The Royal Victory Church is a full gospel, spirit filled missionary Church. . [read more]
We are the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, China Hong Kong Mission! We are a program that helps people come unto Christ in Hong Kong!. [read more]
地址:九龍尖沙咀彌敦道80號1樓(港鐵尖沙咀站B出口) 電話:23669973 崇拜:星期六5:00PM/星期日11:00AM. [read more]
藍田堂 Christian & Missionary Alliance Lam Tin Church 是宣道會區聯會屬下的會員堂會,從八五年建堂至今,迄今已逾三十載。 堂主任:麥志成牧師. [read more]
1950年在牛池灣創立遠東基督教會及附屬學校,並慈惠工作。1976年聖約教會遠東堂土瓜灣新堂址舉行獻堂禮。2007年4月18日遷入尖沙咀山林道,4月22日開始第一次崇拜至今。. [read more]
Methodist College, commonly referred to as MCKLN or MC, is a co-educational grant school located at 50 Gascoigne Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. The college admits students aged between 12 and 19. [read more]
We are an Evangelical Christian and a member of Living Word Christian Churches Of Cebu International Inc. . [read more]
位於九龍城的香港聾人基督教會,是香港唯一聾人教會,會友是聾人,牧者也是聾人。(主日崇拜人數約80人)。. [read more]
We are a friendly, multi-cultural, English-speaking, worshiping community of Jesus Christ, meeting in the Tsim Sha Tsui. This is the official public FB page. [read more]
基督教豐盛生命堂 is a church, located at 新柳街5號, Kowloon. They can be contacted via phone at 852 2714 5288 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Hong Kong China LDS Temple is a church, located at 2 Cornwall Street, Kowloon. They can be contacted via phone at (852) 2339-8100 for more detailed information. [read more]
書室成立最主要目的是榮耀神。書室內所供應的每件產品,都是經我們精挑細選,我們認為對信徒靈性有益處的資源。我們也是盡力用合乎聖經原則的方法經營,因我們相信見證重於工作。. [read more]
主日崇拜 : 星期日 上午10時30分 兒童主日學: 星期日 上午10時30分 小學生園地: 星期日 上午10時30分 職青團契: 星期日 上午12時 主耶穌愛你 聖腓力堂歡迎你來參加聚會. [read more]
Welcome to the Diocesan Boys' School (DBS) Chaplaincy (拔萃男書院校牧事工) page on Facebook! May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. [read more]
希望能廣傳福音,見証基督,促進主內同心合一。本會以新舊約聖經和使徒信經為信仰綱領。. [read more]
對聖經領悟多少,信心就會有多少. [read more]
Holy Trinity Cathedral is an Anglican cathedral located in Kowloon City, Kowloon, Hong Kong. It was established in 1890, making it one of the oldest Anglican churches in Hong Kong. [read more]
"We are Christ's representatives,reconciling the world to God. "2 Cor. 5:20. [read more]
This is the Facebook Page for Ignite Community Church. . [read more]
九龍城基督徒會七十周年專頁. [read more]
九龍城浸信會 is a church, located at 九龍城亞皆老街206號, 宗教地方 Kowloon. They can be contacted via phone at 27135111 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Salvation Army Kowloon City Corps 救世軍九龍城隊 story. salvationarmy. org. [read more]
Saddleback Church campus located in Hong Kong • Service ~ Sundays, 10:00AM % 12:15PM • Small Groups ~ weekdays, 7:30PM-9:30PM. [read more]
香港伯特利教會慈光堂 is a church, located at 香港九龍新蒲崗大有街3號萬迪廣場11樓J室, 852 Kowloon. They can be contacted via phone at 23839103 for more detailed information. . [read more]
此為尖浸弟兄姊妹聚腳分享地方,非尖浸正式FB。歡迎分享有與尖浸有關事情,及基督信仰有關內容。. [read more]
主日聚會時間:每週日 上午 11:30~下午 1:30 Whatsapp:5481-5634 奉獻賬戶~中國銀行(香港) 戶名:基督教利河伯教會有限公司 Christian Rehoboth Church Limited 賬號:012-724-0-004359-5. [read more]
English Ministry (Emmanuel). [read more]
九龍城潮語浸信會 is a church, located at 九龍城衙前圍道55號A, Kowloon. [read more]
143 Brothers. 37 Communities. 105 Schools/Institutions. LEAD is the newly restructured juridical and canonical Province (structure) of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (De La Salle) in.. [read more]
【有福月餅.. [read more]
會址 香港九龍太子道西256A號明愛中心B座7樓 7/F, Caritas Centre Block B, 256A Prince Edward Road West, Kowloon, Hong Kong. [read more]
*SDA *seventh-day *adventist *church *non-profit *christian *organization *sabbath. [read more]
We are an Anglican, international church firmly grounded in God’s Word. Sunday Service times: 8:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am, 11:30am (Putonghua), 5:00pm. [read more]
我們是一個天主教大家庭。這裡的大門常開。來!看看吧!We are a big Catholic Family. The doors are always open for you. Come and see!. [read more]
很自由的大教會, 牧者都很好. [read more]
Kwun Tong Baptist Church is a church, located at 83 Kung Lok Rd, Ngau Tau Kok. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2343 6745 for more detailed information. [read more]