平日我們總會為一些專題, 課程整理一些筆記或試題, 好讓之後重溫或自我測試。「ShareNotes」就是一個資訊分享平台,讓您可把這些資料分享到這裡,大家互相交流,從中互相交換心得,或會得到更深刻的見解。 把已整理好的資訊/題目分享,大家可以簡單方便地接觸到您的心得/作品,讓資源流傳下去,讓生活拉得近,更簡便。 我們歡迎各位用戶提交各類型作品/筆記/試題,以促進網上的資源共享及交流。. [read more]
This is a page about travel and leisure. . [read more]
WildKat is a 36ft catamaran seating 23 guests and is one of the most versatile day boats in Hong Kong. . [read more]
Mr & Ms Smile喜歡分享世界各地好玩及好食的嘢,帶大家如何平環遊世界! ig:mrandms_smile. [read more]
高山美装 Truck Link is a shopping mall, located at 紅磡漆咸道北480號地下B室, 852 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at +85262211666 for more detailed information. [read more]
Home-made Cookie. [read more]
ABT - Global is a travel agency, located at Commercial Centre, 283 Queen's Rd. Room B-C, 14/F, Unionway, Commercial Centre, 283 Queen's Rd. Central, 0000 Central & Western District. [read more]
HS Travel International Co Ltd - Incoming Touroperator DMC, Head office in Hong Kong! Принимающий туроператор в Гонконге и Макао, есть русскоязычный представитель в России. [read more]
To go or to stay? The decision is yours! But most of the time the best thing to do is. . . . . . Dive With Us - DiverOn. net. [read more]
Tel: +852 3565-6650 Whatsapp: +852 6896-9939 Email: info@jt-gp. com Website : www. jt-gp. com. [read more]
隨時出發,享受旅程 為你安排貼身行程 Every Trip can enjoy with BUTLER! Enjoy every journey in the prefect way. . [read more]
我們在新的網絡時代依然用勇氣和誠意去經營旅遊業. 將每段旅程都當成自己的,從而讓客人享受比網絡預定多一份誠意。. [read more]
專門開拓世界各國嶄新旅遊路線,舉辦不同特色之旅行團. [read more]
Best way to book the travel packages to Guam, USA, Canada and Asia's cities. Best deals and attractive offers!. [read more]
【瀛風呂 Premium Select ONSEN】的專業團隊於日本各地嚴選各類頂級溫泉風呂酒店 , 為懂得享受生活的您提供一站式日本高級風呂預訂服務 !. [read more]
The Haven is Jacada Travel’s event space. With monthly exhibitions featuring world-renowned photographers, visit us and get inspired for your upcoming, personalised trip. [read more]
In order to help hotel to set an appropriate price for different rooms to reach a higher level of customer satisfaction, we will set a price guessing game. [read more]
專業承辦團體旅遊康樂活動及業務會議考察團 (本地遊, 中國長短線-東南亞及世界各地觀光團) 代理本地及世界各地酒店 代訂各地機票, 直通巴士票, 船票及各類套票. 遊艇及旅遊巴士租賃 Specialize in Hong Kong Sightseeing Tours in Local Areas. [read more]
憑藉勇於創新、不斷求變的精神,多年來深受客戶的贊賞及歡迎,我們亦貫徹一向的服務信念 - 以至真至誠的態度去實踐承諾、致力為顧客提供多元化、優質的旅遊產品及服務。. [read more]
" Make your next Event in Japan ". [read more]
Hea Travel International Limited. [read more]
Everything you want to know about Colombia; daily snippets, strange habits, cultural practices, magical customs, social trappings, politics, foodstuff. [read more]
意中遊 – Incruising - The Hong Kong's Leading Cruise Expert! 不一樣的遊輪假期 www. incruising. com (852) 8202-6226 whatsapp (852) 6388-6122. [read more]
Sea Sky Travel is a premium travel agency based in Hong Kong that is dedicated to providing services to tourists in Southeastern Asia. [read more]
Cathay Pacific Holidays 國泰假期 is a travel agency, located at Suite 1608-1613, 16/F, Cityplaza One, 1111 King's Rd. They can be contacted via phone at +85227474377 for more detailed information. [read more]
Strengthen on present the geological knowledge and Hong Kong Geopark tradition, culture and history in plain and interesting english. . [read more]
Welcome to JM BZZ World Travel HK! Your 1 stop Travel portal. We are affiliated to 1000 Global Airlines, 500,000 Hotels, 22,000 Tours, 49000 Car Rentals and 25,000 Cruise Lines. [read more]
Vanuatu Tourism Ltd 旗下品牌 ClubVatu 為你展開自由旅程,讓你愛上瓦努阿圖。ClubVatu is dedicated with a one-stop travel experience in Vanuatu, enjoy unique travel itinerary and explore the amazing sightseeing in Vanuatu. [read more]
夢想遊 帶您走進夢想國度 ! !. [read more]
Rightway Tours 正通旅行社 is a travel agency, located at A218, 10/F Tung Nam Factory Building, 40 Ma Tau Kok Road, Tokwawan, Kowloon. They can be contacted via phone at (852) 3695 0678 for.. [read more]
We offer no boundaries to clients travel needs, outbound, inbound, meeting and incentives, FIT/GIT and family travels. . [read more]
Levante is a wind blowing from east to west and so our mission: to develop East Asia tourism in Italy. . [read more]
展覽服務, 會議, 大型會議商務安排 機票服務, 專題旅遊安排, 酒店訂房, 獨立包團,專題旅遊, 海外夏令營,生活探索營及郵輪假期等. [read more]
Seven Seas Tours & Travels Ltd offers a variety of travel/tourism services, such as, Air Tickets, Hotel Booking, Car/Coach Booking, Inbound and Outbound packages and Meetings & Events. [read more]
Abercrombie & Kent Hong Kong is a travel agency, located at 504 | East Town Building | 41 Lockhart Road | Wanchai | Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2865 7818 for more.. [read more]