Professional Renal Nursing training courses for nurses in Hong Kong. [read more]
達人烤肉尖沙咀店以韓國食街為概念,給食客置身首爾街頭的感覺。左邊是餐廳的露台及招牌,右邊是街道,食客就像坐在露天的街上享受別具風味的烤肉!. [read more]
英華書院交通學會 Ying Wa College Transport Society. [read more]
提供中式、西式甜品, 即叫即做, 呈獻新鮮美味甜品!. [read more]
日本兒童用品, 英國優質書籍,天天新款上架,100%直送! 歡迎查詢: - 98019237 - 香港九龍灣宏開道15號九龍灣工業中心 2/F 212 室. [read more]
服務及收費請看泉學園網址: http://glo2415. blog131. fc2. com/blog-category-0. html 營業時間:4pm~9pm來安全,逢星期日休息 日本雅虎eBay淘寶等代bid及代售,通販應募代購。娃品代理。日台書籍。. [read more]
CCM香港では、香港法人設立から法人口座開設、会社秘書役、監査・記帳業務など日本語でサポートしております。. [read more]
Parel Voor Iedereen, "Pearl for Everyone" in English, is dedicated to presenting an contemporary, elegant and sophisticated new way to wear pearl. . [read more]
草坪不單單是一個共享工作空間,由流動辦公桌到溫習室或會議室,我們的理念是為大家提供一片寧靜及舒適的環境,. [read more]
打拳,Fitness等無限延伸的運動方式,滿足各位選擇最合適的塑身訓練組合配置 Zenergy Fitness helps you keep fit, slim up, lost weight, get more active, improve your fitness level. [read more]
We are specialize in manufacturing a different kind of wooden products such as gift boxes, pens, desk items and small household items. . [read more]
喜愛購物, 為大家採購美日韓台,至抵好物 歡迎WHAT'S APP: 68216766 / LINE:happyshoppingtherapy 查詢. [read more]
Graphic Design & Branding , Photo shooting & Production, Website design, Interior design & Visual merchandising. [read more]
香港美術專科學校由陳海鷹教授創辦,經香港教育署准予立案的專科學校,成為香港第一間美術專科學校。 Hong Kong Academy of Fine Arts (HKAFA) was founded by internationally acclaimed artist Chan Hoi-Ying. . [read more]
We are having different kinds of event at our house this year, so let join us. Only come here you are going to enjoy for sure. . [read more]
Provide Pre-incubation services support for Start-uppers in Hong Kong and assist them to choose the perfect incubation scheme in Hong Kong and PRC. . [read more]
aromatica有機香薰護膚系列 香港獨家代理:Skin Corner Limited www. skincorner. com. hk www. facebook. com/SkinCornerHK. [read more]
提供專業上門電腦維修 清除病毒 電腦組裝 網路監察系統 電腦保養 網頁設計 CCTV IP Camera 資料救援 Tel:37088009. [read more]
Wedding Banquet Specialist 煌府婚宴專門店幸福店, located at 九龍尖沙咀東部加連威老道92號幸福中心2樓全層, Tsim Sha Tsui. They can be contacted via phone at 22349978 for more detailed information. [read more]
Located on Tsim Sha Tsui’s infamous Canton Road, Silvercord is one of Hong Kong’s most sought-after business addresses. The Silvercord complex contains the. [read more]
大門橫丁不停為客人推出新創意口味,務必令每一位客人都能品嚐美味可口嘅美食. . . . [read more]
鐵牛台灣牛肉麵- 美麗華店 is a restaurant, located at 尖沙咀金巴利道25號長利商業大廈地庫, 00852 Kowloon. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2660 6611 for more detailed information. [read more]
新娘造型低至$880 Up 姐妹化妝低至$250 Up 設有高清噴槍服務 承接新娘、姐妹丶親友、party、晚宴化妝set頭. [read more]
人與人之間的橋樑是「心」而不是華麗的外表。在胡同,每一件東西背後都有著存在的意義與故事。堅持、用心、熱情、創新 是胡同想傳達的訊息與概念。勇敢去夢,並努力把夢想實現!. [read more]
Hong Kong Foot & Body Massage 樹立尖沙咀核心地段商業大廈全層,地方寬闊舒適,交通方便,鄰近海港城名店街。. [read more]
前來 Apple Store,選購 Mac、iPhone、iPad、Apple Watch 及更多其他產品。報名參加 Today at Apple 的主題計劃,或於 Genius Bar 獲得支援服務。. [read more]
漢和韓國料理集團於 1993 年成立,一直以韓國傅統烤肉為特色,加上新經營概念,目前已成為香港最具規模的韓式燒烤餐廳集團,並擁有全港最大的韓式餐廳. [read more]
The ONE是尖沙咀購物娛樂新地標。由國際時裝品牌與配飾、化妝及護膚品、最新潮流玩物至家居生活精品、精彩娛樂及環球食府組成, 為追求時尚生活品味的本地消費客群及遊客的焦點。. [read more]
충칭 빌딩은 홍콩 젠사쥐 네이선 로드에 위치한 복합 빌딩이다. . [read more]
Uppacase アッパーケース(尖沙咀店) is a store, located at Shop 211, Mira Place One, Tsim Sha Tsui. They can be contacted via phone at +852 21529270 for more detailed information. [read more]
尖東店:尖沙咀麼地道75號南洋中心地下7-8號 營業時間:中午12:00至晚上11:00 tel:2723 7737 銅鑼灣店:銅鑼灣伊榮街9號欣榮商業大廈地下1號舖 營業時間:中午12:00至晚上10:00 tel:2363 3334. [read more]
Nail Square 尖沙咀金馬倫道38-40 Tel: 54840496 27211001. [read more]
# Cafe # Freshly Roasted Coffee Beans # Coffee Machines, Equipment & Accessories # Founder of Coffee Power Championship. [read more]
FUTAGO結婚指輪專門店 - Mira Place尖沙咀店官方FACEBOOK專頁. [read more]
組長日式放題提供日式午市套餐及日式放題. [read more]