
Michelin Teppanyaki restaurant with 1 star - Japanese Dining

Tags : #TeppanyakiRestaurant

Location :
G/f, No. 134 Tung Lo Wan Road

Opening Hours

  • Monday 12:00 - 14:30
  • Tuesday 12:00 - 14:30
  • Wednesday 12:00 - 14:30
  • Thursday 12:00 - 14:30
  • Friday 12:00 - 14:30
  • Saturday 12:00 - 14:30
  • Sunday 12:00 - 14:30

15 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    01 August 2018

    【鰻魚鐵板燒之味】盛夏之時「土用之丑日」(今年是7月20日及8月1日)滋補養生,一般會吃日式鰻魚飯。其實鐵板燒鰻魚別有一番滋味呀!不限只於"土用之丑日",I M Teppanyaki & Wine 全年都會供應鰻魚,只須於向餐廳預訂,就可以享用豐富的鰻魚盛宴!


    Today, 1st August is the 2nd Days of Japanese "Doyo no ushi no hi". Traditionally, Japanese will eat eel fishes on these days for health. ... If you want eel fishes, make it in style with best teppanyaki in town!! You will be impressed. Customer can pre-order for the eel fishes from Japan. Wish to enjoy a Michelin Starred teppanyaki meal? Please call 25707088 to make a reservation. 🍽

    #imteppanyaki #ChefMok #MokSan #ironchef #vegetables #freshingredients #MichelinStarredRestaurant #teppanyaki #米芝蓮星級餐廳 #土用之丑日 #日本鰻魚

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  • Anynomous
    20 July 2018

    【鰻魚鐵板燒之味】盛夏之時「土用之丑日」(今年是7月20日及8月1日)滋補養生,一般會吃日式鰻魚飯。其實鐵板燒鰻魚別有一番滋味呀!不限只於"土用之丑日",I M Teppanyaki & Wine 都會供應鰻魚,只須於向餐廳預訂,就可以享用豐富的鰻魚盛宴!(午市及晚市均有供應)


    Today and 1st August this year are the Days of Japanese "Doyo no ushi no hi". Traditionally, Japanese will eat eel fishes on these days for health. ... If you want eel fishes, make it in style with best teppanyaki in town!! You will be impressed. Customer can pre-order for the eel fishes from Japan. Wish to enjoy a Michelin Starred teppanyaki meal? Please call 25707088 to make a reservation. 🍽

    #imteppanyaki #ChefMok #MokSan #ironchef #vegetables #freshingredients #MichelinStarredRestaurant #teppanyaki #米芝蓮星級餐廳 #土用之丑日 #日本鰻魚

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  • Anynomous
    17 June 2018

    【父親節快樂】I M Teppanyaki & Wine祝願所有父親快樂、健康、平安。 I M Teppanyaki & Wine wish all of you a happy Father's Day. Wish all the fathers being healthy and happy.

    午餐由$280起;晚餐則由$1,480起。 歡迎致電25707088訂座... Our lunch set is from $280; dinner set from $1,480. Please call 25707088 to make a reservation.

    #imteppanyaki #ChefMok #MokSan #ironchef #vegetables #freshingredients #MichelinStarredRestaurant #teppanyaki #米芝蓮星級餐廳 #fathersday

    Photo from online

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  • Anynomous
    01 June 2018

    【挑蒜】I M Teppanyaki & Wine 一直為客人搜尋最優質食材,千挑萬選,試完又試,才選擇使用來自青森縣的蒜頭,貪其水份少,香氣足夠而味不過重。切片後炸成脆片,用作伴吃和牛的配菜。吃過返尋味的最佳配菜!👍🏼 想吃米芝蓮星級鐵板燒?歡迎致電25707088訂座🍽

    I M Teppanyaki & Wine is always order grade-A ingredients for diners. After testing on different garlics. We have select those from Aomoriken as it's the one match perfectly with wagyu beef. 👍🏼 Wish to enjoy a Michelin Starred teppanyaki meal?... Please call 25707088 to make a reservation. 🍽

    #imteppanyaki #ChefMok #MokSan #ironchef #vegetables #freshingredients #MichelinStarredRestaurant #teppanyaki #米芝蓮星級餐廳

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  • Anynomous
    11 May 2018

    節目剛剛播放完畢,想重溫,可以到 D100香港台,以用戶登入收聽/看:

    今集 (11/5) 來自星星美食 請來全球唯一的米芝蓮星級鐵板燒 I M Teppanyaki & Wine 廚神暨老闆-Mok San莫燦霖,介紹其新開張的 SUSHI HANA 壽司店。

    新餐廳SUSHI HANA鄰近Mok San的 I M Teppanyaki & Wine鐵板燒•鑄,特別請來全香港人班底製作壽司,而非跟潮流找來日籍廚師駐店。Mok San認為,廚師技術以及對食材認識,才是真正賣點。


    另外,陳俊偉與Mok San,更會介紹其他星級名店かどわきKadowaki、神田Kanda、新榮記...等。

    《來自星星美食》主持:陳俊偉 D100香港台 逢星期五 下午三時 至 五時

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  • Anynomous
    11 May 2018

    【下雨天吃鐵板燒】來 I M Teppanyaki & Wine 吃美味的鐵板燒,可將雨天的鬱悶掃去。 午餐由$280起;晚餐則由$1,480起。 歡迎致電25707088訂座

    Let's do teppanyaki at I M Teppanyaki & Wine. All the delicious dishes can swept away the blue mood of raining. ... Wish you a nice and sweet weekend. Our lunch set is from $280; dinner set from $1,480. Please call 25707088 to make a reservation.

    #imteppanyaki #ChefMok #MokSan #ironchef #vegetables #freshingredients #MichelinStarredRestaurant #teppanyaki #米芝蓮星級餐廳

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  • Anynomous
    08 May 2018

    I M Teppanyaki & Wine 一直為客人搜尋最優質食材,誰說吃鐵板燒只有肉類?這個七款蔬菜拼盤,新鮮美味又健康,加上廚師的精心處理,再多都吃得下! 想吃米芝蓮星級鐵板燒?歡迎致電25707088訂座🍽

    I M Teppanyaki & Wine is always order grade-A ingredients for diners. Here is the 7-kinds vegetables platter. So fresh and yummy!! Such a healthy choice. Wish to enjoy a Michelin Starred teppanyaki meal?... Please call 25707088 to make a reservation. 🍽

    #imteppanyaki #ChefMok #MokSan #ironchef #vegetables #freshingredients #MichelinStarredRestaurant #teppanyaki #米芝蓮星級餐廳

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  • Anynomous
    26 April 2018


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  • Anynomous
    23 April 2018

    I M Teppanyaki & Wine 一直為客人搜尋最優質食材,近日Mok San遇上極之新鮮的北海道帆立貝,令他眉開眼笑,忍不住為之拍照。 想吃米芝蓮星級鐵板燒?歡迎致電25707088訂座🍽

    I M Teppanyaki & Wine is always order grade-A Japanese scallop for customers. Like the very fresh one as this Hokkaido scallop. Beautiful!! Wish to enjoy a Michelin Starred teppanyaki meal?... Please call 25707088 to make a reservation. 🍽

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  • Anynomous
    19 April 2018

    Mok San 今午應邀出席了由Aubocassa及PROWINE於beefbar主辦的橄欖油品嚐午宴。除了品鑑了不同的西班牙橄欖油之外,還跟一眾名廚作交流。開心的午餐聚會。

    Chef Mok has joined the olive oil tasting lunch which hosted by Aubocassa and PROWINE at beefbar. Beside tasting some interesting olive oil from Mallorca, Spain, Chef Mok has also exchanged the experiences with other famous chefs at the luncheon. Such a nice gathering.

    #MokSan #LawrenceMok #ChefMok #imtappenyakiandwine #oliveoil #aubocassa #prowine #beefbar #橄欖油

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  • Anynomous
    13 April 2018

    【黑色星期五食呢D】 黑色星期五,去I M Teppanyaki & Wine食新鮮鮑魚,應該可以行好運!你想吃什麼? 歡迎致電25707088訂座 Professional Local Chinese Chefs at I M Teppanyaki & Wine. Delicious fresh abalone can bring you good luck on a Black Friday!!! ... Please call us at 25707088 to make a reservation for Michelin-starred Teppanyaki.

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  • Anynomous
    17 March 2018

    I M Teppanyaki & Wine 一直為客人花心思,訂購優質食材奉客。今天遇上連入廚三十年的Mok San都少見的新鮮「心形北海道帆立貝」。立此存照,送個❤️俾大家,祝各位週末愉快甜蜜蜜😻😆 歡迎致電25707088訂座

    WOW!!! I M Teppanyaki & Wine is always order grade-A Japanese scallop for customers but never see a fresh Hokkaido scallop in a heart-shape😻😆 Let's share the sweetness energy here ❤️ Wish you a nice and sweet weekend. ... Please call 25707088 to make a reservation.

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  • Anynomous
    20 February 2018

    恭喜發財!狗年旺相!心想事成! I M Teppanyaki & Wine 於今天 大年初五啓市。 訂位可致電 25707088,我們非常樂意為閣下安排。 I M Teppanyaki & Wine 仝寅鞠躬


    Kung Hei Fat Choi. I M Teppanyaki & Wine wish you a prosperous Year of Dog!

    I M Teppanyaki & Wine will return to normal business hours on 20th February TODAY. Please call us at 25707088 to book a table, we will be more than happy to arrange it for you.

    I M Teppanyaki & Wine team

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  • Anynomous
    15 February 2018

    恭喜發財!狗年旺相!心想事成! I M Teppanyaki & Wine 於2月15日至2月19日農歷新年期間休息,2月20日大年初五啓市。 訂位可致電留言(25707088),我們會於假期後安排。 I M Teppanyaki & Wine 仝寅鞠躬


    Kung Hei Fat Choi. I M Teppanyaki & Wine wish you a prosperous Year of Dog!

    I M Teppanyaki & Wine will be closed for Chinese New Year holidays from 15th to 19th February. And we will return to normal business hours on 20th February. Please leave us a voice message at 25707088 if you wanna book a table after holiday, we will be more than happy to arrange it for you.

    I M Teppanyaki & Wine team

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  • Anynomous
    14 February 2018

    祝大家情人節甜蜜蜜!幸福滿瀉! I M Teppanyaki & Wine wish you a sweet Valentine's Day💞💖

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