one of the new colleges of The Chinese University of Hong Kong admitting its first students in 2012. OriginFounded in 2007, CW Chu College is named after Dr Chu Ching-wen,.. [read more]
圓洲角巴士總站,現稱威爾斯親王醫院巴士站,位於位於香港新界沙田區,圓洲角威爾斯親王醫院正座外,是一個坑狀露天車站。歷史 1982年11月15日:總站啟用。 2001年:原以圓洲角為總站的巴士路線於同年11月遷往愉翠苑,自此再沒有專營巴士以圓洲角為總站。過往總站路線 九龍巴士82K線 九龍巴士82M線 (已取消) 九龍巴士82P線 (下午班次) 九龍巴士83P線 (已取消) 九龍巴士84K線 (第一代) (已取消) 九龍巴士89A線 (已取消) 九龍巴士286P線 (第一代) (已取消) 龍運巴士A41線. [read more]
城門河(Shing Mun River)又稱城門河道(Shing Mun.. [read more]
米線工房 is a restaurant, located at 顯徑邨地下街市M23號檔位, Sha Tin. They can be contacted via phone at +85234808738 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Fortune City One is one of the shopping centres of City One, Sha Tin, New Territories, Hong Kong. It is owned by Cheung Kong Holdings. It is connected to nearly apartments and another shopping.. [read more]
Heng On Commercial Centre is a parking, located at 1號 恆錦 街, Ma On Shan. They can be contacted via phone at +85260252754 for more detailed information. [read more]
一個與教會及神學院合作 全時間裝備信徒 作福音遍傳的宣教訓練中心. [read more]
餐飲、物流 包裝物料供應商. [read more]
Founded in 1992, our missions are: (1) To promote cricket among the staff and students of CUHK. (2) To set up an student cricket club and affiliate it with CUSU. [read more]
Creating unforgettable memories with fresh flowers gifts / bouquet. Turn your dream into reality, we design with fresh flowers and cooperate with you to plan memorable wedding, product.. [read more]
大家好 我係婚禮統籌司儀MC Alex 成就完美婚禮 由我為您出謀獻策 即時查詢wedding booking https://wa. me/85298767512. [read more]
Flexiroam認可香港合作顆伴,立即PM領取試用裝!. [read more]
💙Whatsapp:📱6596 1357 💚IG Direct: @le. evelyn_ 💛Facebook:Le. evelyn. space. [read more]
✨Selling health and beauty product✨ 🌱健康及美容產品零售 經常更新 📍香港店主 小本經營 保證正貨 💰FPS/Payme/恒生銀行轉帳 📦順豐到付/面交(東鐵線) ✨有興趣就DM/WhatsApp店主啦✨. [read more]
只有您想不到,沒有做不到,天方萬事屋成為您的生活後盾。 #太陽能發電安裝 #傢俬訂製 #的士收費系統 #酒吧交友系統. [read more]
Company that run the Data Center Service, Clound Service and Metaquotes Support Service !. . [read more]
環遊世界始於足下 我的心願是玩遍全世界,別再想了,出發吧!. [read more]
安一樹木工程公司, located at 沙田排頭村163號, 852 Sha Tin. They can be contacted via phone at 65202076 for more detailed information. . [read more]
—群被主呼召出來的群體 薪火相傳迎接耶穌再來. [read more]
一站式專業室內設計及裝修公司,主力提供家居室內裝修設計和訂造傢俬服務。. [read more]
希望能幫助各籃球愛好者購買自己心愛的球衣. [read more]
Preserved Floral Arrangements I Bridal Bouquets I Gifts 保鮮花擺設 I 花球 I 禮花. [read more]
Dining at Regal Riverside Hotel, located at 大涌橋路34-36號, Sha Tin. [read more]
隨意點 Good Point 本沙田中心自提點致力提供優質方便的提貨服務。淘寶網購,中英美日台韓國際集運自提點。歡迎各大網店集運物流公司任何形式合作。. [read more]
Project Matter is a student-led think tank founded in 2016. We aim to make a breathable future through the power of research, awareness, and action. . [read more]
本公司專門承接各類玻璃工程,所有防火門在香港自行生產設計. 包括:防火玻璃門1/2小時,1小時,2小時),自動門,大小玻璃,強化玻璃工程,維修各類玻璃門. . . . . . . 歡迎致電查詢. . [read more]
whatsapp熱線:24269289. [read more]
Cypress Bio-Tech 柏橋生物科技 is a store. They can be contacted via phone at +85239167989 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Enjoy Life, Enjoy Shopping. . [read more]