The PolyArts 綜合演藝社 為香港理工大學學生會的附屬組織之一,致力於推廣多元表演藝術,當中以原音音樂為主。原音音樂多以木結他、木箱鼓、口琴等樂器演奏,重點於保留樂器最天然樸實的音色,讓音樂回歸基本。本會亦為會員及同學提供一個學習和交流的平台,定期舉辦課程及表演等各類活動,以加深本校學生對原音音樂的了解,從而培養學生對表演藝術的興趣及為學生帶來歡樂。
The PolyArts is an affiliated club under HKPUSU promoting diversified performing arts, with a focus on acoustic music, which refers to a genre that retains the originality and simplicity of music created with instruments like guitar, cajon and harmonica. Not only do we provide a platform for our members and schoolmates to learn and exchange ideas, regular classes and performances are also organized so as to provoke interest and enhance the public’s understanding towards acoustic music.
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