香港私人執業精神科專科醫生、中文大學榮譽臨床助理教授,兒時曾旅居法國,會考後赴笈澳洲 — 高中寄住做雀鳥研究系教授的家,教授以一晚時間於超市停車場教懂(安全的)駕車技術;習醫時與中台星馬泰留學生結緣:每晚秉燭夜讀食譜苦心鑽研㕑藝(一雪眾人圍觀自己「燒紅鑊下水再溝油險破相」的前恥/PTSD);「以武會友」— 拜師澳籍金髪學長學習詠春後成為好友;於墨爾本大學四年級首次踏進當地精神病院見習,碰到窩心動容的人事,光怪陸離的際遇,無私奉獻的醫護及照顧者,當精神科醫生的想法萌芽。畢業後回港於公營醫院、懲教署、本地大學行醫授教十五年,其中赴英再受訓兼拿取專業資格,亦與內地學者頻繁交流。興趣廣泛,熱愛電影、烹飪、行山、及各樣球類運動,打球弄斷膝蓋韌帶後,休養半載,年近四十才克服對水的恐懼首次習泳,考取進階潛水執照,及後轉戰騎公路單車,用十一天騎車完成環台之旅;毅行者、馬拉松、三項鐵人賽(繽紛組)都是不斷挑戰自我的精神體驗。現時醫治各種心理情緒精神問題,繼續在病者身上學習,希望以生命影響生命。
After graduating from the University of Melbourne, Australia, Dr. Louis Lee has spent more than fifteen years working as a psychiatrist and Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. During his time with the Hospital Authority, he worked as the Head of Rehabilitation Psychiatry and the Community Psychiatric Team at the Prince of Wales Hospital and the Shatin Hospital, Hong Kong.
Dr. Lee currently offers his services to a diverse range of clients with anxiety, depression, sleep-related disorders, ADHD, early psychosis, dementia and other mental health issues. As well, he offers community outreach to clients and their carers and provides disability assessment, court reports (civil and criminal) and independent medical evaluations.
In terms of international contribution, Dr. Lee has a keen interest in strengthening the academic exchange between Melbourne, Hong Kong and the Mainland China. Since 2009, he has been a core mentor in the China-Hong Kong-Melbourne-Tripartite programme, organised by the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has promoted community psychiatric service in the Guangdong province, and offered psychiatric training to administrators, psychiatrists, nurses and researchers visiting from the Mainland.
Dr. Lee has a special interest in promoting public awareness of mental health issues and has appeared in media outlets and offered corporate seminars. He believes in the importance of the mind-body interface and advocates lifestyle modifications that can have a positive impact on psychological well-being. He is an avid sports fan, having participated in Oxfam Trailwalker, the MSF Orienteering competition and triathlons as well as marathons locally and internationally.
Dr. Lee provides services in English, Cantonese and Mandarin.
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