佔地1300尺,本中心提供場地租用,空中瑜珈,拉筋,大人及小朋友之舞蹈課程! 歡迎查詢 電話:51931975! 地址: 官塘成業街30號華富工貿中心204室 (官塘地鐵B出口步行3分鐘即到). [read more]
藍田匯景廣場L4 315號鋪 迎豐美容纖體中心 Whatsapp: 66861312. [read more]
Sharing our vision with the world. How we see life, pride, creative, art, music and love. Subscribe to us to collaborate your vision with us. . [read more]
自成立以來,已為顧客提供一站式冷氣服務。本公司長期為多間大型機構及連鎖商鋪提供冷氣工程顧問及定期保養,並得到他們的支持及信任。. [read more]
GoGoalSoft is the best iPhone and iPad apps developer in Hong Kong. We have a portfolio of over 1 HUNDRED apps done in the past 2 years. . [read more]
Makeup Cynsation - The magical moment when professional makeup creates the SENSATIONAL YOU. . [read more]
IP cam, Sports Cam, 電子產品. [read more]
Style Nail 楓格坊 由資深美甲導師Agnes Chak 創立 。. [read more]
Altis Zenus is a brand and technology company focusing on innovative communication and outdoor products. . [read more]
We promote Good Health the Natural Ways. Our aim is to facilitate everyone maintain happy peaceful body & mind. Functional, niche, clinical support. . [read more]
Buy Buy Buy Online海外代購 於海外直接入口及全部經過安全入口檢查, 品質安全可靠; 更設有代購貨品服務,方便各位客戶找所需物品。 網上直送日韓服裝,童裝,女裝,男裝,潮物,玩具,生活. [read more]
Beautyadd is a store, located at 九龍觀塘開源道56號大眾工業大廈6樓616室, Kwun Tong. They can be contacted via phone at 21918668 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Our mission is represent you to purchase what you need in USA with all the famous brands with the lowest price. . [read more]
租場資訊: 香港觀塘成業街15-17號成運工業大廈902室 coolokcat@gmail. com. [read more]
We inspire stylish carpet designs and fabricate customized hand-tufted carpets to light up residential and commercial industries. . [read more]
在星空的見證下, 一起留住最開心快樂的美好時光。. [read more]
清新簡潔風格 展現個人最獨特氣質. [read more]
A Specialist on Innovative, Reliable, Efficient Color/Addictive Masterbatch for Food-Contact Packaging, Automotive, Pipe & Rotomolding. . [read more]
MACMA Hong Kong - Merchandising Products of Your Choice. [read more]
Numbers Creative Ltd. is a creative media company base in HK. Providing 1-stop Promotional Design & Production services from traditional to digital media. [read more]
Part time basis on searching goods for our lovely clients (Japan, UK). [read more]
想獲得至抵優惠!快來超喜購,隨時隨地以至抵價格購買各商家、品牌的產品或活動. LESS GETS MORE!!! You should come to ciaogogo. com to get the best offers from merchants anytime anywhere. . [read more]
我們是 Motorola 手機及藍牙耳機、Lenovo 手機、Harman Kardon Aura Studio 2 / Onyx Studio 5 及 JBL Duet NC / Duet Mini 2 / Duet ARC / Bar Studio (2. 0, 2. 1, 5. 1) / UA Sport Wireless FLEX 的特約授權經銷商及分銷商。. [read more]
Party,Wedding,Balloon decoration,Magic show. . . . [read more]
We create COOL brands that are HOT. . [read more]
很多人甚至公司都不知道怎樣有效地以影片作為他們的主要宣傳方法。C&CO Video就是為了替一眾有志以影片來賺取更多生意的顧客提供策劃及製作服務而成立的。. [read more]
皇家國際食品 Royal International Food is a store, located at Unit 20, 5/F, Shing Yip Industrial Building, No. 19-21 Shing Yip Street, 852 Kwun Tong. They can be contacted via phone at.. [read more]
PaMa Babies supplies different brand name shoes with specify function to your babies and kids. . [read more]
觀塘的地址是我們的辦公室,而不是門市!如想在我們辦公室購物和交收的朋友們,請先Message我們!Thanks. [read more]
致力為愛美的朋友從世界各地尋找多元化的時尚服飾。以簡單優雅配合出時尚。 The owner carefully selects the high quality apparels for the love of beauty from around the world by herself. . [read more]
我們是香港的一間本土小小網上商店,是一間經歷了無數風雨但仍然掙扎求存的小店,為的只是一個自己小小的理想!. [read more]
日本产品代购/ 中日翻译/日中通訳 中古車販売、 オートパーツ販売/施工、 カスタムパーツ販売/施工 DCCコーティング施工、. [read more]
建燭,親手去建造獨一無二的天然香薰蠟燭產品,帶領你體驗屬於自己的香薰旅程。 歡迎Inbox message 查詢。. [read more]
High-end Audio , Home Automation , Home Theater System & Room Acoustics. . [read more]
Electronic Gadgets with a Twist. Electronic Gadgets with bluetooth connectivity, HD Pen Cameras, Watch Cameras, Kids smartwatches and many more available. [read more]
Workshops • Private Classes • Recipes & Tutorials • BakeAtHome Packs & more. . . [read more]