誓不做黃臉婆,愛美新手mami在這裡為大家分享美容扮靚心得!. [read more]
BuyHome. hk [香港網上購物站] 以「家」為本的香港家品百貨總匯,推崇「家.姿彩」精神,以悅目精巧實用的數碼配件及家品為平凡家居增添姿彩生活!. [read more]
來自新疆的天然味道 Original Taste from Xinjiang. [read more]
Boost up yourself with Orgonite 希望更多人認識與感受Orgonite的正面能量. [read more]
Provide Logo Printing on Umbrella 14 Days Express Delivery Small Order Quantity Always Welcome Logo Printing Service 15 Different Fabric Colors available. [read more]
The Revolution of Custom Teamwear http://www. hydrasportswear. co. uk/. [read more]
DIY 動手造之家 由小手工、裝飾擺設、實用小工具、到科技產品都可以自已 DIY,我們會定期舉行工作坊. . . . . . . [read more]
second-hand bookstore 把幾火. [read more]
www. ibuyxyz. com website selling hobby products worldwide. Wholesale business available for oversea shops / importers, feel free to contact us for details. [read more]
本店在港設有倉庫,以網上直銷出售各種美國進口嬰兒/兒童用品,減輕各位爸爸媽媽購買貨品的成本;長期設有現貨,亦可接受預訂!. [read more]
Bean bag city (豆袋城)專業造bean bag sofa , 豆豆梳化,豆袋梳化,雪豆抱枕,bean bag refill 發泡膠粒雪豆及代理日韓梳化,地毯. 大小訂單無任歡迎! sales@bukeylux. com Wechat ID : bukeylux Whatsapp :51159188. [read more]
BC Forged Hong Kong Official Dealer. [read more]
Retail Store Opening hours: Monday: Closed Tue to Fri:3pm-8:30pm Sat Sun:2pm-8:30pm Address:H1,6/F,High Win Factory Building,47 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon. [read more]
如對貨品有興趣請inbox或whatsapp查詢 Tel:52825097 請客人付款至指定的匯豐銀行或中國銀行戶口 匯豐銀行 596-449850-288 HO L L 中國銀行 012-561-101-657-56 LEE W Y. [read more]
靜能生慧 野能生趣. [read more]
上樓名錶店折扣優惠超低價 店鋪門市地址:香港觀塘開源道60號駱駝漆大廈第三期一樓O室 TEL:23570268 EMAIL:info@trendyoclock. com. [read more]
全新玩物零售及自助扭蛋專門店~!!. [read more]
我們專賣翡翠玉器珠寶首飾、擺件、及雕刻工藝品。We sell Jade and Jewelry products. 公司地址:香港九龍官塘鴻圖道55號幸運工業大廈14樓H座 電話:(852) 2342 6328 ** 敬請預約 ** www. thejadejewellery. com. [read more]
〈原點創作 Q Creation〉Event and Wedding Management Enquiry:info@qcreation. com. hk. [read more]
“11. 25mm”,這是四年來每一個卡位的標準高度,分毫不差。 堅持細節從來不是責任,而且本份,我們做的是務實而耐用的手工皮具。. [read more]
歡迎預約縫紉課程,以小班教學,親手製作、設計自己喜愛又耐用的小物。店內設精美又舒適的日本及外國布料,歡迎選購。亦可訂製手作作品,送禮或自用皆可,讓更多人感受手作的溫暖。. [read more]
Liv-Vogue Fashion Design , Style,how to connect with your Life. and Online Shop. . [read more]
Believe Believe yourself, Believe Our Choice. 我哋鐘意買衫、買鞋、買袋、買嘢,特別係去各地搜羅唔同嘅野. . . 我們專為大家搵D又靚,又型,又好用的精品,希望你哋鐘意。. [read more]
一站式網購及澳洲代購,搜羅精品公仔、特色擺設、數碼周邊等等,隨時隨地輕鬆購物。備有多種付款方法選擇,信用卡零手續費,購物滿指定金額包順豐站自取,歡迎聯絡查詢。. [read more]
Fashion Sources to fit your tast. 一間時裝公司為配合你的品味已服務。 Fournisseur existe pour vôtre besoins de la mode. . [read more]
本店貨品全部經店主每日精心挑選,不時留意最新款式及減價情報,貨品直接購自美國,韓國,英國品牌專門店及大型連鎖店~保証正貨. [read more]
http://www. annahousefashion. com/. [read more]
專營歐洲奢侈品牌代購服務。手袋、鞋、配件、手錶、男士品味玩意(雪茄、座檯擺設、品酒用具). [read more]
It’s O’right. MIT綠色髮妝品牌- O’right歐萊德。 http://www. oright. com. tw/ * MIT(made in Taiwan). [read more]
www. maymay. com. hk. [read more]
Piscini is a store, located at 觀塘開源道60號駱駝漆大廈3期3樓O室, Kwun Tong. They can be contacted via phone at +85229509001 for more detailed information. . [read more]
本店為客人提供一站式有機、優質之新鮮食材。我們為閣下嚴選本地有機蔬果,新鮮嘉美雞健營豬,有機寶石魚,時令水果,急凍有機肉類(雞肉,豬肉,牛肉)及優質海鮮,還有各地美味食品。同時亦為對奶類敏感或素食者提供多類型選擇。歡迎查詢選購。. [read more]
J. E. Outdoor is a store, located at Room D1,5/F Manning ind. bldg. , Kwun Tong. They can be contacted via phone at 96317372 for more detailed information. [read more]
EXPress, EXPlore and EXPeriment with Colours! Monday - Saturday 11:30am - 7:30pm Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays 星期日 及 公眾假期休息. [read more]
Organic, Gluten free, Vegan, Non-GMO product including Tea, Rice, Cooking , Baking and much more. Most complete baking products in Hong Kong. Online Shop and Retail shop. [read more]
一個曾經喜愛玩音樂的人,現在用另一個角度去投入、享受音樂的世界,希望分享聴音樂的點滴。. [read more]