本店專營歐美、日、韓時裝,及轉為女士度身訂做時款服飾、專業修改,擁有30年改衣經驗,歡迎電話查詢!. [read more]
麵道 is a restaurant, located at Shop G1, G/F, Kings Wing Plaza 1, 3 On Kwan St, Sha Tin. They can be contacted via phone at +85235635262 for more detailed information. [read more]
Established in 1986, Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care (SPHC) is an independent charity organisation in Hong Kong. . [read more]
Immigration Department Office 入境事務處辦事處, located at 3/F, Sha Tin Government Offices, 1 Sheung Wo Che Rd, Sha Tin. They can be contacted via phone at +85221586419 for more detailed information. [read more]
Our aim is for our children at KiddyGarten to love the language and thus be motivated to learn even more about English and beyond. . [read more]
Babington Education Shek Mun is a school, located at 7C, Kings Wing Plaza 1, Shek Mun 沙田 石門 京瑞廣場一期 七樓C室, Sha Tin. They can be contacted via phone at 59381853 for more detailed information. [read more]
火炭安山單車, located at 火炭坳背灣街2-12號,威力工業中心LG樓,威力創意廣場A2-A3地舖, Fo Tan. They can be contacted via phone at 31532289 for more detailed information. . [read more]
2+2 is a cafe, located at 3/F, Royal Park Hotel, 8 Pak Hok Ting Street, Sha Tin, 00000 Sha Tin. They can be contacted via phone at 2694 3886 for more detailed information. [read more]
Royal Park Hotel, 2+2 Cafe is a cafe, located at 沙田白鶴汀街8號帝都酒店3樓, 00000 Sha Tin. They can be contacted via phone at 2694 3886 for more detailed information. [read more]
浸信會呂明才中學(Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary.. [read more]
香港體育學院(英文:Hong Kong.. [read more]
Sichuan Garden 川淮居 is a restaurant, located at Shop 801C, 8/F, New Town Plaza 1, 18 Sha Tin Centre St, Sha Tin. They can be contacted via phone at +85226736199 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ma On Shan Promenade is an urban waterfront park in Ma On Shan, Hong Kong. The promenade occupies an area of 5. 2 hectares and is 3. 2 km long. It was constructed at a cost of HK$220 million and.. [read more]
Valpaint 於1988年在意大利創立的特色油漆品牌,多年來在市場上充當着領導者的角色,產品除了美觀性和功能性,更對環境和人體無害。. [read more]
沙田大會堂文娛廳 Cultural Activities Hall, Sha Tin Town Hall is a city hall, located at 1 Yuen Wo Road, Sha Tin, N. T. Hong Kong, Sha Tin. They can be contacted via phone at (852).. [read more]
沙田婚姻登記處, located at 香港源禾路沙田婚姻登記處, Sha Tin. They can be contacted via phone at 62163788 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Shatin Town Hall, Shatin is an art gallery, located at 1 Yuen Wo Road, Sha Tin, N. T. , Sha Tin. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2694 2509 for more detailed information. [read more]
牛扒先生 - 沙田 / Mr. Steak Cafe - Sha Tin (official). [read more]
香港專業教育學院 - 沙田分校 is a school, located at 21 Yuen Wo Road, Sha Tin. They can be contacted via phone at 2606 6227 for more detailed information. . [read more]
本會為非牟利團體,致力推動香港運動發展,並努力回饋社會,服務社區。. [read more]
Physical - Ma On Shan is a gym, located at 馬鞍山廣場 2/F, Ma On Shan. They can be contacted via phone at 31672222 for more detailed information. . [read more]
大壹燒鵝 Kitchen One Roast Goose 又一獎章殊榮!米芝蓮之稱既「Taste of Hong Kong 香港味之年賞2015」Double A Restaurant --HK No. 1 Chinese Cuisine Restaurant,我們會繼續努力烹制道道回味無窮的美食給大家!. [read more]
新港城中心(Sunshine.. [read more]
Mr. Steak 牛扒先生 is a restaurant, located at Shop 702, New Town Plaza 1, 18 Sha Tin Centre St, Sha Tin. They can be contacted via phone at +85226916263 for more detailed information. [read more]
博多ラーメン トンコツ by 三田製麵所 is a restaurant, located at Shop 111 , Citylnk Plaza, Sha Tin, Sha Tin. [read more]
Renaissance College is one of the two private independent international schools in Hong Kong, the other being Discovery College. RCHK is in Ma On Shan, Hong Kong, serving primary and.. [read more]
火炭火車站 is a train station, located at 樂景街, Fo Tan. They can be contacted via phone at 25150608 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Focus on organizing Arts, Creative & Cultural events, programmes & performances 專注推動文創、藝術,統籌及製作各類節目、課程及演出 www. activeconcept. com. hk. [read more]
碧濤花園II期的住戶可以加入取得屋苑及會所最新最快的資訊!. [read more]
馬場站(Racecourse Station)位於香港沙田區沙田,是港鐵東鐵綫的鐵路車站,車站專為沙田馬場而設,只在該處舉行賽馬時才開放使用,因此取名馬場站。本站與火炭站平行,列車若停靠本站就不能停靠火炭站。概述馬場站在港鐵票務系統屬於「東鐵綫本地路段」;不過由於其只服務馬場,因此大部份優惠都不適用此站。不過馬場站在兩鐵合併時有減價,學生亦可繳付「特惠車費」,長者及合資格殘疾人士公共交通票價優惠計劃亦適用於此站;而上水-尖東全月通加強版或部份港鐵紀念車票並不適用於此站。另外,因應香港賽馬會的規定,未滿18歲的人士在賽馬日不可進入馬場。因此供3歲至11歲小童遊客使用的「小童遊客全日通」並不能於此站使用。同時小童八達通及未滿18歲的人士所持有的個人八達通(包括「學生身分」或「殘疾人士身分」個人八達通)亦不適用於此站(沙田馬場舉行的非賽馬活動除外)。車站設計本站位於港鐵何東樓車廠和大埔公路之間,月台位於沙田馬場看台對面;大堂則並非位於車站之內,而是位於馬場看台。本站有3條行人天橋連接大堂及月台。樓層大堂馬場站大堂位於沙田馬場看台內,因此大堂並非位於月台的正上方,並有大埔公路相隔。乘客如需往返大堂及月台,必須利用橫跨大埔公路的多條行人天橋往返大堂及月台。由於該行人天橋連接看台的中央及南面,因此車站分為北面及南面兩個大堂,兩個大堂均個別設有客務中心及出入閘機。由於馬場站不是經常開放,加上大堂位於馬場看台內,所以它是東鐵綫裡唯一一個不設公眾洗手間、自動售票機、扶手電梯及升降機的車站,乘客需在其他車站多購一張車票或使用八達通作回程之用,否則便要在客務中心排隊購票。月台馬場站只設2個月台,位於港鐵何東樓車廠旁,以島式月台排列。月台上沒有標示特定列車目的地,通常1號月台為南行列車;2號月台為北行列車,有部分由本站始發的南行列車由1號月台開出。. [read more]
和聲書院(Lee Woo Sing College)為香港中文大學的一所成員書院,在2011年起招生。早於1990年代的校園規劃報告(由建築學系撰寫)中,已提及聯合書院第四宿舍(今陳震夏宿舍)的選址研究範圍,其中包括了和聲書院現址斜坡,但最後則選址與和聲一路之隔的斜坡興建。而在2006年大學擬議建立五所新書院時,此選址再次被選中,並擬建1至2間書院。2007年10月有不記名的捐款人捐款1. [read more]
香港中文大學(The Chinese University of.. [read more]
和聲書院公式專頁 Official Fanpage of Lee Woo Sing College. [read more]
外地及日本水果新鮮運到!!!確保新鮮。(*´﹃`*) 大吉幫你搜集全球水果,每星期提供多款水果團購,網上拍賣,實惠又慳錢,打造一站式網上購物平台。( ・ω・)9. [read more]
Snoopy's World is an amusement park, located at 沙田正街18號 新城市廣場, Sha Tin. They can be contacted via phone at 26979898 for more detailed information. . [read more]
歡迎瀏覽SKH Lam Kau Mow Secondary School Music Department, 專頁會定期發放本校音樂團隊資訊,多謝支持。. [read more]