本店逢週末8-10pm設有現場真人唱歌表演🎙️, 不同款式的順口無酒精啤酒🍾🍻, 嚴選既美味小食🍕🍝, 再加上精心既佈置, RHYTHM可能是最佳享受音樂的小店. [read more]
Sharapovah Collection, located at Suite 2217, 22flr. Concordia Plaza, 1 Museum Road TSIM SHA TSUI EAST. HONG KONG, 00852 Kowloon. They can be contacted via phone at 51354199 for more.. [read more]
オフショア投資・海外資産運用&香港の保険は「ブリリアント・アジア」, located at 16/F, China Hong Kong Centre, No. 122-126 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. They can be contacted via phone at +852-3976-6337 for more detailed information. [read more]
投資案件・ビジネスマーケットとしてミャンマーの情報、Star cityのコンドミニマムなどを紹介します。. [read more]
Rakhi Gems is famous throughout the world for stones of standard quality at the most competitive prices. We specialize in almost every semi-precious stone. [read more]
「最耐看的美 是源於清秀自然的妝容」 Yanki's Makeup提供新娘化妝 / 姐妹親友化妝 / Pre-wedding / 宴會等等,各類型的化妝服務。 歡迎inbox預約服務及查詢詳情. [read more]
全日本覆蓋99. 9%,提供最快、最隱定的海外流動WiFi 服務。全球已有2百萬人使用,服務國家多達160個,包括:日本、韓國、台灣、泰國、新加坡、澳洲、英國、加拿大、美國等。. [read more]
業務範圍:提供中醫治療(內科、針灸、傷科、整脊)教授氣功,服氣辟谷療程等。另設中藥燕窩批發. [read more]
ASTRA Tailoring. [read more]
Luxury shoes and bags for ladies, unique design and high quality. [read more]
Guest house for Filipinos in Hong Kong. [read more]
還未申請到大學宿舍的你. 希望透過此網站,幫助香港的交流生最快找到一個合適的樓盤。從而不用為住屋而煩惱。 You can find the flat effectively. We will provide some cheaper and suitable flat for you. . [read more]
Welcome to the Official Calvin Sun Education Centre Facebook Page. Make a difference, Strive for excellence!. [read more]
( 歡迎預約 ). [read more]
Pride To Be Wedding & Event Decoration Wedding Design & Styling Invitation Card Design. [read more]
從古到今教育子女都是父母最緊張的問題,而隨著社會進步及競爭白熱化的關係,孩子面對的挑戰愈來愈多,所以我們執起教鞭,肩負起教子成龍的使命。. [read more]
Welcome! We import,export ,wholesale Elegant party products from ItalIan Designs. 我們產品皆出自意大利設計師。 for details : 31884483 21559392 info@giviitalia. com. [read more]
足浚臨-喜瑪拉雅山岩鹽汗蒸,足底,穴位按摩, located at 佐敦白加士街77-79號1/F, 00000 Kowloon. They can be contacted via phone at 55432827 for more detailed information. . [read more]
本中心於 1992 年成立,支援青少年及家庭的需要,發展青少年潛能,培養未來公民。 <服務宗旨> 實踐基督教訓,關懷社群,服務社區,傳揚基督福音真理。. [read more]
本中心按紅磡區的特色和需要,透過中心服務、駐校及外展等不同形式,以個人輔導、小組及社區活動之社會工作方法,籌劃和推行指導及輔導服務、為處於不利環境的青少年提供支援服務。. [read more]
Yuen Long Bistro, located at Shop A2, G/F, China Insurance Building, 48 Cameron Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui. They can be contacted via phone at +85226032686 for more detailed information. [read more]
Electric Vehicle Club Hong Kong 香港電動車會 www. EVClubHK. com 香港社團註冊編號 : 54536. [read more]
Life Creative Code Limited. [read more]
迷你犬(3kg以下) 約$150(洗澡*) 約$250(+剪毛) 小型犬(3. 1kg-7kg) 約$180(洗澡*) 約$300(+剪毛) 中型犬(7. 1kg-12kg) 約$250(洗澡*) 約$380(+剪毛). [read more]
LE MODELING BLOOMEA 以三步驟護膚程序,已優化並專門為專業美容師而設。. [read more]
Coworking Space. [read more]
Pop Music Studio 鑽石山A2出口 音樂課程現正招生 查詢及報名 34842434. [read more]
OEM-PhoneParts aims to provide a wide range of services and products in the best possible way. From phone parts to replacement parts for phones, tablets, laptops and electronic games. [read more]
Nano Technology, Masterbatches, Fibers, Filaments for Performance Wear. [read more]
NWorld Online Wellness by Rhia HK, located at whampoa, 0000 Hung Hom. They can be contacted via phone at 55910087 for more detailed information. . [read more]
安生納米汗蒸氧吧(觀塘店), located at 觀塘開源道60號駱駝漆大廈三期 2樓K室, Kowloon. They can be contacted via phone at 97665633 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Wintip Employment Services Ltd. , located at Shop No. 125 1/F Peninsula Centre 67 Mody Road Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon. They can be contacted via phone at 27230898 for more detailed information. [read more]
We provide professional advise for your retail stores. A2 Mannequin supply high end mannequins worldwide. Wellcome to your inquiry. . [read more]
cell phone case and accessory. [read more]
Provide Various Medical Service include Hair Transplant and in-patient health check We have various Specialist in our Team. [read more]