專營:帝堡城,康林苑,廣林苑,廣源邨,火炭半山,工商舖及各區樓盤. [read more]
CHC 的主要工作範圍是替客人執行營運上的各大小事務:由營銷策劃至推廣宣傳,寫字樓商舖的保養維修至全新裝修,各類搬運至各款採購代辦。。。我們皆用心辦妥。. [read more]
Tso Hin Kee (THK) was founded by Mr Tso Pak Ming in 1938. Mr Tso chose to feature a Penguin as the brand’s logo after being inspired by one of his toddler sons walking like a Penguin. [read more]
新廣發大排檔 is a restaurant, located at 沙田沙角村熟食中心12號舖, Sha Tin. They can be contacted via phone at 2636 1226 for more detailed information. . [read more]
歡迎來到紅蘋果傢俬特賣店. [read more]
*日本*韓國*台灣*泰國*直送*現貨. [read more]
Holiday / Vacation / Escape / Getaway = Tripinsta. [read more]
Design Studio | Private Label Products | E-Shop Design Service > http://www. thirty-3. net Shop > http://www. thirty-3. com. [read more]
A Nice Gift 賞茶 is a cafe, located at Shop SA01&02, 3/F, Ma On Shan Plaza, 608 Sai Sha Rd, Ma On Shan. They can be contacted via phone at +85255371000 for more detailed information. [read more]
特色川菜 晚飯小炒 價廉物美. [read more]
這專頁是香港中文大學家庭輔導及家庭教育碩士2013年畢業生的交流平台. [read more]
Get the latest updates of Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) in Management and the Department of Management, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. [read more]
Carol姐姐擁有豐富寵物美容及護理經驗,也曾任職獸醫護士,能為寶貝提供專業及正確的意見及服務。. [read more]
About Love Inc. 我們相信用心才能令你的企業更好 我們一系列的程式及市場推廣專才,誠意為你的企業實現最合乎成本效益的一站式IT科技管理。從內部的專屬 ERP / EPOS / CRM等系統,配合對外的一. [read more]
訂造各類窗簾 , 蚊網。 即時預約光臨沙田陳列室, 免費度尺報價。 歡迎瀏覽 www. silvencurtain. com 獲取更多資訊 或PM/ whatsapp: 52082236 與我哋聯絡 https://wa. me/85252082336. [read more]
V5 salon, located at 沙田石門 京瑞廣場一期 地下 G25 A舖, Sha Tin. They can be contacted via phone at 26777882 for more detailed information. . [read more]
2014年國務院總理李克強提出大眾創業,萬眾創新, 2015年兩會 將創新創業列入國家戰略,國家大力扶持雙創,催生了蟻米控股的正式成立。 2015年,成立蟻米控股有限公司,是集教育、研發、孵. [read more]
Peduli & Berbagi pda sesama sbgai wujud toleransi dn Kemanusiaan atas dasar Iman dn Taqwa thdap TUHAN YME. [read more]
The Shing Mun Tunnels are a system of tunnels and viaducts in the New Territories, Hong Kong connecting the new towns of Tsuen Wan to the west and Sha Tin to the east. [read more]
Focus on Connector Market, Insist on Core Value of Distribution http://www. heilindasia. com/. . [read more]
零售及批發, 歐日韓流行時裝店 https://m. facebook. com/c23comhk/. [read more]
My HOME 主要營銷龍頭花灑、水喉配件、坐廁面盆、鏡櫃、掛件及訂做浴屏。有售各種歐洲, 美國及日本名牌,款式眾多,價格合理。歡迎到網店或火炭門市購買。 TEL 2668 9782 Whatsapp 9608 2779/ 9356 877. [read more]
戀肌 - 為客戶搜羅及提供最新最熱門的日韓護膚品及化妝品,本店擁有 “正版正貨” 標籤,給你百份百信心保證!. [read more]
Brother's Chef 兄弟工房,顧名思義就是召集了一群好兄弟為大家製造美食,營造一個輕鬆減壓的地方,一群認識十多年的好兄弟,想實踐一個十多年前的夢想,希望為客人帶來一個輕鬆,優皮及不. [read more]
為你們的孩子提供衣, 食, 住, 行的最佳選擇, 專業提供嬰孩傢俱, 汽車坐椅及日用品, 並提供孕婦及嬰孩護理資訊, 查詢可致電(852) 2117-3910 /Whatsapp (852) 6180 7513. [read more]
台灣代購・美妝保養品網店 is a beauty salon, located at Room 12, 12/F, Leader Indutstrial Center, 57-59 Au Pui Wan St. , Fo Tan, Sha Tin. They can be contacted via phone at 26916801 for more detailed information. [read more]
Hospitality Education is way more than just Lectures, Exams, and Internships. It is about Passion, Innovation and Cohesion. Join Us and Make History. . [read more]
#兒童攝影 #兒童寫真 #學生相 #家庭相 #入學相 #面試相 #畢業相 #婚紗相 #大肚相 #BB相 #嬰兒相 #產品相 #化妝相 #Kids #Photo #KidsPhotography #Shatin #沙田 #沙田石門 #石門. [read more]
LumiLor Hong Kong, located at 白石角香港科學園第三期科技大道東20E 10樓, 852 Ma On Shan. They can be contacted via phone at 55006670 for more detailed information. . [read more]
JCSPHPC is the first institution in Hong Kong to provide comprehensive education, training, consultation, and research in public health and primary care. [read more]
serving the community through quality education, caring practice, and advancement of health sciences. [read more]
CUHK Sports Medicine Team, Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 矯形外科及創傷學系 運動醫學團隊. [read more]
The Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity is an education and research institute established at The Chinese University of Hong Kong in March 2005. [read more]
Lucky Plaza is a private housing estate in Sha Tin Town Centre, Sha Tin District, New Territories, Hong Kong. It connects with Sha Tin Plaza and Sha Tin Market by pedestrian footbridges. [read more]
近期沙田人氣最旺的食店. [read more]