美聯工商舖集團成員. [read more]
Wedding Film based in HK. #繼續拍有溫度的影片. [read more]
• Fashion • Accessories • Tarot Card • 每個靈魂都是值得被愛, 尊重, 存在. . [read more]
為一眾模型愛好者提供舒適自在的地方,為模型噴塗上色,發揮個人創意,凝聚模型發燒友交流心得。另有齊全的模型油漆工具,以及模型玩具精品。. [read more]
點止創意Dim’s Innovative Mind是一間平面及廣告設計公司,總部設於香港,在澳門和日本均設有分部。 我們了解客戶需要並配合商業市場,提供一站式的專業服務,由產品及包裝設計、商標設計、. [read more]
Sanvic Pulsatile Nasal Irrigator 善鼻脈動式水療洗鼻器 鼻敏感,鼻炎,鼻竇炎,鼻咽癌,中耳炎合用. [read more]
易鐘情Forever Match 姊妹裙,禮服專門店. 為你的大日子添彩!我們有大量姊妹裙,多色多款,可度身定做,滿足你的不同需求! 24小時whatsapp & inbox回覆,歡迎查詢及預約! 24 小時提供試身!. [read more]
位於觀塘市中心地段,鄰近港鐵站,連接大型商場APM. [read more]
歡迎Whatsapp預約: 63466549 LUI 檔期較滿 多謝大家一直以來支持 盡力為大家服務令大家滿意 本店提供: 電髮,染髮,負離子直髮,焗油. . . . . [read more]
理念 提供最適合適時的宣傳策略及靈活的營運及管理方法 目標 降低經常費用的成本 / 減低銷售成本,提升市場競爭力 提高企業營業額,提升客戶滿意度/用最靈活及彈性銷售渠道接觸潛在客戶. [read more]
Many flavours ! We are speciality store of capsule coffee. Imported from Europe with over 30 varieties of flavours. Featuring brands include Starbucks, Taylors of Harrogate and Swiss No. [read more]
We serve quality handmade cookies and cakes with special flavoured tea and coffee. Lunch, bakery class and party service available. . [read more]
Party Cake House was founded in 2011. We specialized in making custom design pastries and favors for your party & event. . [read more]
Sabre Corporation is the leading technology provider to the global travel industry. Sabre’s software, data, mobile and distribution solutions are used by hundreds of airlines and thousands of.. [read more]
S:store is a store, located at 觀塘7號成業街東廣場2樓216號舖 Shop 216 2/F Eplaza 7 Shing Yip Street Kwun Tong Kowloon, Kwun Tong. They can be contacted via phone at 66293451 for more detailed information. [read more]
We are a creative agency focused on delivering the best user experience possible in today’s volatile web industry. With us you can be sure your marketing communications are crystal clear.. [read more]
霎哈嘉瑜伽(生命永恆基金會)乃政府註冊慈善團體,20年來在各區為市民提供免費靜坐班,致力推廣以容易學和具科學根據的方法回復身心靈健康。. [read more]
錫安社會服務處勗勵軒輔導中心及「無賭工作間。營商管理好」計劃專頁. [read more]
一芳的水果茶,傳承了祖母的小名與秘方;採用當令盛產水果,絕不添加任何濃縮汁調味,滿口都是水果自身的鮮甜;所有食材皆取自台灣這片土地,堅持MIT的認同,也讓古早經典再現。. [read more]
香港時尚新聞及活動: 時裝、美容、彩妝、美食、手表、首飾、跑車、旅遊、消閒、購物生活潮流資訊。每天更新 ! 我們亦提供 content marketing 的相關服務。 This page is managed by AAdigital Biz Ltd. [read more]
學校的傳統教育可以為學生打好根基,我地的目標係要幫學生用有效的方法去學習,達到目標。除左到校服務,我地仲提供網上學習平台,以有效率的方法將重要的知識帶比學生。. [read more]
ProTech Monte Carlo創立於1989年,總部設於歐洲富豪集中地-摩納哥,是全球首屈一指的高級汽車護理產品及服務供應商。. [read more]
To provide professional photography service: Fashion (look book, campaign, editorial) Product shoot, Event, Professional Portrait, Photo Retouch, Wedding. [read more]
百份百餐廳 is a restaurant, located at 翠屏北邨翠柳樓地下3號舖, Kwun Tong. They can be contacted via phone at 2598 8100 for more detailed information. . [read more]
路易保斯就是優質南非茶!擁有自家品牌的頂級有機南非茶產品,頂級系列選用頂級有機茶料,100%幼嫩茶葉,產量少,養份含量高,非一般市面產品所能比美。 官方網站:www. rooiboshongkong. com. [read more]
香草盆栽、布藝手作、生活小物、手作寄賣 觀塘開源道60號駱駝漆大廈第3座10樓S室 https://www. facebook. com/youziforest 2346 7524. [read more]
By Alex Chau @alexpianist 分享音樂 · 小型音樂會 鋼琴課程 · 鋼琴伴奏 場地租借 · 錄音錄影. [read more]
「BOKA的設計繫乎忠於自己」 "BOKA design is above all true to ourselves". [read more]
Cartridges Direct HK is a premium reseller of ink and toner cartridges for your home and office printers. We cater to all markets and aim to provide our customers with discounted printer supplies. [read more]
Orients Hong Kong Limited(攝影攝錄及後期製作、化妝、網頁及平面設計、模特兒、臨時演員、網上娛樂平台) is a store, located.. [read more]
The largest distributor of La Marzocco, La Marzocco Home, Modbar, Marco Beverage Systems, Mazzer & Eureka for Hong Kong and Macau market. . [read more]
硬件制品,廣告噴畫,車身廣告, 展覽活動,婚禮、櫥窗及商場佈置,由策劃、設計到製作等一站式服務為你提供, 歡迎致電或電郵我們查詢有關詳情. [read more]
Elin +852 9865 8182 (Wechat 或 Whatsapp) 新娘化妝, 髮型, 飄眉, 韓式眼線, 駐顏粉底, 半永久化妝 Professional services for : Weddings Fashion Photoshoots TV and Film Projects Parties Consultations. [read more]
香港 批發/門市零售 各大護膚化妝品牌 及 單次收費美容院 C For Cosmetic :藍田匯景商場5樓124 C BEAUTY :藍田匯景商場5樓87 營業時間:星期一至日 12-9pm Instagram : CFORCOSMETIC Whatsapp 61984241. [read more]
始創於一九九八年的香港甜品品牌 發跡於香港深井村。. [read more]