
Provide educational programs on Hindu culture to local students. 介紹印度教文化給本港學生. Contact us if you want to arrange a temple visit or cultural activity. 如欲安排參觀廟宇及文化活動,請與我們聯絡。

Tags : #Education

Location :
6/F Oceanview Court, 27 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, 75223 Tsim Sha Tsui


ISKCON Educational Services has facilitated students’ visiting the ISKCON Hong Kong temple since 2004. IES further develops into its present stage through the cooperation with the Harmony in Diversity program of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

The temple of ISKCON Hong Kong is situated at the golden mile of Tsim Sha Tsui area. The famous “mirror” temple features a magnificent shrine with beautiful oil paintings depicting the wonderful pastimes of Lord Krishna in the scripture. Various antiques are displaced in the showcase which consist of worship paraphernalia and murtis of gods and goddesses.

We offer a comprehensive booking service in order to customise your visit.
Schools visit from pre-school to universities has been held in the premises.

We also support students activities like co-operation with Krishna Yoga Club of CUHK.

自 2004 年起,我們為本地學生提供有關印度宗教和文化的教育服務。與香港中文大學的和而不同計劃合作多年,讓本地中學生擴闊對世界宗教的視野。曾接待本地各大專院校及中小學的同學。除參觀廟宇和介紹印度教及其文化外、也包括多項以經驗教學為主和互動的項目如冥想方法、唱頌祈禱歌、示範穿著民族服裝、烹飪示範及香料介紹、瑜伽練習、民族舞蹈、品嚐印度美食等等。我們也支持學生活動,與學生團體合辦多項文化活動。


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