本店專售5A +級別水晶,為樓上鋪,能免除地舖昂貴租金,所以顧客能以同一價錢購買到高一至兩個級別更高質素的水晶。. [read more]
经营5年,以诚待客,用料正品,卫生整洁,绝不hardsell. [read more]
全港至平, 靚, 正的二手辦公室傢俬 高價回收 特價發售 歡迎來電垂詢 Tel: 3152 2875 張先生 Fax: 2951 9832 Email : cheungyau272@yahoo. com. hk. [read more]
生機純素甜品專門店/有機生活百貨. [read more]
Hong Kong Polytechnic University Student Hall is a university, located at PolyU Student Halls of Residence, 1 Hung Lai Rd, Kowloon. They can be contacted via phone at 3159 0000 for more.. [read more]
Every day fresh mild to hotter, made to order, Have variety of food to choose from pizza, pasta, kebabs, curries & biryanis. Veg n non-veg dishes. MSG-free. [read more]
If what you're looking for is a conveniently located hotel in Hong Kong, look no further than California Hotel. . [read more]
售賣不同有趣產品,提高生活趣味 另外也會售賣部份日常用品以助生活所需 查詢可致電或Whatsapp 6154 1364 / 6685 0907. [read more]
Too much decision to make? Too much workload? No time to plan for leisure? Virtual Personal Assistant is here to help you save your time, enjoy your life!. [read more]
ThiaBoxing88 provide cheap boxing equipment for the people to start their Thai Boxing lesson. . [read more]
經營適合不同年紀小朋友閱讀之外國童書, 包括繪本, 故事書, 小說及學習叢書等. 所有書籍均由英國及美國直接空運到港, 以網上直銷的經營方式,務求讓家長以非常優惠價錢選購優質的書籍. . [read more]
介紹古巴的高希霸雪茄(Cohiba Cigar). [read more]
Whatsapp / WeChat : +852 5248 4925 接受Cash / VISA / Master / 銀聯 / 信用卡分期. [read more]
M1 Group, located at 旺角西洋菜南街1A-1K百寶利商業中心16樓1608室, Kowloon. [read more]
香港紋身由MichaelChan/ Kaz Chan 於1995年創立香港旺角店 台灣新北店 二地同時為紋身藝術生存. 別問我是什麼風格,我紋的是經歷,我紋的是感覺,我紋的是熱誠,我紋的是香港紋身. [read more]
專營日本二次元動漫玩具及週邊精品. . [read more]
我們相信,孤單不是與生俱來。只要你踏出第一步,透過紅線顧問的專業配對服務,定能替你把幸福拉近。. [read more]
旺角百寶利#1403 Whatspp +852 55026016 instagram @theroom. hk Ship Worldwide. [read more]
旺角西洋菜南街1A號百寶利商業中心18樓1802室 門市營業時間:星期一至日 12. 30pm-8. 30pm 預約電話 : 3705 9803 wts : 9847 7562 ig : sybeauty__szeyin facebook : sybeauty. [read more]
Sisters Brabra- 無數好評 三大皇牌功效 升級矯型集中 提供七天無條件換貨. [read more]
租琴王經營鋼琴租用服務多年,服務優良,信心保證,服務包括:鋼琴租回家,婚禮鋼琴租借,演奏會鋼琴租借等。本公司提供日本名牌型號YAMAHA、KAWAI直身琴 以及 三角琴租借. [read more]
手機維修一步到位 為您省時,省心,更省錢 維修透明 安全放心 專業檢測 手機無優. [read more]
Skinergy 的由來為Skin + Energy, 意思是為皮膚注入能量,以優秀的服務,專業的技術為營運方針. [read more]
出售各地旅遊Data Sim卡 (日本 台灣 韓國 歐洲 澳洲 美國 加拿大. . . . . ). [read more]
追求「美」? 妳選對了!自開業以來,本店一直都以客為本,專業,細心, 誠實, 效果明顯。良心公司,絕不硬銷療程, 美容師擁有十多年美容纖體經驗 ,贏盡口碑,令顧客安心又放心。. [read more]
Yahoo拍賣-擁有6千以上好評級名店, 專業改ROM ROOT服務 本公司零售和批發日韓水貨電話 地址:旺角彌敦道691號永如大廈一樓A室 熱賣點 電話:29519184. [read more]
灣仔店 灣仔盧押道18號海德中心2樓全層 旺角店 旺角彌敦道678號華僑商業中心3/F. [read more]
Happy Darts!. [read more]
優質汽車護理- 服務全面.跨越十載.圑隊精神.專業可靠 Best Quality Vehicle Serivce Centre - Professionalism that you can TRUST !. [read more]
"Turn Back Time, Everything we offer works, Look younger today. ". [read more]
Billion Boom Ltd is a trading company of innovative and unique consumer every day necessities including health, beauty, houseware, garden, pet, footwear and apparel products exporting worldwide.. [read more]
Professional photography service. . [read more]
Laserworld ASIA is the official representative for all products of the Laserworld Group in Asia and handles all direct laser exports!. [read more]
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Wanted to Bring Sous Vide Cooking into ordinary Level for every individual to try and also be able to share good foods and cooking idea for peoples. [read more]
屬於就讀於香港各大學台灣學生的交流社團. [read more]