代理、批發及經銷優質隱世日本清酒,為高級食肆及公司設計及製作獨特私人品牌,聯繫清酒酒莊與本地食肆合辦「清酒品酒宴」. . [read more]
Whisky Lounge in Kowloon East | Blue and Marble Theme | Single-Malt Whiskies/Cocktails/Craft Beer| Operated by Whisky Ambassadors | Close to MTR | Accept private booking only. [read more]
香港イラストレーターX日本酒sake is a bar, located at 巧明街94-96號鴻圖中心5樓, Kwun Tong. They can be contacted via phone at 36860626/9668 6010 for more detailed information. [read more]
Brothers Men Barbershop-專售男士優質髮油,男士護理及男士理髮服務! IG:brothers_men ●觀塘開源道55號開聯工業中心A座5樓6室(55435701) ●荔枝角億利工業中心2樓17A(52999536). [read more]
Focus Bar V is a bar, located at 通明街48號地下, Kwun Tong. They can be contacted via phone at 29519001 for more detailed information. . [read more]
We offer DIY workshops regularly and affordable handcraft supplies. Unleash your creativity with Chilli Blossoms!. [read more]
聯絡電話:96686010 營業時間:11:00AM至20:00PM 地址:九龍巧明街94-96號鴻圖中心5樓06室 轉數快FPS ID:7519358. [read more]
歡迎查詢 kathyshanmakeup@gmail. com 電話/Whatsapp: 51149551 擅長優雅甜美妝容、修飾輪廓、簡約鮮花造型、細心為每一位新娘打造耐看甜美妝容!. [read more]
MY Wine, now also brewing craft beer. We have started brewing ginger beer again, the best in the world, using fresh ginger, lemon and honey, with absolutely no chemical in it. [read more]
Escort和Beltronics的雷達探測器主要經銷商。. [read more]
An American sports bar & restaurant located in the heart of Kwun Tong, 3 minutes walk from the MTR station (Exit B2). . [read more]
Welcome~Enjoy~. [read more]
香港﹕97803325(Whatsapp) 澳門﹕66998000 kyokobride@gmail. com. [read more]
Bar Pacific 61 is a bar, located at 雲漢街, Kwun Tong. They can be contacted via phone at 852 2389 3216 for more detailed information. . [read more]
創造者 Hair LOGIST is a bar, located at 九龍觀塘巧明街117號港貿中心6樓01室(Apm側), Kwun Tong. They can be contacted via phone at 93709520 for more detailed information. [read more]
Neighbor Barbershop is a bar, located at Flat / Room 3 4/F Winful Centre 30 Shing Yip Street Kwun Tong, Kwun Tong. They can be contacted via phone at +85223872225 for more detailed information. [read more]
鮮港式串燒吧➖顧名思義:以食物新"鮮"為最基本要求,以港式燒法來迎合香港人口味。我們嚴選各地高级和有特色的食材,食物總類多元化、價錢大眾化。. [read more]
洗吹 $98 洗剪吹 $148 (指定髮型師除外) 焗油 $400 up 染髮$400 up 電髮 $600 up 數碼電髮 $600 up 負離子 $600 up. [read more]
歡迎Whatsapp預約: 63466549 LUI 檔期較滿 多謝大家一直以來支持 盡力為大家服務令大家滿意 本店提供: 電髮,染髮,負離子直髮,焗油. . . . . [read more]
自助式懶人燒烤新體驗. [read more]
*The whole floor has 30,000 sqft space. *Exclusive Roof Top Area (Elevator directly access) *Located in the Kowloon East Commercial Area. [read more]
We start early. . . baking breads, muffins & cakes, cutting aged imported steaks, carefully selecting the freshest seafood, vegetables, proteins, and herbs. [read more]
表演與活動場地. [read more]