Mirr Asia provides a comprehensive suite of business solutions, including company incorporation, accounting, and taxation services across a range of jurisdictions. [read more]
Nestiee 專注於提供頂級純天然燕窩,秉持「無添加、無漂白」的純淨原則,並以創新理念提升燕窩的便捷性。我們的免泡燕窩系列,無需提前浸泡,僅需30分鐘即可輕鬆燉煮,既保留了傳統滋補的精髓,又滿足現代都市人對高效健康養生的需求。 我們的燕窩全部採自印尼,經空運新鮮直達香港,確保每一片都是大自然的珍稀饋贈,純淨無瑕。我們堅守不使用任何漂白劑,並由專業人士手工精選挑毛,確保每片燕窩都達到最高品質標準。 此外,我我更有提供傳統燕盞以及即食燕窩系到,當中創新隨心燉燕窩套裝,讓你無需傳統燉盅,即可輕鬆燉煮,隨時隨地在家享受皇室級的滋補體驗。 作為備受信賴的香港高端燕窩品牌,無論是日常自我養生還是高級禮品選擇,Nestiee 燕窩都是提升健康、煥發氣色的極致之選。 Nestiee is a premium Hong Kong brand known for curating the finest, purest bird’s nest products. [read more]
Party Room位於葵涌,交通便利,距離葵興站僅需步行5分鐘。場地寬敞,面積達850呎,可容納4至30人聚會。場地提供多種娛樂設施,包括專業Poker檯、過山車麻雀機、卡拉OK唱K系統、PS4、Switch等遊戲機、狼人X及其他Board games。此外,場地亦提供免費紙包飲品。Party Room適合舉辦生日派對、聚會、場地租借及拍攝等活動。. [read more]
Lichee Expert. They can be contacted via phone at +85252023908 for more detailed information. . [read more]
我們知道疾病的開始,必然經過亞健康, 想避免身體長期出現痛症及衰弱 ,必需要為自己設計一套獨一無二的訓練方法,提升自己健康. [read more]
Carplay, Audio Head Unit, Wiring, Speakers, Amp, Sub, sound tune, sound deadening and audio fabrication. . [read more]
本中心使命,是協助學生及職場人士有優質個人生涯規劃,從而認識自己和認識社會,繼而在人生不同階段作出合適的抉擇。. [read more]
We are committed to creating environmentally conscious textiles through historically sustainable and responsible practices – starting with silk. . [read more]
ALifeStyle 24小時網購商場,提供生活百貨,網上購物,健康產品,個人護理,老花/平光眼鏡,手錶,儲水式智能花盆. [read more]
Providing company formation services, accounting services, tax planning and audit arrangement. . [read more]
We are a platform of providing delicious food and beverage, snacks and confectionery from all over the world. . [read more]
C LAB 為您提供最優質的咖啡產品,歡迎pm 查詢. [read more]
多年批發零售經驗, 韓國美妝小家電批發及零售, 與香港各大連鎖店均有合作, 韓國及內地設分公司, 擁有自己的研發團隊, 為市場帶來最新, 價錢合理及優質的產品。. [read more]
我們提供優質寵物用品及食品,歡迎網上訂購,買滿HK$300起可安排送貨到府上。. [read more]
� 青衣嘅街坊們 嚟喇 嚟喇 �� 我地蔬果速遞開始會宅送優質蔬果水果到青衣區,購物滿$300就可以免運費,我地都可以送去你屋企,只限青衣嘅街坊先有呢個優惠咋,埋嚟睇埋嚟揀啦喂!. [read more]
2505, Global trade Centre, 15 Wing Kin Road, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong Mon – Fri : 9:00 – 17:30 (lunch hour 12:45-14:00) Office: 35656018 Fax: 35656017. [read more]
Kwai Tsing Theatre is a major performance venue in Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong. It is located in Kwai Fong, near Kwai Fong MTR station. It was built by the Regional Council and opened.. [read more]
本公司成立的目的: 旨在服務社群,冀望大家行動自如、生活自在!. [read more]
正確的低糖飲食令生活更美好。 「低糖良方」低糖健康食品專門店 葵芳店 葵芳葵涌廣場 1樓 B89A 時間 :11:00-21:00 銅鑼灣店 銅鑼灣記利佐治街銅鑼灣地帶2樓247店 時間 :12:00-20:30. [read more]
業務範圍 : 免費《度尺報價、平面佈局圖、3D圖》 住宅裝修、寫字樓裝修、訂造傢俬、廚櫃、浴屏、水電工程(包澳洲包膠銅喉)、油漆工程(包立邦金裝淨味)、鋁窗工程、泥水工程、地板工程. [read more]
MS是一群對空間充滿構想及具國際經驗的設計師們,無論是室內空間、環境及建築設計都以簡約前瞻的設計方針,讓想法無限制地相撞聚變。. [read more]
LEXY ®️ 深受女性及情侶歡迎的香港成人情趣用品性商店,過千款緊貼情趣界最新最潮的 Sex Toys 性玩具,陰蒂吸啜器/吸吮機、無線震蛋、仿真陽具、G 點震動棒、情趣內衣、女優名器、飛機杯。. [read more]
日本直送新鮮水果 Fresh Fruits imported directly from Japan. [read more]
我們的服務包括絲印、移印、加工金屬、塑膠、 廣告、絲印移印、圓形絲印。製品包括:襟章、銅片、鋁片、鋁片PVC。金屬絲印、名牌印刷、告示牌印刷等。 歡迎來辦訂造,電話: 2489 0608. [read more]
小點子凝聚大創意 -- 點子教學堅持用最有效的傳統實體教學。上課前後徹底清潔消毒,場地超過1000呎,足夠空間隔離學員但仍有效地共同學習。. [read more]
位於葵涌的花卷,屬於外帶專門店。吃手卷不需再只有肉鬆、蟹柳等簡單配搭,店內超過五十款以手卷為主打的單點及定食,其中更推出雙色、三色系列,價錢親民。. [read more]
Lit Studio 將會同你地影一輯唔再只係企定定嘅全家福!攝影師會透過家人之間共聚一堂的互動,捕捉大家真摯歡樂時刻的表情。呢一刻唔洗再收收埋埋啦!將對屋企人滿滿嘅愛拍攝在相片當中!. [read more]
Kwai Fong is an elevated railway station on Tsuen Wan Line of Hong Kong MTR, opened in 1982. It is located between Lai King and Kwai Hing stations. Named after Kwai Fong Estate, a large.. [read more]
TWGHs S C Gaw Memorial College, established in 1984, is a government subsidized Anglo-Chinese co-educational secondary grammar school in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. [read more]
皮膚係我哋身體最大的器官、如果我們唔去好好咁呵護、咁就會受到損害同時影響我哋的身、心、靈。由現在起立即行動、脫離化學物質、注入天然成分、展現健康自信零瑕美。. [read more]
本店貨品眾多,未能盡錄,敬請親臨選購!或pm查詢!. [read more]
Tsing Yi Municipal Services Building, also known as Tsing Yi Complex, formerly Tsing Yi Regional Council Complex, is a multi-purpose municipal building for the Tsing Yi Island, Hong Kong. [read more]
Tsing Yi is an interchange station on the Tung Chung Line of MTR and Airport Express on Tsing Yi Island in Hong Kong. On the Tung Chung Line, it is located between Sunny Bay Station and Lai.. [read more]
已經營了八年的網上銷售日、韓大size 時裝. [read more]
金禾閣餐廳小廚 is a restaurant, located at Tsing Yi Town. [read more]
我們是一家汽車美容公司,專注為您和您的汽車提供最合適的需要!我們提供了3種套餐服務, 哪一種最適合您的車輛? 我們將盡力回答您的問題。. [read more]