Mons' music is a company owned by Violin Player Simon and Guitar Player Simon. They have been played for different music styles from classical to jazz music and gathering many experiences on performances. They got a lot of chances to play on business show and wedding. Finally, they established the company to offer different services like music agency, equipment renting, performances organising and teaching in a basket of service.
Mon s music是由小提琴Simon及結他Simon所成立的音樂服務公司,他們多年於熱衷於彈奏古曲,流行音樂,古曲和爵士等不同音樂,同時亦累積了不少音樂表演經驗,幫助了不少私人機構,個人單位表演,最終兩人定成立Mon's Music以提供各種商業演出,中介咨詢,統籌,器材租用,音樂教學一籃子的音樂服務
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