H. Y. F Service Centre, located at 146偉業街, Kwun Tong. They can be contacted via phone at 61669722 for more detailed information. . [read more]
www. latentimage. hk email: eddiechan@latentimage. hk. [read more]
Adidas Originals, Under Armour, Nike, New Balance, le coq sportif, Puma, Base London, Reebok, Polo, etc. . [read more]
以保護肌膚,無負擔為前提,還原最自然、樸實、平凡、簡單的生活。 用食品級的原料,再加入各種特別元素入皂,將新鮮和功效帶給幼嫩的肌膚,拒絕再受化學物質和添加劑以及香精的污染. [read more]
Studio Address : 26/F D1 and 19B ,TG Place ,10 Shing Yip Street,Kwun Tong,Hong Kong. [read more]
一站式網購及澳洲代購,搜羅精品公仔、特色擺設、數碼周邊等等,隨時隨地輕鬆購物。備有多種付款方法選擇,信用卡零手續費,購物滿指定金額包順豐站自取,歡迎聯絡查詢。. [read more]
宴薈海鮮酒家 is a restaurant, located at 觀塘駿業街64號 南益商業中心1樓全層, Kwun Tong. They can be contacted via phone at 2951 9288 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Fashion Sources to fit your tast. 一間時裝公司為配合你的品味已服務。 Fournisseur existe pour vôtre besoins de la mode. . [read more]
感謝大家對Ann365的關注、 信任和支持。 我們心懷無限的感謝。 Ann365的存在, 為的是希望世界上每個人, 都能夠擁有健康而美麗的眼睛。 我們位於韓國的研發中心, 努力開發不同類型的產品. [read more]
TASTE THE SWEET COLORS l 室內家庭相 l 戶外家庭相 l 兒童攝影 l 新生嬰兒攝影 l 懷孕攝影 l百日宴 l 滿月宴 l 生日會 l 其他請查詢 l. [read more]
18/22 Collections - 香港牛仔褲品牌. [read more]
Get our best deco tips, from wedding colors to place settings, centerpieces to bouquets -- help planning all the small details that will tie your wedding reception together. [read more]
We hope to make design furniture accessible and affordable. Find detail at www. ziinlife. com. hk Visit our showroom at 5/F, New Media Tower, 82 Hung To Rd, Kwun Tong. [read more]
本店貨品全部經店主每日精心挑選,不時留意最新款式及減價情報,貨品直接購自美國,韓國,英國品牌專門店及大型連鎖店~保証正貨. [read more]
本店為客戶搜尋各地好用用品. 如有什麼好產品, 歡迎分享,本店定當努力搜購. [read more]
WeMine微礦是一個專為社交平台而設的智能營銷套件,協助客戶進行廣告營銷分析、客戶關係管理、活動管理及跨境支付,並從大數據中獲取洞察力以提升業績。 微信號:wemineltd. [read more]
TORIO 喫茶部 is a restaurant, located at Unit 4 1/F BLK A, Mai Hing IND BLDG, 16-18 Hing Yip ST, Kwun Tong, Kwun Tong. They can be contacted via phone at 34604882 for more detailed information. [read more]
Happy Happy Party Time 主要作為親子生日會,BB會聚會,家庭聚會為主,設施亦以小朋友為主要對象。我地係官塘有三個場地,由1800-2500呎不等,每個場地都有大型波波池,遊樂設施. [read more]
新輝電訊的官方專頁為大家提供我們銷售的最新產品、推廣優惠及活動資訊。請即like我們的fb page,緊貼我們的最新消息! ----------------------------------- Whatsapp : 5222 2525 -----------------------------------. [read more]
http://www. annahousefashion. com/. [read more]
Big Blue - The Brighter Idea. [read more]
Top Vista Digital Media Solutions Ltd. [read more]
Everyone can become "English Smart", given proper training and guidance. E-Smart Learning Centre has been trying to fulfill this vision since 1999. . [read more]
早霸皇為你提優質的健康食品。 Snacks King provides you the health and best quality of foods. . [read more]
手機加速,舊機變新機,新機變飛機. . . . [read more]
這是一班外展社工的辦公室. [read more]
位於觀塘崇仁街,始於1975年,見證香港四十多載的特色上海菜館。 我地係好偏僻,好小間,家庭式經營既上海小餐廳。. [read more]
英記茶莊 - 觀塘 / Ying Kee Tea House - Kwun Tong (official). [read more]
Vision to be the prominent body of professional information security practitioners, and utilize our expertise and knowledge to help bring prosperity to the society in the Information Age. [read more]
香港「空間」有限,不論是在物理上抑或在人生選擇上,都沒有太多的可能性。We-square同行空間希望可以透過不同形式的合作,讓更多的想法,甚至夢想得以試驗、以至實踐。. [read more]
三禾蝦舍, 專門為澳門, 香港提供水晶蝦零售及批發服務. Tri-Ace Crystal Shrimp provides retail and wholesales service of special type Crystal Shrimp for Macau and Hong Kong. [read more]
專營歐洲奢侈品牌代購服務。手袋、鞋、配件、手錶、男士品味玩意(雪茄、座檯擺設、品酒用具). [read more]
It’s O’right. MIT綠色髮妝品牌- O’right歐萊德。 http://www. oright. com. tw/ * MIT(made in Taiwan). [read more]
為英國ITEC國際認可之考試場地及專業化妝髮型設計學校,提供之課程包括新娘化妝、新娘髮型、個人化妝及護膚、飾物設計、形象設計等。. [read more]
Tencent WeStart (HK) is a creative hub providing digital startups with a gateway to China, production facilities, and event spaces. 騰訊眾創空間(香港)為數碼娛樂創業者提供辦公空間、影音製作設施及活動場地。. [read more]
www. maymay. com. hk. [read more]